Tag Archive | "babies"

Polllllll, Babies: What’s You’re Sport?

Mine is competition cheerleading, school cheerleading, ballet & volleyball.
Whatttt bout ya, negroes?
BQ; have you ever been or are currently affiliated with a spirt group + how did u like it?
(Varsity/JV Cheer, Danceline, Colorgaurd, or pep/spirit squad |if you consider pep squad an actual spirit group..lol u don’t even have to try out or tumble.| )

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Are You Pro-choice Or Pro-life?

Pro-life – strictly against abortions, unless the baby is from rape/incest
Pro-choice – the belief that what women do with their babies is up to them, and if they want an abortion they can get one.
Please note that it doesn’t have to be affiliated with religion, just what you think is right. (:

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Why Do Liberals Continue To Spout This “war-on-women” Crap?

No one’s buying it!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6MTwBlJk…
It’s GREAT that Romney and Ryan want to defund Planned Parenthood-they’re a MURDER ORGANIZATION. They MURDER babies. Federal funds should not be affiliated with MURDER. Abortion is murder, and a woman getting raped doesn’t mean the child should die. Everyone knows that abortion is evil, and this garbage has got to stop. ROMNEY/RYAN 2012.

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Armed Forces Medical College India?

My gf is about to have our baby and we had to switch doctors pretty late into the pregnancy due to insurance changes that caused some problems. We chose a OBGYN with 32 years exp, had some good reviews online from patients. Two things are worrying me though, #1 he had his license revoked at one point by the State of California for not discovering a tumor in a patient which lead to her death and her babies. I know it sounds very scary but in a 32 year career I’m sure every doctor makes mistakes, but still it’s a big one and does scare me. Second he went to a school called armed forces medical college india, I can’t find a rating on this school and every web site boasts how great it is, but they all seem to be sites either run by the hospital or affiliated with it in some way so of coarse they would say that it’s a great school. Anyone familiar with this school? is it any good? Thank you for your help, I have to get moving on this quickly here and these two things just don’t sit well with me.

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Do You Think That People Who Affiliate Themselves With Your Beliefs Do It For The Right Reasons?

I personally notice alot of people claiming to be religious or non religious for really wrong reasons. Like like they don’t like the people on the other side for example. Or they’ve been uneducated on the true teachings of a specific religion, or the authenticity behind disbelief for those who have it. Like it makes me angry to see a Christian saying “Atheists are being led by the devil! They think we should kill babies!” and then it makes me angry when Atheists say “Christians are idiots who will believe that the sky is red if the bible says so”. So what do you think about the dickwads on your own side?
Then again, who am I to judge why you believe what ever the hell believe these days.

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