Tag Archive | "Sociology"

What Degree Can (almost Guarantee) Get Me A Job?

Is there any degree that would ALMOST guarantee me a job out of college? Is English or Psych or Sociology a good major for this job market,since it’s all I’m interested in? I SUCK at math so you can count Engineering out, or any other math affiliated degree. And I say English because that is my strong subject and I love writing, and it is the only I guess talent that people have noticed.
ALSO, does the school you graduate from have dictate your chances of getting a job?

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Is It True That Males, In General, Are Naturally More Competitive Than Females?

Competition in biology, ecology and sociology is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, for prestige, recognition and awards, for mates and group or social status, for leadership; it is the opposite of cooperation. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment. For example, animals compete over water supplies, food, mates, and other biological resources. Humans compete usually for food and mates, though when these needs are met deep rivalries often arise over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame. Competition is also a major tenet in market economy and business is often associated with competition as most companies are in competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers, and also competition inside a company is usually stimulatied for meeting and reaching higher quality of services or products that the company produce or develop.

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I Have A Sociology Question?

According to Gottfredson, the following should be most compatible with one’s self-concept.
a. birth niche
b. extraverted niche
c. life niche
d. social niche

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Can Someone Please Help Me With Sociology?

1.) Censuses were instituted as a basis for taxation and for political representation.
2.) The development of demographic calculations started in the 17th century.
3.) Two of the most important indicators of demography are birth and death rates, which are also referred to as fertility and mortality.
4.) Fecundity is the potential reproductive capacity of a female.
5.) The crude birth rate is the annual number of live births per thousand people.
6.) Recent studies take issue with the idea that human populations are naturally implosive.
7.) Overpopulation indicates a scenario in which the population of a living species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche.
8.) As the century begins, natural resources are under increasing pressure, threatening public health and development.
9.) Unclean water, along with poor sanitation, kills over 1 billion people each year, most in developing countries.
10.) Slowing population growth would help improve living standards and would buy time to protect natural resources.
11.) Societies that adapt to environmental scarcities can avoid undue suffering and social stress.
12.) Social stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of people in a society.
13.) Anthropologists identify egalitarian cultures as “kinship-oriented,” because they value wealth and status more than social harmony.
14.) The most important transformation of society for Marxists has been the massive and rapid growth of the proletariat in the world population during the last twenty years.
15.) The understanding of race as a social construct can be illustrated by examining race issues in two countries, the U.S. and Brazil.
16.) Compared to the 19th century United States, 20th century Brazil was characterized by a relative absence of sharply defined racial groups.
17.) The male sex in many animals is defined as the one which produces the larger gamete (i.e., reproductive cell) and which bears the offspring.
18.) In mammals sex is determined by the sex chromosomes, called X and Y.
19.) Social status is the “standing”, the honor or prestige attached to one’s position in society.
20.) A status symbol is usually an inexpensive, highly common object that indicates a high social status for its owner.
Thanks in advance. They are all true/false questions.

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Do You See Me Being Able To Get A Job In The Future That Will Pay Me Enough To Support Myself? (stats Inside)?

So I am only 20 years old now with very little college education. I am in the US Army and am currently in Afghanistan. I strongly want to go back to school after I get out of the Army and finish up my degree in Sociology or Psychology. I wanted to work with the FBI, but I don’t see that happening with today’s job market.
So after the Army this is what my resume will look like:
-3 years active duty service in the US Army(1 deployment to Afghanistan)
-SECRET clearance from the US Army good for 10 years as of June 2009
-Fluent in English and Bengali. Also speak French, but not fluently
-Bachelor’s degree in Psychology(or Sociology)
I just want a job where I’ll be able to support myself(be able to afford an apartment, utilities, have enough to eat, gasoline, etc). Do you see me being able to get a job anywhere in the the northeastern United States with these stats? And should I major in Sociology or Psychology? Which would open more doors for me in terms of getting a job that pays enough?

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