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Do You Think That People Who Affiliate Themselves With Your Beliefs Do It For The Right Reasons?

I personally notice alot of people claiming to be religious or non religious for really wrong reasons. Like like they don’t like the people on the other side for example. Or they’ve been uneducated on the true teachings of a specific religion, or the authenticity behind disbelief for those who have it. Like it makes me angry to see a Christian saying “Atheists are being led by the devil! They think we should kill babies!” and then it makes me angry when Atheists say “Christians are idiots who will believe that the sky is red if the bible says so”. So what do you think about the dickwads on your own side?
Then again, who am I to judge why you believe what ever the hell believe these days.

No Responses to “Do You Think That People Who Affiliate Themselves With Your Beliefs Do It For The Right Reasons?”

  1. mo in the middle says:

    I’m an atheist because I don’t believe in gods. It’s not complicated.

  2. I Think says:

    Anybody who believes in a philosophy based on fear…is wrong.

  3. Don says:

    Atheists simply do not believe in the wild fanciful claims made by all of the religions of the world, not just Christians. We are not “led by the devil”. We do not believe in the devil either since that is equally a fairy tale.
    I think people who believe in God and the Bible, have not READ the Bible entirely or understand it. They definitely didn’t open any recent science publications that can completely disprove the majority of the Bible’s stories.
    (Why am I capitalizing the Bible… must be late).

  4. Light and Truth says:

    There are some like that in every “religion”. There is an underbelly in every religion. That does not mean there is not a perfect system out there, it means there are imperfect people in a perfect system.

  5. TaZ says:

    You are absolutely right. Barring a minority, people on either side are really disgusting.
    Some theists here are there to garner followers. They keep copy&paste answers with the legend “I am a pastor” contact me for all your doubts.
    Some atheists just scream (mostly unpleasant epithets) for reasons better known to themselves.
    Sanity is the rarest of things.

  6. Logic / Reason / Evidence says:

    “So what do you think about the dickwads on your own side?”
    There are certainly SOME atheists who are what I would call ‘knee jerk rebels’ -including ME sometimes although I TRY to avoid this reaction! It is a ‘reaction’ rather than a ‘response’ which is choice driven rather than ‘distain’ driven. Psychologist Carl Jung called these ‘others’ our ‘Shadow’ – the fear of what WE could be if we didn’t fight it. This fight is always externalised therefore we insult or ridicule those people who make US feel uneasy about ourselves but it SEEMS like the OTHER people are the source of our discomfort. They aren’t – WE are!
    This explains why SO MANY atheists CAN’T STAND theists & visa versa! Even I slip into this knee jerk reaction when I see someone saying something I DON’T LIKE! It can be hard not to!

  7. joe says:

    Well, from my own observation, who am I to judge why you believe whatever you believe.

  8. Timothy OBrien says:

    The more I believed in gods and demons, the less I found they existed. It took about 17.5 years. The rest has been intellectual bliss.


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