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Are You Pro-choice Or Pro-life?

Pro-life – strictly against abortions, unless the baby is from rape/incest
Pro-choice – the belief that what women do with their babies is up to them, and if they want an abortion they can get one.
Please note that it doesn’t have to be affiliated with religion, just what you think is right. (:

No Responses to “Are You Pro-choice Or Pro-life?”

  1. Chris says:

    its their kid, let them do whatever they want

  2. That One Guy! [I have Nicki feve says:


  3. Auroch says:

    EVERYBODY’s pro-life – you religious sleazebags just gabbed that term to use for yourselves. You need to believe you occupy some ‘moral highground’.
    What you need to know about abortion is…. it’s none of your goddamned business – it never was and it never will be.

  4. Fey ☼ says:

    And I don’t need to explain why I believe in what I do, because it’s really nobodies business. I won’t judge your beliefs as long as you don’t judge mine and go sticking your nose in a place where it doesn’t belong.

  5. Aνєngєd MCRFαn ✖ fσREVєr says:

    Their uterus, their kid, their decision.

  6. Lady of Permutations ⚛ says:

    If you’re truly pro-life and think abortion is *murder* it makes no sense to allow it in cases of rape and incest.

  7. Maya says:

    i’d like to say pro-choice but honestly something just feels wrong to me about it.. theres birth control, and then the option of giving a loving family a baby if they cant have one. if you get pregnant and its not rape, or if the woman or baby arent at risk, then they should give their baby up for adoption or make the best of the situation.. I am 16 and due in April, its not the time of my choice for having a baby, and we used a condom but it broke.. but im not getting an abortion. it just feels wrong.
    but then again, if my best friend were to tell me she was pregnant and got an abortion, i wouldnt judge her… so i guess pro choice but pro life for myself personally… if that makes sense?

  8. Tom says:

    Pro choice only because if abortions were illegal people will still do it, just illegally using ways that could kill not only the baby but the mother too.

  9. 2-D says:

    Pro-choice. I think it’s up to them isn’t it?

  10. Lily says:

    I am both. Over all pro-choice because it is a woman’s body and her life that will be most affected. however pro-life in the sense of it should only be done for health or rape reasons.

  11. Baby Powder says:

    Sex isn’t just meant to be the “4th base” it’s commitment to one another. It means you love each other enough you are willing to have a baby together. If you decide to have sex and get pregnant, you shouldn’t get upset, and kill them because you didn’t want the end result. That’s like that’s like putting root beer and ice cream together, and then throwing out your root beer float because you only wanted the fun of putting it together.
    You need to take responsibily for your actions

  12. Bobby D says:

    Pro-the life of the woman. You may call this pro choice, but the truth is I support the woman’s right to choose what happens in her life. Because her life is far more important than a clump of cells in her womb. 50% of all pregnancies end in the first trimester as a spontaneous abortion (yes, that is the scientific term for a miscarriage). There is nothing wrong with ending a pregnancy in the first trimester.
    Not to mention that humans are not the only ones to choose to terminate a pregnancy, many animals end their pregnancies when conditions change. Read up on The Bruce Effect, if you want to know more.
    And then there are all the other complications that come with pregnancy. Would anyone really want to give birth to a thing that isn’t even human? (aka it is born with out a brain) Look up Baby K, if you want to know what I’m talking about.
    What about if the case of the romanian aids babies? Women who couldn’t have abortions (due to them being illegal) gave up their babies (oh, yes give them up for adoption, such a wonderful idea), and every child in the orphanage ended up with aids, and they were 3 (or more) to a crib, many never learned to walk, they were naked most of the time because the orphanage couldn’t afford clothing for them. Don’t believe me? Look up Romanian AIDS Babies.
    My opinions are heavily swayed by facts, not the standard pro life myths.
    To force a woman to go through with an unwanted pregnancy is like raping her, its forcing something into her body that she does not want to have there. And in the case of rape victims, that is 9 months of continual rape, a constant reminder of being violated.

