Tag Archive | "girlfriend"

How Would I Find A Girlfriend Who Is Into Bondage Like Me I Am A 18 Year Old Boy?

hi, I am a 18 year old boy who happens to be into bondage. for about 4 years now bondage has been in my life I stumbled upon it one night when I was browsing the web. back to my question, I am looking for that special someone who I will hopefully spend the rest of my life with. the reason the bondage part comes into it is because its a lifestyle and a very niche and secretive one at that. so how would I go about meeting people who are into bondage? the girlfriend bit will come later on. also are there any tips for a newbie like me.

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Crazy Dream; I Need Advice?

Recently, I met some of the sweetest people affiliated with a certain team I was interested in. Two of the people I met were actually in a relationship. The guy was really cute, and the girl is so sweet! I’ve seen them together twice, but the one time I see him alone, I got shy and kept embarrassing myself. After the practice was over, I thanked him for coaching and said he did a good job, especially for being on his own. He smiled and said “thanks”, but would not look at me.
That night, I had a dream about him. It sounds weird, but it made me like him more.
Him and his girlfriend have been together for a few years.
I just want to know what it means, considering I haven’t even thought of a relationship, let alone liking someone. It’s the first guy I’ve been interested in for about a year.
I would NEVER do anything. I just want to know what it means, if anything at all.

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What Does One Have To Do To Open A Business On A College Campus?

My university has recently started pushing students into an area that me and my girlfriend are near experts in, and we’ve noticed a big hole or niche that we think we could successfully fill while giving a lot of benefit to students very cheaply, I know there are private businesses on campus like 7-11, Wendy’s, Java City etc. and I was just wondering what would be the proper channels to go through if I wanted to make it happen? I’ve got quite a bit of money that I could invest, so that shouldn’t be an issue. This also isn’t something that could be done in a classroom so I don’t think the it’s going to be seen as competition or seen in a negative way by the school.

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Monetizing A Blog…?

Hello, yahoo contributors. I have a question that will question my shallowness. I am interested in how much work does it take to monetize a blog.
To rule it out, I’m talking 500 $ a month. This is.. let’s say, my top goal. My question really comes down to numbers. How much money do pay-per-click ads generate? How much money do banners generate? I know this all comes to traffic, but how much traffic should I have to be able to cash out 500 bucks a month? I know a successful blog comes down to a niche, to passion, to quality content. But the only thing I care about right now is dough. Being smart, as I consider myself to be, I know I could to this. I have no problem in writing low class material that would bring stupid audience and no principles when it comes down to this.
Please don’t judge me, I’m not really like this (you can ask my girlfriend, she knows I’m awesome), but this is the truth when it comes to this particular case. I would appreciate it if you could help me (again, what I’m looking for are numbers).
Thank you.

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What Should I Do About This Girl I Like?

I am a sophomore in high school. I am fifteen. (That wonderful age where the most irrelevant dramas take up 90% of your mind and ruin your day) I am a lesbian, and their is a girl whom I really like.
I have never had a girlfriend, (and neither a boyfriend) so I am a little clueless on how to approach her. To make matters worse, I am not even sure if she is gay herself. She has that gay air about her. You know, that homosexual energy. She does dress slightly masculine, (which I understand really says nothing about a person’s sexuality) and her hair is cut short. I know for a fact that she is single, and she does support gay rights, the main question here is wither or not she is gay herself.
She is a new student. (junior) She has only attended my school for a couple of weeks now, and she still has that “lost” attitude a person has when at a new place. It seems as if she has not found a group of friends or niche, so this really is the best time for me to make my move. I would just go up to her and strike up a conversation, but I am afraid that at this point it would too awkward. You see, for the past couple of weeks she and I have been sharing these odd glances at each other. I am unsure as to how to explain them. It is as if their is something hanging in the air between us, yet it may just be me imagining things.
I am simply confused as to what to do or how to approach her. I have lunch with her, and I have one class with her. I am just too afraid that she is going to be weird-ed out by me. What do you suggest I do?

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She Has A Weird Tattoo. What Should I Do?

A girlfriend of mine told me she was going to get a tattoo a few weeks ago and today I go out to see her for a visit and she shows me the tattoo. Nice big black swastika tattoo right inside her bottom lip. Now I’ve known this girl for a long time and she’s useful to have around and I genuinely like her but this? I don’t know what to do about this or what to say. She told me not to worry about it but she got it for reasons such as representing the Aryan Brotherhood or something like that, one of those white supremacist gangs. Now she won’t directly tell me if she’s affiliated with them or not. She was always a wild girl but this is now making me question things and I am super confused as to what to do here. I don’t want to get mixed up in anything if she really is in something. That’s someone you just don’t break away from though. What should I consider doing here is the question? I didn’t really show her how much this bothered me, not as much as it truly does bother me. I need to know the best thing to do, some great advice. I don’t just want just witty and lazy answers that don’t answer this question. Had to re-ask this just because I got pointless answers.

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