Tag Archive | "choices"

Could Anyone Paraphrase?

“When Facebook launched, social networking was not mainstream. Now, with popular competition like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, along with dozens of niche networks and MySpace lurking on the horizon, users have other choices. If Facebook was free forever, the resulting concerns about data and privacy begs the questions – would users really stay?”
I’m from Japan.
I don’t understand what the last sentence in the text above means, among others,
“beg the questions” and ” would user really stay?”.
Could anyone kindly paraphrase or clarify them?
I’ll appreciate your help.

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What Are Some Facts Niches?

the choices are:
a.different species can share the same niche in the same habitat
b.no two species can share the same niche in the same habitat
c.two species in the same habitat have to share a niche to survive
d.different species can occupy niches that are very similar
which sentences are true???

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I Have An Idea For Bra Business But I’m Not Sure How To Get It Off The Ground.?

Find bra’s for me have been a change since i first got out of hs. Even now it seems like there a few companies that make bras but for the most part they don’t very pretty and their aren’t that many choices.
First I would like to say that i’m Artistically inclined but i’m not really and artist, I don’t know how to sew. And i have never run a business. But i do know about the market and what i want and what other women that are DD+ want wear. I know that my Idea could one day with a lot of work as good as Victoria Secrets. But so far i have a lot to learn.
How can i get started?

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I Have An Idea For Bra Business But I’m Not Sure How To Get It Off The Ground.?

Find bra’s for me have been a change since i first got out of hs. Even now it seems like there a few companies that make bras but for the most part they don’t very pretty and their aren’t that many choices.
First I would like to say that i’m Artistically inclined but i’m not really and artist, I don’t know how to sew. And i have never run a business. But i do know about the market and what i want and what other women that are DD+ want wear. I know that my Idea could one day with a lot of work as good as Victoria Secrets. But so far i have a lot to learn.
How can i get started?

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I Have An Idea For Bra Business But I’m Not Sure How To Get It Off The Ground.?

Find bra’s for me have been a change since i first got out of hs. Even now it seems like there a few companies that make bras but for the most part they don’t very pretty and their aren’t that many choices.
First I would like to say that i’m Artistically inclined but i’m not really and artist, I don’t know how to sew. And i have never run a business. But i do know about the market and what i want and what other women that are DD+ want wear. I know that my Idea could one day with a lot of work as good as Victoria Secrets. But so far i have a lot to learn.
How can i get started?

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Hippa: I Knew The Medical Asdistant & She Recognized Me!?

ok so I went in for a check up & when I got called I recognized the medical assistan (we didn’t get along in high school)& although we dont affiliate with ea. other we know some of the same ppl…Well to my surprise my regular check up turned into the news I was pregnant (not planned) & my automatic thought was “not keeping it” anyways everytime I go now she assist me UGH & its very uncomgortable. if she recognized me should she have told her docyor or something? is she violating HIPPA standards? Can I ask for a different doc?
plz help me out bc its very awkward everytine I go & I do not feel comfortable with her knowing such personal info. about me. 😐
I do not care for rude comnents or opinions about my choices I am simply searching for facts about my situato. Thank you.

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