  13. Rollingl says:

    Actually, truly pro-life people don’t make an exception for rape and incest.
    The entire idea of pro-life is that the embryo/fetus is a living individual deserving of life.
    It’s a person.
    That abortion is murder of that living person.
    Just because the pregnancy was conceived through rape shouldn’t make the fetus any less of a person in the eyes of anyone who is truly pro-life.
    They don’t consider the mother’s health, well being or anything else when it was conceived through consensual sex. So why would the mother’s health and well being or anything else mean anything because it was conceived through rape?
    I’m pro-choice.
    I believe abortion is a medical procedure that should be left between the person who is seeking it and their doctor.
    I believe abstinence only education can burn.
    I believe that contraception should be readily available, and affordable.
    I think more research should be done to give men more viable means of contraception, and to improve contraception for women.
    I think foster care and its ilk should be straightened out, so that those who don’t want an abortion but know they can’t keep the child can have a viable alternative without the knowledge that they may have screwed their kid’s life over hanging over their head like tornado clouds.
    I believe that a pregnant person should be able to give birth as she wishes. Whether it be at a hospital, or with a midwife, vaginally, c-section, etc, etc. Without shame.
    I believe that a person should be able to breast feed, or bottle feed, or feed formula without shame.
    I believe that a person should be able to be a stay at home mother without shame, a working mother without shame, etc, etc.
    I think a person should be able to get sterilized when they wish, no questions asked and no BS about how they’ll change their mind.
    I think a person should be able to decide to be child free without shame.
    I firmly believe that children should be a product of love, and wanted. Pregnancy should not be a consequence or a punishment.
    Quite frankly, I’m just for reproductive rights.

  14. oblivion says:

    Pro-choice. My body means I’m the one who’s in charge. I decide what I want inside my body and I decide what I want coming out of it.

  15. τєᴀsє мᴀsτєᴙ says:

    I’m kind of a mixture of the two, but much more pro-choice. I do think abortion is up to the mother, I mean it has nothing to do with me if some lady I don’t know wants to abort her unborn baby, why should I care? If my mom wants to abort her unborn baby, I might care a little more, but in the long run it’s her decision. You should be able to decide, as a woman, what you want to do with your life, your body, and your child. If you believe abortions are wrong, yet are 16 and pregnant, well that’s going to suck for you, trying to decide whether to raise a kid and juggle school and things or to give it up for adoption, but it’s ultimately your decision. Your choice. You can be 16 and get an abortion because you’re not able to properly raise a kid, or you can decide to birth your child and raise it in the environment you’re in. But abortions aren’t just for knocked-up teenagers: you can be 30 and newly married and get an abortion. You can be 25 and raped and get an abortion. You can be 45 and get an abortion. Women don’t get abortions because they want to kill a child. They get abortions because they’re a 16-year-old and aren’t able to raise a child that young, or a 30-year-old newlywed who’s not ready for a child this early in her marriage, or a 25-year-old who was raped by her cousin, a guy she knew, or a guy she didn’t know, and doesn’t want or can’t take care of a child, or a 45-year-old who’s been trying for another kid but she knows if she has him he’ll be born with birth defects, and she doesn’t want it to suffer through life like that, or can’t afford to take care of a special needs child. There are so many reasons. It should all be up to the mother, though. Not anybody else except for her. Her child – her business.

  16. Girly Girl says:

    There wouldnt have to be abortions if women would use birthcontrol and condoms. People always use rape as a HUGE factor, the cases of rape or incest abortion are LESS THAN 2%. Birthcontrol and condms should be FREE to everyone. I think everyone on here is pretty damn educated to know that sex=a child. So everytime you have it your risking it. I dont care if people say it is a cell. It is breathing! So its alive! What irritates me the most is when people say its my body its my choice! I wish that slogan went for everything in life. If we dont pay our bills, we dont get our services, BUT is our life so it should be our choice if we pay them or not!? How come if someone commits a murder to someone who is pregnant they get charged with 2 MURDERS!? In that case, no one seems to have a issue calling it alive. Abortions are for ignorant *******.

  17. -ninja »σяιgιη σƒ ѕуммєтяу« says:

    Completely ignore religion in my answer. Religion does not exist for my answer.
    Definitely pro-choice. I could argue ’til the end of the world with someone who says a sixteen-year-old girl who is on the pill, used a condom, had sex, birth control failed, and got pregnant should not get an abortion. She was being completely responsible when she had sex and chose to use birth control. She has her entire life ahead of her: she wants to finish school, go to college, get a great job. She doesn’t want to compromise her health and condition of her body at age sixteen to give birth, even if she does give the baby up for adoption.
    Imagine if her right to choose to have an abortion was taken away.
    She could no longer prioritize school. Her grades might lower, she might have to drop out. She would have to have things on her mind, like: Should I give up for adoption? Should I take care of the baby? What about the father? What about me? And the guilt would eat away at her. Sure, you might experience guilt after having an abortion. But your whole life wouldn’t be taken away…just a small thing that isn’t even a baby yet. And you might think that sex is an adult thing, just like these decisions are made by adults. Sex is natural, a human thing. If someone wants to do it, and is going to be responsible (either by using forms of pregnancy prevention or by taking responsibility of a baby), no one can stop them. No one should.
    I guess this is my main reason for being pro-choice: Having sex without wanting children while using the pill and/or condoms is just as responsible as having sex without birth control and taking responsibility of a child.
    Accidents happen.
    I’m firmly pro-choice. If abortion is made illegal, … a heck of a lot of people aren’t going to settle for it. I sure won’t.


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