Tag Archive | "going to hell"

Christianity Vs Homosexuality?

I have a question regarding the validity that Christians believe they can tell who is going to hell, and my biggest concern is every Christian who puts down gays are pretty much going to hell (according to their guidelines of sinners go to hell) for they are breaking the greatest commandment of all: Love thy neighbor as thyself. It is said in the bible that above all other commandments that Loving your neighbor (not an actual person who lives next to you, but everyone that surrounds you) like thyself is the most important one. So my question is this why do you believe you are going to heaven when you can’t treat others like you want to be treated? Yes, in the Bible it says that, homosexuality is a sin, but are you not breaking a commandment, and not only one of the “10 Commandments” but the greatest one of them all. You are breaking this rule because you not only kick them out of your church but you attack them in public with pickets and other ridiculous acts, i.e. “God hates fags”, Chick-fil-a not supporting gays due to their religious affiliates, etc etc. If you believe you are better than them, then I challenge you to tell me how you are better, for just like Jesus says “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” I’m waiting for you to tell me why you believe you can cast out gays when you yourself are sinning everyday by hating them.

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I Am A Lesbian – Does This Mean I’m Going To Go To Hell According To God?

Religions like Christianity and Islam say that homosexuals (who are not abstinent) will go to hell. I’ve never been in a same-sex relationship before (I’m 16 and only came out several months ago).
I’m not religious in a sense that I am affiliated with an organized religion, but I do have my own beliefs although sometimes I’m unsure about it.
Anyway, a lot of people say different things. Some say that homosexuals don’t go to Hell, and others say they do. So am I going to Hell because I’m a lesbian?

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Atheists: I’ve Got A Serious Problem With You And Want You To Answer Me.?

Alright, so the title is just a joke. It is true and I do have a serious and problem and want you to answer me but I thought maybe it would filter out the silly little creationists and the atheists.
Just in case you didn’t know, I’m an atheist. Just to make it clear.
I’m rather new to atheism. I used to believe in God but I decided it was obsolete and didn’t make sense. Now, it seems that my mother cries all the time about the fact that I’m apparently “going to hell.” My friends don’t like the idea of it and I have no atheist friends that I can relate with. I live in North Carolina and there is a very big Christian influence and I have to deal with my best friend telling me all the time,”You know being an atheist doesn’t make sense right? I mean, it is just stupid. You just want to do what you want to do and not want to be wrong.” He told me that over the phone today while my mother screamed at me and told me simultaneously,”You are going to hell and you know that the Bible is the only truth and the only way. I don’t care what you say. You will be a Christian again and believe the RIGHT way.”
I was so embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle it so I said,”Just because you believe what you’re told from some dusty book and the idea of hell was probably borrowed from other cultures considering others having the same idea and you just can’t face the fact of dying and no after-life.” She said to that,”No, they borrowed the idea from us.” I told her,”Mama, you are a woman of European descent and you aren’t even affiliated with the ancient Jewish people other than copying their beliefs in a remote way. They didn’t borrow nothing from you.”
I hear stuff like this daily. How do I stop having to hear how I am going to die in hell and that Jesus loves me all at the same time? I cannot stand having to hear it. What do I do? My mother made me go to church last Sunday and it is just driving me crazy. Please, I need advice. Thanks for your time.

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I’m An Atheist, Will I Go To Hell?

I could understand going to Hell if I were a sinning Christian, but I’ve got nothing to do with, and no desire to be affiliated with religion. I’m thirteen years old and a good person. Would Muslims, for example, go to hell in the rapture, or would the go to the Islamic equivalent of Heaven? I just don’t feel that it’s right to send someone like me to Hell when I’m not of that faith.

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