Tag Archive | "myspace"

Could Anyone Paraphrase?

“When Facebook launched, social networking was not mainstream. Now, with popular competition like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, along with dozens of niche networks and MySpace lurking on the horizon, users have other choices. If Facebook was free forever, the resulting concerns about data and privacy begs the questions – would users really stay?”
I’m from Japan.
I don’t understand what the last sentence in the text above means, among others,
“beg the questions” and ” would user really stay?”.
Could anyone kindly paraphrase or clarify them?
I’ll appreciate your help.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

How Can I Make An Affiliate Network Like Vehicle Stars?

Vehicle Stars has a cool affiliate network that puts all of their vehicles in to Facebook Marketplace, MySpace, and a tonne of others…look at the question I answered for this other guy to see some of the places, it’s crazy
I decided I want to make a used car website and I want to copy their affiliate network because it’s really good, how do I get started?

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Internet Marketing Help…need To Make A Website Viral In Less Than A Week!?

Okay so I work for some programmers working on a website, not sure if I should post it but I will. Its called rufflesraffles.com. Its a great system and so far we have had almost 5,000 hits and already sent out prizes we hoped that winners would spread the word but it seems like they just keep it a secret. I am part of the marketing team and I have searched for a million and a half ways to increase traffic with no luck. We have a meeting with some investors and advertisers next week and we are supposed to have a substantially increasing public…I have five accounts on Facebook and I have had no luck there I post have naked women on YouTube and get like a million hits but noone visits the website on the girls boob and I have even tried selling stuff on craigslist all over the country stating I won it on ruffles Raffles. I am tired and out of ideas! I have tried mass email marketing which sucks because it usually just gets filtered into spam folder I have even tried paying for Google ads its just the benefits don’t outweigh the harm(costs $1.25 per click on the ad and raffle entries cost $1 and some are free but make us a dollar so we wold lose $.25 advertising with Google, same story with Facebook a little less with MySpace but MySpace is dead for what they charge). I want someone to offer help, legitimate ideas, I am begging you, I could potentially loose my job :-/ please don’t answer it takes time…please don’t…I know its true but not true too, I created a blog about hacking a PSP a while back when I was in high-school, its been 3 years and that website has only had 1,390 visitors half of which were probably me.

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