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I Am A Lesbian – Does This Mean I’m Going To Go To Hell According To God?

Religions like Christianity and Islam say that homosexuals (who are not abstinent) will go to hell. I’ve never been in a same-sex relationship before (I’m 16 and only came out several months ago).
I’m not religious in a sense that I am affiliated with an organized religion, but I do have my own beliefs although sometimes I’m unsure about it.
Anyway, a lot of people say different things. Some say that homosexuals don’t go to Hell, and others say they do. So am I going to Hell because I’m a lesbian?

No Responses to “I Am A Lesbian – Does This Mean I’m Going To Go To Hell According To God?”

  1. Summer says:

    You’ll go to hell according to the delusional self proclaimed people of god.

  2. Fiction Slayer says:

    at least all of us gay people will be together. Things will be a lot easier.

  3. Splash Frog says:

    Nobody goes to Hell, as it’s not real.
    Relax, hun. There’s nothing wrong with being gay. Regardless of what religious bigots say, just be yourself and live your life as you see fit.

  4. Gristle Grabber says:

    There is no God and therefore there is no Hell. You prefer to be intimate with same sex humans, so what? Enjoy munching that rug.

  5. Michael says:

    Yes you are a SODOMITE you need to learn to conform to Gods plan for Women; God intended for Men to be with Women and nothing else so unless you change you will be burning in a sea of fire when you die!!

  6. Bill B says:

    Accoring to some of His followers, yes. I doubt according to Him you would.
    Peace, Bill

  7. Vin says:

    If you do not abstain….. sure….
    Repent and accept Jesus as you’re savior…..

  8. StudKick says:

    I’m Atheist so I don’t really know. I’d imagine that as long as you’re a hot lesbian, God won’t give a ****.

  9. Russell says:

    It just means you prefer taco to hot dogs is all

  10. baby boo says:

    Ppl take hell soooo lightly. It’s a place where u will suffer foreverrrrr! According to god u wnt make it to heaven but if u repent n never do such things u will. You need to trust and fear GOD:) good luck

  11. Frankins says:

    ALL SINNERS are liable to the Second Death, unless they
    Repent of theis sin, and ask forgiveness grom God through Jesus.

  12. The Jewish Guy from Florida says:

    Hell doesn’t exist, though you will probably be excluded from God’s proximity and from the new Jerusalem.

  13. Ryan says:

    No, it just means you’re impatient in getting your Heavenly treasure.

  14. mytube says:

    Being a lesbian is a choice a desire and a habit even though it might not seem like that but yeah it would be hard to get rid of it and uhh oh sry forgot what I was going to say anyway yeah it is the person’s choice if they want to do that like it says in the Koran and it’s up to you if you want to check it out ‘there is no compulsion in religion..’ but yeah it’s your choice and consequence and God knows best of course also if you want check out my question on day of judgement;… also one of the minor signs includes that you might have to check in the link though like in the bottom where there’s two links also yeah check out the other minor signs if you want, etc, thnx.

  15. Jude says:

    it wouldn’t make sense if a loving god would send someone to hell just because
    that person has attraction towards the same sex. the bible doesn’t clearly state
    that homosexuality is a sin. in the old testament times, god just was angered
    because of people were committing homosexual acts. You shouldn’t worry about
    what religion tells you or how to live your life. we can’t help who we are attracted
    to we are born that way. i wouldn’t give a hoot what people think so just enjoy life!

  16. Matthew says:

    Yes, straight to hell to suffer for eternity with Ghandi and all of those Japanese babies that died in the tsunami.

  17. choko_ca says:

    Since it’s clear that no one agrees on this subject, and that no one even agrees as to whether there’s a god or a hell or ANY of that junk, why would you trust the opinions of random people as to where you’re going to GO when you die, assuming you’re going to GO anywhere at all?
    It’s all mythological superstition and fantasy, dear. All of it, regardless of which religion is spouting off. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t necessarily realize that yet, being only 16, but eventually most of us grow up and start being able to tell the difference between reality and wish-fulfilling fantasy. You might be grown up enough already to tell the difference. Are you?

