Tag Archive | "Networking"

What Kind Of Website, In Your Opinion Will Create A Niche For Itself In 5 Years’ Time?

For example, facebook and Twitter are used for social networking, YouTube for videos.. So what kind of niche which isn’t fully exploited today would boom, in say 5 years time?
BQ: websites you visit most often, along with age, nationality and gender.

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What Are Your Thoughts On The Longevity Of Facebook?

I understand that the gist of this question has been asked before, but I am not looking for a simple answer. This is for an essay I am writing and I am very curious about what people truly think about how long Facebook will be the social network everyone is using. Social networking websites have constantly been rising and falling since the dawn of the internet, but Facebook seems to be taking on a life of it’s own. We all thought that Myspace was the be all and end all in the realm of interconnection, but then our views were shattered with the sweeping coup by Facebook. I am just looking for serious opinions on how this whole thing will pan out. Unlike other varieties of social networking, Facebook seems to be coming out with an update before it has been necessary. Facebook comes out with a new update, feature, or overall improvement faster than it’s users can comprehend. It is akin to a record holder beating his/her own previous record before anyone else has a chance to try; Facebook developers are producing new material before anyone else even has a chance to come up with the idea. It’s truly brilliant in my opinion, but in retrospect this makes me question how far this can go. The only other website that I can think of which rivals Facebook (but not actually at all) is Twitter; which basically took the “status” feature, and made it the center aspect of the website. Twitter basically fell into the niche Facebook left for it: a hub for celebrity’s updates. As of now, Facebook seems to be keeping up with technology and pop culture, but all good things must come to an end, no? And with Facebook going public this year, I am just wondering; will I be the annoying Father (or even Grandfather) trying to friend my children on Facebook, like my parents are currently doing, in 20+ years? Does Facebook have what it takes to keep up with our out-of-control/insatiable culture?
Serious responses only please.

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Need Some Advice About Affiliate Marketing?

Have started affiliated marketing of e-books about relationship and sexuality since October 2009. Till now, have problems in converting traffic into sales. I rely heavily on article marketing, till date, I have submitted over 200 articles on various sites, one of which is at ezines. I post 3 articles a week. I have also created a blog and it now has over 300 postings and have a daily traffic of over 300 visits. I have also signed on social networking sites, forums and also ping my blog regularly. I have signed up for back links or reciprocal links on various directories. Till now, my sales are very pathetic.I can’t even more than US$100 per month and sales are very sporadic. I have paid close attention to using keywords such as choosing those keywords which boost a monthly search of at least 500 on my headings and 1st few paragraphs of my articles.
I’m not sure what went wrong. I have been doing things very diligently, consistently and in a very disciplined manner.
I need some advice in how I can successfully convert the traffic to my sites into real sales as well as any other advice on how to turnaround my situation. Thanks for your advice and suggestions.

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Where Do I Post My Affiliate Link?

you can post your affiliate link in directories for respected category, And in Social book marking and social networking websites, Blog commenting sites, etc….

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Social Networking Web Site Or Company?

Scenario: The online social networking industry is growing rapidly with a variety of both personal and business oriented applications emerging tapping into the global marketplace. There are also many niche applications popping up, such as those targeting a specific geographic region, industry, or customer group. The Vice President for your company, Funder Mifflin Inc., recently approached you with a new social networking website that Research and Development designed. He explains that the company is extremely excited about the possibility of entering the industry and taking advantage of the growing demand for social networking. Your company has extensive technical experience and the ability to build most any feature into the website but they are unsure of what strategic direction to take when marketing the new website. For instance, should your company focus on a specific niche or keep the website more mainstream. Additionally, they would like to know the features, pricing, and marking strategy that would best support the new website. Given your background and management expertise, your company, Funder Mifflin Inc. would like to offer you a bonus for helping the company implement a strategic plan to get the new website off the ground. The Vice President explains that in order to receive the bonus, you will have to present a plan of action to the Board of Directors in order to obtain funding to launch the new product. The essay should cover the following with apa style applied:(5 references) The vice president of your company, Mr. Myers, has read over your last report, and he has decided that for you to fully understand the social networking industry, you must research a prosperous social networking Web site or company. He explains that you should use the researched social networking Web site as a benchmark and compare it to the needs of your company’s developing social networking Web site. the assignment, you must submit a report in which you research a prosperous social networking Web site and discuss how its core strength could help your social networking Web site jump into the global marketplace, you must address the following in your report: •Research a prosperous social networking Web site or company, and use it as a benchmark. •Discuss in detail the main objective of the researched social networking Web site or company. •Discuss the benchmark Web site or company’s core strengths. •Discuss at what extent the benchmark Web site or company strategy has been built upon a common set of resources and capabilities rather than specific customer needs. •Explain the principal resources and capabilities of the benchmark Web site or company. •Identify the benchmark Web site or company’s basis for formulating its strategy. •Explain what core strengths of the benchmark Web site or company would help your company jump into the global marketplace.

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How Much Does It Cost To Start A Social Networking Site?

Not necessarily a social network like Facebook, but a niche social network similar to goodreads.com and there would be a lot of downloading of pictures. I understand that I need a website designer, 1-4 good coders, & investors. Is this correct? I want it to be designed well, so I’m guessing this will cost me more.
Also, I need info for a business plan. How would I project yearly profits? I would include small ads on the site, but I have no idea how much that would bring in.
Also, should I ask this question on a “business” category instead of computer programming?
I’ve had a lot of Debbie-downers answer some of my questions, so please let’s pretend this is the best idea ever.

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