Tag Archive | "traffic"

How Many Longtail Keywords Do I Need To Rank?

I have a blog that is 3 months old. I am trying to rank high for a longtail keyword for a gaming niche. How many articles do i need to write with longtail keywords included in them to rank high so i can get traffic to my blog? Or better yet, how many articles to do i need to write. the keyword and niche is very little competition.

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How To Make Visitors Click “like Us” For A Fb Page Before Viewing The Content? Please Read Well?

I know how to create banners, clickable banners and know how to use Photoshop. What I need is something very specific… I see many FB pages have cute and professional banners that ask visitors to “like us” FIRST to view the page content. If the visitor doesn’t lick the “like” button for the page, they can’t view the content. Is there an application to do this on FB?
I want to know how to do that for my page. Also, I want to know if I can create a clickable banner and place it in my page that takes fans or visitors directly to my personal website or affiliate links to generate traffic and commissions. 😀 Any help?

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How To Get Paid When You Own A Website ?

Perhaps most common question for you Guys :
But i have some doubts :
1. How to get affiliates ? Do i have to approach them ?
2. How to make them approach ?
3. Is payment is solely made at the amount of traffic ?
4. What if there is null traffic in a month ? Will i receive anything ?
5. How much one get after making a website in Indian rupee every month ?
Thank U

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Monetizing A Blog…?

Hello, yahoo contributors. I have a question that will question my shallowness. I am interested in how much work does it take to monetize a blog.
To rule it out, I’m talking 500 $ a month. This is.. let’s say, my top goal. My question really comes down to numbers. How much money do pay-per-click ads generate? How much money do banners generate? I know this all comes to traffic, but how much traffic should I have to be able to cash out 500 bucks a month? I know a successful blog comes down to a niche, to passion, to quality content. But the only thing I care about right now is dough. Being smart, as I consider myself to be, I know I could to this. I have no problem in writing low class material that would bring stupid audience and no principles when it comes down to this.
Please don’t judge me, I’m not really like this (you can ask my girlfriend, she knows I’m awesome), but this is the truth when it comes to this particular case. I would appreciate it if you could help me (again, what I’m looking for are numbers).
Thank you.

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How Do I Make More Blog Traffic?

Yet another question about blog traffic.. I know I know, I’ve only just begun with about 11 posts over the course of the past week, I am blogging on www.adviceforateen.com obviously (hopefully) I am an advice blogs based on people 13-20.
I have a million ideas and I am good at coming up with ideas as well as being efficient in posting, I’m not worried about that, here are my questions;
1) about how many posts should I have (I average about 1,000 words some as low as 450 some as high as 1,300) before I start seeing some progress beyond 3-4 views a day?
2) where are some blogs I can post comments on even?! I can’t find any blogs in my niche allowing comments?
3) how long should I wait to put ads up, and affiliate marketing? I don’t want to drive away my viewers!
4) Any other ways of getting my blog out there?
A real downer today when I realized 26 of my 40 views were from me…
Any information on back links and SEO would be sweet, but I’ll probably look more into that myself as well.

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How To Create Affiliate Ads? What Are The Available Platforms?

I am interested in creating image and text ads for my product that I can track.
So if anyone would like to place my add on their website and I get traffic and sales from that website, I’d be able to tell, and be able to pay the commission to the advertiser.
Is there a platform or service like this???

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