Archive | December, 2012

How Come I’m More Interested In Listening To Fun Songs On Youtube Than Like Writing Stories And Stuff?

Is it because writing stories is too much work? Much easier and a lot more relaxing to just listen to some nice melodious music on YouTube, and like read the fun comments on it.
Temple, come back. You can have your niche back.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

What Is Up With The Naming Of Winter Storms Now?

I have enough trouble keeping track of the summer ones, and now the winter ones that aren’t even shaped like anything are being given names? I have to wonder whose bright idea that was, or maybe who was trying to impress the boss by naming a storm after him. Was this necessary? Was this crying out to be done?
Please help me because I am suffering from free-floating anger at needless bureaucratic mummery.

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Could Anyone Paraphrase?

“When Facebook launched, social networking was not mainstream. Now, with popular competition like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, along with dozens of niche networks and MySpace lurking on the horizon, users have other choices. If Facebook was free forever, the resulting concerns about data and privacy begs the questions – would users really stay?”
I’m from Japan.
I don’t understand what the last sentence in the text above means, among others,
“beg the questions” and ” would user really stay?”.
Could anyone kindly paraphrase or clarify them?
I’ll appreciate your help.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

Diet And Exercise Plan? Please Review For Me?

So, I’m 13, 5″5′, a female, and weigh a little over 140lbs. I’m looking to lose at least 32 pounds (which will put me at about 113lbs) by May 8th. Starting at the beginning of the new year I will be cutting out all junk food, fast food, and soda. (I’ll still drink diet coke though) Also, I will start a daily exercise routine, and be following a diet.
Here’s my exercise:
-Jumping rope 35-45mins every week (jumping rope counts as cardio, correct?)
-Walking/Jogging probably twice during the week (usually I’ll be doing 2+ miles)
-Cardio exercises from Blogilates on Youtube twice a week
-Various reps/sets of the following: crunches, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, ect.
-Yoga, and flexibility exercises (can you recommend me some?)
My diet: *I may substitute some meals throughout the week but they will be healthy*
Breakfast: 1 cup milk, 1 piece of toast with no butter or jam, a piece of fruit.
Lunch: small salad with , tomatoes, and ranch on the side, 1 can of diet coke
Dinner: egg sandwich with mayo, mixed vegetables.
Remember that I will be drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
How does this sound? According to myfitnesspal I will be eating a bit under 350cals. Though I don’t know exactly how much I will be burning by exercise.
Also, when do you think I will start to see results?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

Tornado In Orlando Florida-storm Chasers, Locals, And Anyone Else Affiliated With Weather?

I am flying to Orlando,Fl on January 6, 2013 and am staying until around the 17th of January, 2013. I was born in California and have only been to a few other states (none in South or Midwest). In California the most we ever got in the way of weather was rain and a rumble of thunder (one or twice in my life. I am now mid twenties). What I am asking is:
1) What are the chances there will be a tornado in Florida when I am there? I know that geographically the state of Florida is in the South and the South (along with the Midwest) is famous for tornadoes. Someone told me that in winter tornadoes will never happen because of the cold weather. They said the Spring is the most common time of the year, along with Summer. But when I heard about the Christmas tornado outbreak (did it end up hitting Florida also?) I became worried. Please understand that I have never seen a thunderstorm let alone a tornado. So I am nervous.
2) I know that Florida gets tornadoes around hurricane season (spawned by hurricane), but are those waterspouts or actual tornadoes? In California we get waterspouts (fair-weather not tornadic). Has Florida ever had an F-4 or F-5 tornado? Like Joplin for instance or the Tri-State tornado? If so, I will be at a hotel and will have no basement for cover!! Isn’t the death rate 100% during a F-3, F-4 and especially an F-5 without a basement? I know Florida boarders Georgia, so the Panhandle probobly gets tornadoes, but what about Orlando????? In January?????
3) If a tornado did come (I pray to God one will not!!!) what can you do to stay safe and not blow away? When a tornado passes over a building or house does it always suck the objects or people out? That is what I am most terrified of. Being sucked up in the huge funnel and spun 200 mph!!! Many people are afraid to visit California due to our earthquakes, but tornadoes seem scarier to me!!!
I hope I did not ramble on, but I hope I will be alright. This is my first real time in Florida (besides as a baby) and I hope no freak storm will occur like the one on Christmas. Thank you for all of your answers.

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How Come I’m More Interested In Listening To Fun Songs On Youtube Than Like Writing Stories And Stuff?

Is it because writing stories is too much work? Much easier and a lot more relaxing to just listen to some nice melodious music on YouTube, and like read the fun comments on it.
Temple, come back. You can have your niche back.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments


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