Tag Archive | "i don t care"

Susan Rice Said Benghazi Was A “protest” Rather Than An Attack. Isn’t That An Enormous Scandal?

This is the scandal of the century. She said “protest” instead of “attack.” Isn’t that a huge scandal that we should devote the next several months talking about to cover our defeat on November 6th?
I don’t care if the CIA reports given to her also said “protest” – that’s not the point. Is the CIA part of the Obama Administration? No. Is David Petraeus black? No. Susan Rice is, and that’s why she should be the focus of our attacks.
Susan Rice should be fired and immediately arrested.
Barack Obama should be impeached and then put on trial in Watergate-style hearings.
Eric Holder should be put on trial then arrested.
Michelle Obama should be put on trial then arrested. Lisa Jackson should be put on trial then arrested. Ron Kirk should be put on trial then arrested.
And race has nothing to do with this – it’s just a coincidence that everyone affiliated with the Obama Administration that I want to see embarrassed are all black.

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Susan Rice Said Benghazi Was A “protest” Rather Than An Attack. Isn’t That An Enormous Scandal?

This is the scandal of the century. She said “protest” instead of “attack.” Isn’t that a huge scandal that we should devote the next several months talking about to cover our defeat on November 6th?
I don’t care if the CIA reports given to her also said “protest” – that’s not the point. Is the CIA part of the Obama Administration? No. Is David Petraeus black? No. Susan Rice is, and that’s why she should be the focus of our attacks.
Susan Rice should be fired and immediately arrested.
Barack Obama should be impeached and then put on trial in Watergate-style hearings.
Eric Holder should be put on trial then arrested.
Michelle Obama should be put on trial then arrested. Lisa Jackson should be put on trial then arrested. Ron Kirk should be put on trial then arrested.
And race has nothing to do with this – it’s just a coincidence that everyone affiliated with the Obama Administration that I want to see embarrassed are all black.

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Susan Rice Said Benghazi Was A “protest” Rather Than An Attack. Isn’t That An Enormous Scandal?

This is the scandal of the century. She said “protest” instead of “attack.” Isn’t that a huge scandal that we should devote the next several months talking about to cover our defeat on November 6th?
I don’t care if the CIA reports given to her also said “protest” – that’s not the point. Is the CIA part of the Obama Administration? No. Is David Petraeus black? No. Susan Rice is, and that’s why she should be the focus of our attacks.
Susan Rice should be fired and immediately arrested.
Barack Obama should be impeached and then put on trial in Watergate-style hearings.
Eric Holder should be put on trial then arrested.
Michelle Obama should be put on trial then arrested. Lisa Jackson should be put on trial then arrested. Ron Kirk should be put on trial then arrested.
And race has nothing to do with this – it’s just a coincidence that everyone affiliated with the Obama Administration that I want to see embarrassed are all black.

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Obama, The Most Mysterious President In U.s History?

I don’t care what anyone says, no one knew who Obama was before the 2008 election… He popped onto the political stage after 2 years of being a no-show Senator … He gained popularity and was elected President within 6-9 months…— THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE… Usually a President’s past is transparent and open to the public, so what is Obama hiding? 9 out of 10 Americans don’t know where he was born, what Religion he follows, what he did during his adolescence, who raised him besides his mom, who his affiliates were, and what connections does he still have to the shady characters in his past…… There is a documentary coming out about all the things Obama wanted to hide from the public. It’s supposed to be pretty shocking, and shows Obama growing up with adult influences that have a radical, anti-colonialism political stance. He is by far the most liberal President in U.S History, that’s not even debatable, but what troubles me even more is the blind acceptance he receives from Hollywood, and the main-stream Media. They started backing Obama before they even knew what he stood for…. I firmly believe that if Obama started growing horns out of his head, and turned red in front of the world, he would still get re-elected.

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Will An Atheist Republican Fit In In Texas?

I am not one of those atheists that goes around trashing people’s religion and tries to start fights with religious people.
I keep my religion to myself and I would only tell somebody if they asked me.
Oh, I don’t tell me to move to Austin or some other liberal place like that, part of the reason that I want to leave Minnesota is because I’m surrounded by liberal democrats.
I like hunting, fishing, ATVing, trucks, and warm weather.
So, my only real abnormality I suppose would be that I don’t affiliate with any religion. Would I be accepted by the Texans as long as I don’t trash their beliefs?
NOTE: Please only respond if you live in Texas (I don’t care if you are a liberal, conservative, moderate, Republican, Democrat, or Independent). I would prefer not to have a bunch of people in Massachusetts making assumptions based on what they saw on MSNBC answering this.

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Please Give Me Your Opinions On This Joke Regarding Women And Lightbulbs. Yes It Is Offensive, No I Don’t Care?

ow many men does it take to change a light bulb?
Two million, six hundred and twenty thousand, and ninety four.
1 to buy the bulb, change it and throw the old one in the bin
2000 to extract, ship, design and forge, deliver, market and sell the raw materials for the bin
5 to crew the wagon that carries the old light bulb away.
20 to man their refuse depot.
40 to man the landfill site that buries the old bulb
20 to wrestle the fundamental secrets of electricity from the universe
5 to invent the lightbulb after decades of trial, error, sweat, risk, insight and innovation
3 to design the particular style of bulb
100,000 to evolve the glassblowing process over millennia of tragic accidents and astonishing inspiration
2000 to design, inspect, approve, construct, secure, maintain and wire the building that the light socket sits in
500,000 to build and maintain the infrastructure that delivers energy to the light socket
1000 to build the factory that made the light bulb
5000 to man the supply chain of raw materials for it
1,000,000 to build their ships, trains and trucks
10,000 to tarmac the road and lay the tracks that the raw materials traveled over
1,000,000 to insure them all, and to never breathe a word about their loss
How many women does it take to change a lightbulb? One
One to nag her boyfriend to buy the lightbulb. The same one to get him to drive her to the DIY store and wait while she takes an hour to choose the one she wants, then borrow the money off and never pay it back. The same one to expect him to drive her home and nag him to fit the bulb. The same one to complain it is too bright / dim / colourful / bland / over designed / under designed, to stage an environmental protest outside the landfill site, sue the builders for sexual discrimination, write a false history that marginalized the men who made it possible, and demand that everyone around her pays for her massively overpriced, self-aggrandising wedding. The same one to divorce him, steal all his earnings, shove him out of his children’s lives, manipulate the legislative process and its enforcers to entrench her position, falsely accuse the builders of sexual assault, claim all the credit for a reproductive process in which she is entirely passive and indulged, make self-serving assertions that everything would be far better if women had done it all, and to call all her friends to ***** about having to change the lightbulb without any support from her useless ex-husband.

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