Tag Archive | "sophomore year"

How To Get My Stuff Back From Cops When I Was Not Even Arrested?

So, in 2010? I think it was 2010 (it was either my junior or sophomore year of highschool) my mother’s dumb a$$ husband was arrested at my house. Seriously, the whole SWAT team came. Early in the morning about to leave to go to band practice and police officers banging on the door. They were pretty much doing an all around sweep in San Antonio of all the ex members of some stupid a$$ gang named “La Emma” f*cking retards, and my moms husband used to be in it or whatever. Anyways, they (the cops) made me get on the floor, handcuffed me, my mom, and her sorry stupid husband, and they asked if I had anything bad in my room, I said no, because I didn’t have anything at all. No drugs, no gang affiliated stuff, so they told me that they would not raid my room. Mind that I was crying the whole time because I was so freaked out, and those jerk cops RAIDED MY ROOM.
Bottom line, they took belongings of mine even though I had nothing to do with it and I haven’t gotten any of it back. They took about two photo/digital sd cards that had loads of my treasured pictures of my life and the people in it probably both 1G, and about two or three jump/pin drives, maybe 1G each, filled with pictures, music, school assignments.. And… I would just really like my stuff back. Even if I have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for it, I just want my memories back.
Can anyone PLEASE tell me what I might be able to do to get it all back, and is that even possible? ? Thankyou.

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How Can I Make Close Friends My Sophomore Year In College?

I am in my second semester of my Sophomore year in college. I have people to sit with in class, people who I do community service with (I’m in a community service club) people I feel comfortable texting to go to the gym, study with, or get food with but, I don’t have any close friends. I don’t really have anyone to hang out with. On Friday and Saturday nights I usually end up studying by myself and I just feel like a complete loser. At this point everyone already found their niche and has a concrete group of close friends. I feel like unless you are really outgoing (which I am not) it is almost impossible to inject yourself into an already formed group of friends and become part of that group. I feel incredibly lonely here because i don’t have any satisfying relationships with people. Nobody really cares about me here since I am not part of anyone’s close friends group. I am just that extraneous friend that is nice to have but nobody really needs.
College is supposed to be a great experience where people figure out who they are, experiment, and have a ton of fun. I feel like I am missing out on everything that is wonderful about college. At this point, I want to graduate already and put college behind me. I wish I didn’t feel that way but I do. I am frustrated that making close friends is so hard for me. I feel like everyone else kind of makes friends naturally and has an easy time “clicking” and connecting with people. It is supposed to be fairly easy to make friends in college. I am so scared that if I can’t make close friends in college how am I going to make friends after I graduate? Making friends usually gets harder when you get older. I just wish I didn’t have to worry about all this. All my friends from High school made a ton of close friends in college and they are all having a great time. Everyone always looks forward to going back to school after breaks and dread it. What is wrong with me?

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Is This A Good Personal Statement For College Apps?

From the moment you walk down the halls on your first day, it begins. The pressure consumes you, swallows you. Immediately it’s all about making friends, fitting in, and finding your niche. Already cliché cliques are forming: the jocks, the snobs, the mathletes, the stoners, and the notorious couch potatoes. One must define his or herself or face being defined by others. We categorize ourselves into one of these and conform to what society expects. Fearful of rejection, we stay comfortably within these expectations and boundaries. It usually goes a little like this: if you are a member of Assiteens Charity League your freshman year you are deemed a goodie-two-shoes, if you start on the varsity soccer team your sophomore year you are thought of as a jock, if you still go to church every Sunday by junior year you are a bible banger, if you actually do homework senior year you are officially a nerd. If I have learned one thing in my 4 years, it is that by allowing yourself to be classified and limited to only one of these clichés you have killed your true self. Conformity only limits your potential, shadows your ability, and narrows your opportunities.
When I came to this realization, I allowed myself to broaden my interests, increase my confidence, and discover my true self. I have defied the pressure, the clichés, and the expectations of others. I am proud to be an athletic, spiritual, and philanthropic nerd.

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Am I Good Enough For Top Universities?

