Tag Archive | "little bit"

How Do I Get Him Back?

I know this is long, but please read the whole thing. My boyfriend and I broke up a little over two months ago and we are still friends but I’m still in love with him. This guy was perfect for me, we were perfect for each other, but his mom told me that I had to break up with him, being that he’s lied to her about us for 6 months and she thinks we are too young to “go out”, and she is my teacher, so she would get me in trouble if I didn’t. So I told him what his mom had said and I said that I love him but we can’t be together like that anymore. All the secrets and lying and we couldn’t be together any other way, so we broke up. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do, and I would give anything to go back to that day, and say screw all these people I love you and we will be together. I love this guy with everything I’ve got and would do anything for him, and he would have done anything for me too, but I don’t think he does anymore. He said he would wait for me and wouldn’t go back on the “market”. Its been a few months and I’ve watched my boyfriend go back to flirting with every girl in sight, including me a little bit, and we are friends now, but I want him to want to be with me again, no matter what the odds. I know I screwed up and I should have told his mom I couldn’t break up with him, or at least keep it a secret from everyone. I just don’t know what to do. Please don’t give me many suggestions to move on. I’ve done that, like for the past few months, and I just don’t want to. I need suggestions on how to get him back, or tell him how I feel. Please help me.

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Do You Think He Likes Me?

Okay hello guys!
So well, I kind of like this guy. 🙂
we were classmates 3 years ago, but we all graduated and went to different schools.
Haha i shall do this chronological order. 😛
2 months ago : we met each other at a bookstore, I was rushing, and I wasn’t sure if it was him, so that’s why I didn’t approach him. But he tweets me the next day asking if I was at the bookstore yesterday, and I said yeah. We ended up tweeting each other for a little bit, he said we all changed so much in 3 years.
1 month ago : I had to go back to school on a Saturday, and so did he, so i tweeted ‘We should all get an off day for all this’ and then he replied saying that he had to go back as well, then we casually chatted for a while, then he direct messages me and asks for my number, (this shocked me because he IS REALLY SHY) even in his DM, he was like ‘Hey, uhm, can I have your number?’ so I have it to him and we texted, and we started about our school, he said he wants to go to this school, and it’s affiliated to mine, so I said ‘If all fails, I’ll probably go there!’ and he said ‘Haha! We might see each other there! :)’ then more talking.
Now: well, I saw his tweet, he’s having camp, and I’m having camp in a couple of weeks, so I casually said ‘IM HAVING CAMP TOO! T_T’ and i’m dead scared of high elements, so I shared with him why i’m dreading the camp, and he said ‘You’ll feel satisfied after you finished it!’ and then i said ‘Yeah! I’ll feel really accomplished! Hope I can have the strength the overcome my fear!’ ‘You will. :)’ THAT’S IT, that’s the last I’ve heard from him.
Well, the thing is I’m in an all girls school, he’s in an all boys school, our schools are opposite each others. :/ and I’ve read a little bit through his twitter, he doesn’t tweet girls at all.
Do you think we’re just friends?

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Being Christian Is Tough Work!!!?

i started following Jesus 2 years ago… and my parents, including my sister/twin brother have been very hard hearted since so…
currently i am struggling to find my niche and find friends.. when i get mad or angry with my parents, my brother and sister act like they expect me to be perfect and continue on not accepting me or acting normal around me; i guess you could say they all lack Christ like love and compassion…
im in a tough spot, living at home with only one friend, and they have tons of friends in college, and they still dont come to help me or make my loneliness a little bit easier.. its like they’re trying to test how strong i am.. like they think im not human or something, which pisses me off..
what is up with them?

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Which slogan for a new car would be likely to appeal more to women than to men?
a. The ultimate among ultimates
b. Carve out your niche
c. Carry a little bit home wherever you drive
d. Be the top dog on every block

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A Sad Truth? Does Life Itself Forbid The Understanding Of Reality?

I’ve done a lot of digging on different theories that explain reality, with string theory (and all of its affiliates) appearing to be the most merited explanation. Searching for answers always leads to more questions, of course.
M-theory and the 11 dimensions that supposedly exist (assuming this is the correct theory) holds that there are limitless universes parallel to ours that hold that every possible outcome to anything will happen in these unlimited “bubbles” of universes. This seems a little bit iffy in light of the following question I will ask.
What I wanted to ask is; life is created in a way to perceive what best suits its own survival and nothing more. Therefor, is it not highly likely that there are no means to perceive any of these dimensions because the tiny niche of existence we occupy will simply not permit it? If there are particles that exist right in front of us that do not have the capacity to interact with the forms of matter that we can interact with, then is there simply no way of observing them?
I want to know A) What evidence points to the existence of the theoretical particles (Higs bosons/field, tachyons, etc) B) what makes these theoretical particles necessary in order for the math to work, and C) How much matter/particles/inter dimensional debris/etc is hypothesized to be undiscovered or completely undiscoverable?

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Help With A Little Bit Tricky Website Design?

so i made my website and i have full control to the html and it supports .php. what i need to do is to block the website with a (survey ‘affiliate’ or google adsense…etc) u know like youtube displaying ads u cannot skip them, but with this i want it to be skipped only by clicking on it, So it opens in a new windows or new tab. Like this website http://fastmovieshd.com/ but just a quick ad that u click it, its skipped and u unlock the webpage.. do i need a specific web tool?(in this case give me a name) or do i need a script e.g. html/php/ and so on. how and how much does it cost. ty for any info AND please if u dont have an answer or dont feel like answering it JUST dont write nothing and if i found it on ”search engines” i wouldn’t have come here in the first place

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