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Conservatives! Why Are The Real Motives Behind Your Ideas Kept Secret?

An example in the life of Matthew D:
Conservative: “Obamacare will price unskilled labor out of the market!”
Matthew D: “That’s not true! Employers can simply pay a small fine and not have to offer them insurance. And the fine they’ll pay then is much less than they pay now for insurance.”
Conservative: “Ok, so that was BS. But you’re an idiot Matthew D. You just don’t get it.”
Matthew D: “And what is it that I am not getting?”

No Responses to “Conservatives! Why Are The Real Motives Behind Your Ideas Kept Secret?”

  1. Barney Frank's pet Gerbil says:

    Pay a small fine?
    Think about this for a moment – if you’re capable
    if private insurance can’t afford to insure everyone at a LARGE premium , how will government insure everyone with just a small fine
    Oh – by borrowing from China
    yeah – that’s the ticket

  2. How would I Know says:

    Conservative: Doesn’t paying THOUSANDS more in fines increase the cost of labor?
    Matthew D: Uh.. what are labor costs? My puppet masters never told me about them.
    Conservative: So you have absolutely no idea of the economic implications of this?
    Matthew D: Uh.. if they were important the liberal website I let think for me would have mentioned it!

  3. Phoenix says:

    Because the ‘real reasons’ are not a secret
    They are a figment of the liberal’s imagination!

  4. Texas Patriot says:

    You would have much more credibility if you didn’t generalize.

  5. buffalo dog says:

    once you go government welfare gravy train you never go back……

  6. Political Omniscient says:

    I wish I could remember all my conversations like that.

  7. Death by says:

    Who’s Matthew D? Your alter ego?

  8. azaziel says:

    Dude, seriously…….Stand down on the cool-aid a little bit.

  9. Hugh Jorgan says:

    that was BS. But you’re an idiot Matthew D. You just don’t get it.”


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