Tag Archive | "Life"

What Is The Best Pills To Have A Happy And Healthy Life Style?

Have you checkout our best rated and top selling diet pills? There are thousands of diet pills and weight loss products on the market today, trying to find the right product for you can be a mind boggling and daunting experience. However, with years of experience in the diet, nutrition and fitness industry we can help.
We understand that our customers want the best rated products at the best price and you won’t find better deals elsewhere. Discover the best way to achieve your weight loss goals with our powerful weight loss solutions. We only stock a superior selection of products that have been proven to work and to suit a variety of specific needs. For more information, please take a look on www.kent.slimming-shop.com.

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Is It Ok For A 43 Year Old Single Male To Search For His “niche” In Life?

I am a 43 year old male who has been in sales for many years but is starting realize that I may not be in the right line of work. I am engaging with people but I am not a passionate sales guy. My salary is great and I work for a great firm but I am actually thinking of finding my true talents and strengths and following their voice. I am taking tests to find my true strengths and talents and have found that the sales industry may not be my natural fit.
Since I am a single guy at my age I have the “luxury” of time to search for my calling in life. Is this too socially odd or weird from a social norm perspective? Is it too weird that a 43 year old man is looking for his calling?

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How To Celebrate Life?

Sun and venus?

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(quarter Life Crisis) Where Should I Go To Art School?

I don’t really know what’s going on but I feel so lost and out of place and I don’t know what to do or where to go exactly. I thought I was supposed to have it all figured out by now. I’m pretty depressed and I need some change.
I want to get my bachelor of fine arts (and I’d really like to do a dual degree program to get another degree at the same time) and I also feel like I should move somewhere far away. I live in northern Alberta in Canada, I really feel like I need to leave. I’m not really sure where my niche is.
Anyways, crisis aside, what are some good art schools in Canada? (Or maybe even outside of Canada?)

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Bad Breath Problems Ruining My Life And Want Some Help Please?

Okay, so ive been having breath problems for a few years now. No one tells me but i know its really bad, and it makes me come across as anti social and unfriendly, when really i just dont want people to smell it. I have IBS, dont know if thats the problem though. I had a dentist appointment a few days ago and my teeth and gums are healthy etc, i brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush, floss and clean my tongue and after 15 minutes or so it smells. i thought it might be post nasal drip because i am always clearing my throat and it feels like there is mucus there. I also read about tonsil stones but i cant see any there (i checked with a light) but there is a horrible taste coming from the back of my mouth.I have considered going to the GP now because i am sick of this problem and think it could be something not relating to my mouth, sorry for going on guys but i want advice because i am sick of chewing gum and want to approach people, many thanks guys.

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What Real Life Would Be?

work hard and to stay at school and to have nice job (some money) or leave school and mind your own Business (alot of money)

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