  18. SkylerBl says:

    According to Islam, being homosexual isn’t the crime, it’s acting upon it that is, like having sex with someone of the same gender. That’s the crime with the punishment. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll go to Hell. For true Muslims, the final destination is Heaven, AFTER they’ve been through Hell to pay for their sins.

  19. God is my Salvation says:

    I am a lesbian – does this mean I’m going to go to Hell according to God? yes unless you repent and seek god for salvation
    So am I going to Hell because I’m a lesbian?
    according god yes god says it is a sin

  20. imzadi19 says:

    The “delusional self proclaimed people of God” and the “religious bigots” didn’t make up the instructions for life (laws, as commonly known), we get them from a book that was written by Moses several thousand years ago, we just choose to believe he got it from the Creator, Himself. As for your question, maybe, no earthly person can answer that, it is up to Yeshua to decided when He returns. If you want the answer for real, the book is available for anyone and everyone to read for themselves, even obtainable free of charge.

  21. PD says:

    No you will not, if you practice sex you would be sining god loves the sinner but hates sin god loves you and he will help you to overcome your weaknesses
    I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

  22. Brad here says:

    As a potential drug and alcohol abuser
    Even though I am a Christian I will always be prone to slipping up.
    But having the addiction doesn’t mean I’m hell bound.
    Even if I make a little “temptation schedule”
    Because of the spirit of God I will always be driven to ask for forgiveness
    so I can get back on track…And correct the issues as they arise.
    Being close to God doesn’t make us sin free.
    But makes it so if we do follow thru with our desires we cannot
    do it carelessly or rest in it.
    Being prone to sin is why Christ did what he did.
    Not to make bad people good
    but to make dead people live.
    Being a lesbian is NOT even a problem.
    it’s immersing yourself into the decisions that go with it.

  23. kaganate says:

    You asked and you answered it
    > Anyway, a lot of people say different things. Some say that homosexuals don’t go to Hell, and others say they do. So am I going to Hell because I’m a lesbian?
    It all depends on the specific religion you are looking at.
    Many religions don’t beleive in Hell at all.
    But certainly if the specific religion that you look at says that same gender sex is wrong and you decide to practice this wrong activity, then you must expect that whatever system of punishment that religion believes in will certainly apply.

  24. Haywood Jablome says:

    in Rick Santorum’s world you are!

  25. Guess who's going to Hell? says:

    First of all, you’re 16, I wouldn’t go making any bold claims as to your sexuality just yet. Sexuality is pretty fluid, don’t box yourself too soon.
    You won’t get a straight answer from Christians, they can’t even decide which flavour of Christianity is the right one. They have no way to do so. It all appears to be so much make-believe.
    The Bible doesn’t mention lesbianism as such. It was after all written by men so only focuses on male male relationships. Ew icky right? Well no not really but you’ll have to forgive them they’re a couple of centuries behind normal society.
    Should there actually be a god or gods (and there appears not to be) if he was as obsessed with sex as Christians are who’d follow him? He’d be less than human.
    Keep asking questions and be honest. Good luck,

  26. TFCF Ministry says:

    Did you ever bother to aks these people to show it to you in the Bible where God said such a thing. I promise you they can’t show this because it’s not there. Homosexuality is a sin, true and not pleasing to God. Is it a sin that one can turn away from if they decide to? Yes.
    This however should not be based on what others tell you but if you are saved then you need to practice 2 Timothy 2:15, prayer, and hear what the Holy Spirit speaks to you in the Word. This is often not what we want to hear. Our own beliefs can’t get us closer to God or give us a better understanding of His will for us. Knowing His Word for us does.

  27. Tybiggs says:

    Yes… God is totally against homosexuality. Do you know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed that whole city because of same sex relationships.
    Pray to God to help change your ways.

  28. Lo†so Sense says:

    only God knows. He is the one judging you. No one else can.
    ^^^^ BUT it is true what tybiggs is saying.


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