Tag Archive | "Reason"

Question About Medieval Society?

I’m writing a story and I have a few unanswered questions. Would a king send his family elsewhere if he knew there was an army coming towards his kingdom that he knows he cannot stop? Were there assassins during that time? How common were bounties on people? For what reason would a king call upon a knight to speak with him privately? Have people ever openly fought in the markets or taverns?

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Why Are Liberals So Mean?

*I asked the same question and it got deleted for some reason*
I am affiliated with no political party but I was having a conversation with a liberal online and when I spoke out or questioned on some of his ideals, he immediately started attacking with insults and soon the whole page went neo nazi on me with hate. I did my best to speak to them calmly and tried to be civilized with them, even went as far as complimenting them but they still continued to attack with vulgar hate. Why is this? Why are they so ignorant and close minded that they must resort to hate when their ideology is questioned?

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We Take A Species That Is Previously Only Known From Mexico, And Introduce It Into Minnesota.?

It survives and successfully reproduces in Minnesota. This demonstrates that the species’ niche is narrower than we thought.
False XX
I think its false, but the narrow is throwing me off for some reason.

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Why Do I Get The Short End Of The Stick?

I have had this problem since I was about 10 years old. If I were to get in a fight in school, no matter who started it, I always got in more trouble then the other kid. The teacher would tell me “Others kids wouldn’t hit you for no reason”. Apparently I hit other kids for no reason according to the teacher who wasn’t even there to see the fight. As I got older I stayed under the pressure of being picked on for my skin color.
My mother use to take her anger out on me and my sisters when I was little and she would call it disciplined, but, was really hitting me to take out her anger that she had from problems she caused my father, such as trying to divorce him for all his money which he always kept his belongings in his brothers name so it never mattered what she did, thus, failed to get what she wanted in the divorce.
When I moved to a non-racist city, I got picked on by people who were gang affiliated at young ages like 14 years old. Teachers let these kids do whatever they wanted in these schools and everyone got away with everything. I was a pacifist type, but, I wanted to get into boxing. My parents denied me sports my childhood
At the age 16, I had moved into a new school. That was the only school I had no problems with anyone.
Heres another fact, anything I use to write that was personal as a child (I’v lived in the us almost my entire life and only ever left for 6 months to the middle east). Even now as an adult if I hide something I write about someone else, they will always find it. People always seem to test me as well by doing things to piss me off. I as an adult feel that I will get the same results I have always gotten as a child. It seems to be getting worse. Everything I write gets looked at no matter where I hide it or how I encrypt it. Someone will quote it while talking to me as if they are going through my private things. Someone doing something never equals me doing the same thing. If someone bullshits about an experience they had, everyone buys it like jackasses. If I tell the truth about experiences I have, people who never even been to my house think that they know everything about me and I must be full of ****, even though they just met me. People look at me and judge me as they do anyone. Clearly this is the nature of more then 9/10th of the people I meet.

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Can Politicians Really Deliver Prosperity?

Or is there really so much domestic policy can actually do?
Now, everybody knows the middle class is dwindling. That’s not a secret.
The left will blame the greed of the corporate elites and the right will blame government taxation and regulations for putting a break on investment.
But what’s really going on here?
A worker in China – a country of 1.5 billion people, 5 times the population of the United States – has an average hourly wage of $1.68, a little bit below the wage in India, another country whose population is above a billion people.
China today is the second largest economy in the world, having recently passed Germany.
Since people like to discuss economics here…
What happens if prices in a market A are higher than those in market B? Well, unless there’s some reason why consumers can’t readily go into market B, they will leave market A and head towards market B, which will force sellers in market A to lower their prices. Market B will raise its prices somewhat, until a new equilibrium is reached.
And globalization has done just that: It was a concerted effort to get rid of trade barriers.
For a while, the west still held sway, in part because of a better-educated population (the value-added thing), but these countries haven’t stayed static in that domain either. India now has accounting firms that will do work for $12 an hour – hardly the wage promised to graduates in accounting in the west. They also make more microchips. China now has an EMERGING middle class – over 100 million people there now own a car (incidentally, an important reason why you’re paying more at the pump – more demand=higher price).
Given all of this, isn’t this whole political discourse misleading?
Isn’t time for western countries to face up to the simple fact the party is over?
As for the automobile sector, right now, North America is competing with Japan. Still an acceptable proposition. But what happens when Chinese vehicles flood the market? There’s no inherent reason a Chinese-made car must be bad. It’s coming sooner or later.
(You may believe everybody has a responsibility to become an entrepreneur then, as you’ll hear Randians say, but who else thinks it’s realistic to have an entire economy based on import-export and financial transactions?).

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Pregnant On The Pill?

I’ve been taking the 3 month pill for close to 2 years now. I’m not very good at taking them at the same time everyday and me and my boyfriend have sex regularly. Does anyone know what the chances of me getting pregnant are? Or when a good time to take a test is? Its hard for me to know since I have to wait a month and a half for my next period. If there are any people that may have any information please help. The reason I’m concerned is because I have been feeling nauseous the last few days but I am not sure if its affiliated with that. Anything will help. Thanks!

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