I’m currently a junior attending a public high school in the southern region of the U.S.
As of this year, I am currently the salutatorian of my class, however, there is a good chance that I could become the valedictorian by my senior year. My cumulative unweighted GPA is a 3.97; my weighted GPA would be a 4.32
My most recent ACT score is that of a 31, however, I will retake it until I make a 34 or 35.
I took 2 AP tests during my sophomore year and made a 3 and a 5. I am taking 7 AP tests this year.
I am the assistant principle to concertmaster in my school orchestra; I have auditioned and attained seats in a regional and state orchestra. I volunteer at my state’s art museum, volunteer at a food bank, and will tutor other students in the summer for social science courses. I will also be attending an accredited 4-week summer program with other juniors. When I was affiliated with a church, I volunteered during a week-long community outreach program in Pennsylvania. I wrote many articles and provided photographs for my school newspaper during my freshman year; I was made editor-in-chief of my schools newspaper during my sophomore year.
I have received e-mails from schools such as Princeton and Washington University in St. Louis. Would I be good enough for such schools? If not, what else could I do to improve my chances?

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Help Me, I Feel Like I’ve Wasted My High School Career (please Read)?

Up until the end of middle school, I had a nice, tight group of smart friends. I was in band school, as well as other clubs. I made all A’s without fail. But towards the end I started to become very concious about how I looked, and started only wearing hoodies because I thought I was fat and unattractive. By the time high school started, some of my friends split into different schools, and all I cared about was fitting in. I tried to dress like the popular black girls at my school (even though I am nothing like them, I’m what you call an “oreo”), I tried to act like them and hang around with them. But I still felt so out of place and lonely all the time. I cried often. I didn’t go out on the weekends. My grades were slipping and soon B’s and C’s were common. Sophomore year was a little better, but I still often felt lonely and wasn’t involved in anything out of school.
Now I’m nearing the end of my Junior year, and I’ve grown so much as a person. I’m a lot more comfortable in my own skin and with my appearance, I’m VERY outgoing and funny at school. I don’t care anymore at all about fitting in with “cool kids”. I still really like dressing well, and people know me for that. However, I’m still lonely. The friends I used to be close to in middle school are now very high up and successful, one is even number 1 in our class, while I’m all the way at 101 out of 446. I’m only in two clubs and I’m not very active in them. I have many acquaintances but not a solid group of friends. I often find myself walking or sitting alone, and I think people get the impression that I think I’m too good for people because of how I dress or look, but that’s not true at all! Most of the smart kids I see around in their little groups of friends, I’m so jealous of and would do anything to be friends with them!
I hate that I’ve let myself steer so far from where I belong, now I feel so lost and unsuccessful, with no true friends. I am nowhere near pleased with my GPA or class rank, and I hate that it’s due to me getting distracted and wanting to fit in, that I’ve gotten those grades. I wish I was in sports, & many clubs, & helping the community, & I wish I would have stuck with the smart, great friends I had before, as well as found more. Now we’re so apart, they’ve all found their niche while I’m the lost black sheep, and no one can even tell because of how confident and funny I act in classes, but really I’m so lonely all the time. I don’t know what to do, and I feel like it’s too late to make a big change.

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Which School Should I Choose?

So far I have gotten into;
Umass Amherst-undeclared- I am a resident so it will be 9,500 for tuition before room and board and other cost’s but I did not get into the nursing program which I had applied for and I guess it is near impossible to switch into during your attendance.
University of New Hampshire-going to be about 21,000 tuition before other cost’s. Did not get into the occupational therapy program/nursing but is easier to switch into than umass
West Virginia University-going to be about 17,000 before other cost’s but I received 13,000 for the four years to go there (about 3,250 per year off)- Accepted into a Pre-Occupational Therapy Program that prepares you to enter Occupational Therapy major your sophomore year.
University of Rhode Island- 27,000 a year before costs- Did not get accepted into a program.
Endicott College- 26,000 before costs- all students apply to programs like nursing sophomore year so there is still a chance I get in.
I believe most of my Financial aid is about a little more or less 6,000$ in fed loans and about 6,000 in fed grants.
Still waiting to hear from Ole Miss and University of Arizona. And doubtfully waiting to see if I get into UVM and UCONN off their wait-lists. (Pretty much positive I will not). Also still waiting to hear back from scholarships and local scholarships. I won’t get a ton but I may get a few local ones affiliated with my town and what not for various reasons.
So if you have a little time to read this information over I would be beyond appreciative for your in-put on which college I should choose mainly based on which one I could succeed from under the given cicumstances (programs/money/etc.) but also if you know anything about the actual college socially, academically, culturally etc. Thanks for taking the time to help and I will answer any of you guy’s questions if you’de like. Again thank you I only ask because my parents know nothing about colleges and I know absolutely nothing!
Still Waiting on Ole Miss and University of Arizona

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