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I’m An Atheist, Will I Go To Hell?

I could understand going to Hell if I were a sinning Christian, but I’ve got nothing to do with, and no desire to be affiliated with religion. I’m thirteen years old and a good person. Would Muslims, for example, go to hell in the rapture, or would the go to the Islamic equivalent of Heaven? I just don’t feel that it’s right to send someone like me to Hell when I’m not of that faith.

No Responses to “I’m An Atheist, Will I Go To Hell?”

  1. Cat T says:

    How can you be an atheist and believe in hell?
    Being an atheist means you don’t believe in any god. Hell is a place where the Christian god sends people he doesn’t like. If you believe in hell, then you believe in the Christian god.
    You’re not an atheist if you believe in the a god. But to answer your question…
    No one goes to hell. Hell doesn’t exist. It’s just another religious scare tactic.

  2. Richard Guenette says:

    Nobody is going to Hell.

  3. Butterfly Christie Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ says:

    That is because it wouldn’t be right. People don’t choose disbelief. You can’t have belief honest belief without knowledge. Someone could pretend something is true but that will not make it true. Those who honestly look for the truth do not choose to believe in anything. If I’m not believing in something its because I haven’t seen any evidence that would show me that it exists. I don’t believe in leprechauns because there isn’t any evidence of their existence. If an apple is in front of me, I can choose whether or not to believe in the apple if I wanted to, but whether I do or not; it still will exist, laying in front of me.
    To say “Any evil thing can be forgiven if you are really sorry, but if you call me names, or say you don’t believe in me then your gonna have to burn in hell forever even if you were sorry after wards.” is an incredibly insecure thing for someone to say, particularly for an omnipotent being. Not to mention incredibly selfish and cruel.
    Simple disbelief is nothing against the thing not being believed in. Sending them to a place of eternal torment is the worst thing someone could do to someone and they certainly wouldn’t deserve that. They just haven’t seen anything that would show them it exists. It is not saying “I don’t like you”, it is saying “Where are you?” Yet this God thinks it deserves eternal punishment. It’s good that the whole thing is not real, and has no evidence for it claims.

  4. Jesus Christ says:

    Hell doesn’t exist.

  5. That guy that did that thing says:


  6. sqrooup says:

    An atheist does not believe in god, heaven, hell or the rapture; so you can be sure you are not going to any non existent place, and especially not on Saturday (barring accidents).

  7. Mike says:

    My opinion- I’m a Christian, but not the crazy kind. I think you are judged according to the knowledge that you have. In my opinion, it is far worse to know that there is a God, and to knowingly rebel against him, then to act against a being that you have no knowledge of. I’d say just be the best person you can be. Can God really judge you that harshly if that is the case? Of course, I do believe there is a God, and I’d strongly encourage you to keep your mind open to the possibility. He may reach out to you yet, if you reach out to Him.

  8. brianp says:

    Well, there are several points to make. First, it is the Christian belief that a “sinning Christian” will still go to heaven. One of the core ideas of Christianity is the belief that all people sin (everyone makes mistakes and does wrong things, therefore, we all sin. It’s human nature). What makes us a Christian though, is admitting this to ourselves and God, and accepting Jesus as our Savior from sin.
    The biggest controversy with Christianity though, is that it is the belief that no one can get into heaven without accepting Jesus as their savior from sin. Also, there is the belief that simply “being good” will not get you into heaven, since all people sin at some point in their life. That is what the importance of Jesus is though – by simply praying to be forgiven for your past sins, you are in a sense “washed clean” of ALL of your sins, and therefore welcome into heaven. It’s simple. This is something I believe and it makes sense to me.
    Again, it’s something that’s very controversial and insulting to people of different religions, and I hope I haven’t insulted you by saying such.
    My advice to you – you’re young, so explore the world around you. Talk to Christians, Muslims, etc, and gain understanding about the different religions. Don’t go through life as an atheist without first understanding the other religions and making a clear, intelligent decision about what you really believe.
    I respect your views and I wish you the best.

  9. Michael says:

    Clearly we are already in hell, a hell where no one understands the concept of a hypothetical question.

  10. Fire says:

    Since education and intellect have led you to truth and reality then you should know better!
    If you are an atheist then you know there is no god and none of the silly claims!
    If however you still believe hell could exist then you are still not sure there can be no god and thus you will only be an agnostic!
    Acceptance of a supernatural claim tends to promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child’s acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging this kind of behavior where the most intense social relationships occur it facilitates the lack of skepticism and deters more open minded thinking.
    They are christian, Muslim or the other religions depending where they were born simply because they were indoctrinated by their parents as very young children. They will go on to indoctrinate their own children and those will go on to indoctrinate their grandchildren!
    Atheists have the intellect to see through the conditioning and escape into the real world!
    Agnostics have the intellect to see through the conditioning but lack the courage to throw of the conditioning entirely.
    Sadly Christians are still held firmly prisoner by the self perpetuating brainwashing!


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