Tag Archive | "conservatives"

Why Do Conervatives On Answers Assume Anyone With A Problem With Fox Bias Is Liberal?

I got some disturbing answers reflecting tunnel vision & not a lot of thought, just knee jerk defense of Fox. It’s a fact they are biased against Romney, it’s a fact that their reporting is skewed & has been since 2008. It’s a fact that they use memo’s to control the content across all shows but Opinion shows but evidence shows they have been lining up all the shows & even all radio affiliates with a common message. Fox all Fox shows & radio (which was independent in 2008, but not in lock step) play the same themes on the same days. Pound the same stupid little things all day long. That’s how Fox has always worked, but they haven’t used it as much in unfair bias until 2008 against Romney.
Do you think Fox is perfect & uncorruptible? Anyone who critiques them has to be a democrat? They are better than all the other networks, until it comes to primaries then they are usually much more biased, and it’s real & measurable, while their smirks when they speak of Romney less so, but i’ve been watching.
What is wrong with you? You should keep your own house in order. You can’t go after media bias in other networks while ignoring Fox or you’re just another hypocrite. The world has enough of that.
This has been an eye opener, I didn’t consider that Conservatives could be just about as knee jerk and deliberately obtuse as Liberals, but I was obviously wrong.

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Why Do Cons Point Out The “corruption” Of Immelt And Soros?

I see it every now and then on here…
they’re wealthy people that make money by some pretty immoral actions, if you ask me…
but here’s the catch, they are far from the only ones doing these things, and most of these things are TECHNICALLY LEGAL… and according to the ideas most conservatives seem to have… we shouldn’t stop them from what they are doing, for rich people overall?
now granted, some are affiliated with Obama, who even cons admit is working to regulate the rich and tax them more…
at the end of the day, it just feels like cons are for EVERYONE just like Immelt and Soros… including those two (I don’t see them trying to pass regulations or tax changes?)…
and Obama is against (or at least MORE against, at least pretending) all of these types, even though these TWO support him?
the only real explanation is if you think these two are the ONLY two that are doing these things, and I can’t really imagine you being that naive?

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Conservatives! Why Are The Real Motives Behind Your Ideas Kept Secret?

An example in the life of Matthew D:
Conservative: “Obamacare will price unskilled labor out of the market!”
Matthew D: “That’s not true! Employers can simply pay a small fine and not have to offer them insurance. And the fine they’ll pay then is much less than they pay now for insurance.”
Conservative: “Ok, so that was BS. But you’re an idiot Matthew D. You just don’t get it.”
Matthew D: “And what is it that I am not getting?”

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Is There A Good Growth Fund To Invest In Privatized Prisons?

It seems the biggest activity in conservativeland is to put people in jail, so I imagine since we have the worlds largest prison population, this niche industry can only grow now that states are privatizing more of their prisons. And since the best thing conservatives like to do is cause economic upheaval with their laissez fare crony corporatism, the prison population is bound to explode. Is incarceration the new US growth industry?

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Hope And Change….obama Not Much Better Than Bush?

Hope and Change?? guy obviously had no idea what he was getting into, running as president…acting like Bush could have changed or made things better….Obama thought it was 100x easier than it looks..and now the Republicans and Conservatives can just sit back with their feet up and laugh as this president scrambles all around and tries everything he can to fix the economy, while unemployment rises. I’m no right-winger or left-winger…times like these are the times where I am thankful I am in the middle and am not ‘name’ affiliated to a party or direction
I hated George W Bush as president, but in all honesty, when you look at the big picture, we aren’t much better off with Barack Obama

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I Don’t Know What Political Party To Take As My Own?!?

I’m confused. I’m 17, in high school. We took this little test to see which political party to affiliate ourselves with. My problem is that I have conservative beliefs and liberal beliefs, but I disagree with Conservatives such as Republicans. I also have liberal beliefs but I disagree with Democrats.
I don’t know where I fit! I couldn’t choose one because there was none that I agreed with.
Will I be able to vote, even though I’m not affiliated with a party?

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