Tag Archive | "heck"

If The Illuminati Is So Secret & Powerful…?

How is it that they allow so much DETAILED (and I do mean detailed) information about them float around? If they control everything, shouldn’t they be able to erase it all and make people forget they ever saw it? I mean if they can kill high profile people like JFK, Whitney, and Michael and keep it all “secret” why wouldn’t they just knock off all the internet bloggers who try to expose them? That should be small potatoes for them. And if they’re so rich and powerful, what’s the point of messing with everybody else when they have the $$$, power, and influence to do whatever the heck they want already? I mean, what seriously is the point??! Now I don’t doubt that there is some Big Brother types of stuff going on, but I think that’s more for money-making purposes. And I do believe it’s highly possible that alot of today’s artists are into some weird stuff. But the whole Illuminati conspiracy… I’ve tried so hard to open my mind and try to understand it, but I just can’t… Lol The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me.

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What Would Make You Think That Someone Is A Mut/slut Or A Man Whore/whore?

I know this probably seems weird but I love discussions like this, we all have our views about things and part of me just wanted to talk about them. I never mean to offend anyone and if you don’t think you can talk about this then don’t. but my views always seem so different from other people and they even change over time. but right now I consider things even for men and women and always have, when i was younger the way I looked at things like this was much stronger then now. Back then I never understood other people I always thought “why even date anyone right now it’s not going to last we are so young” always seemed to me in school everyone was dating and it always seemed so stupid to me, there’s no way your going to be with the girl you dated in the 4th grade, 6th grade, heck probably not even in high school at all. isn’t the point of dating to be with someone for the rest of your life isn’t that the point of all relationships? and dating so young there is almost no way your going to find the one. Although to me that would be something amazing to be with someone that long if something like that could happen I would be in shock and awe of those two. With me I always wanted to do nothing intimate with anyone but my future wife I knew she was out there somewhere and I waited to remain faithful until I met her even if she doesn’t know me yet, I knew we’d meet one day I never wanted to tell another girl I love you, I never wanted to kiss another girl, I never wanted to do anything sexual with anyone but her, and I still feel that way today. I want to be completely faithful, but I learned in a world like this that would be nearly impossible. My views were so strong for so long things started to loosen up when I was 16 and half, then I met the world and I started to realize things were probably not going to work the way I imagined to me if I kept on thinking the way I did I would think badly of almost anyone. To me sex was something you only did with someone you love but then there are the people who have one night stands, who have sex with multiple people, have an open relationship, or have sex with someone you don’t love. yes I know a lot of the world does the things I will say but it’s just how I feel to me those people are whore’s even having an affair or cheating makes me think that person would be too, what one person not enough for you? to me even having sexual relations with too many people (sexual relations meaning anything at all considered sexual) does the same, if you can’t count that number of people on one hand that is. there are two kinds of whores and man whores to me, there are the literal whores who get paid for sex then there are the people who take sex to too much of an extreme by my means. but my views split for me and others I kept the views when I was younger for me only and hopefully my future wife but that’s probably not going to happen. to me having flings (flings meaning anything romantic with someone you just met or don’t love ie. kissing, dirty dancing etc.) makes you go towards being a mut/slut (yes mut is man form of slut sorry for being kindergarten here but women have a word that always slanders them and men don’t) With the way I use to think people like that I didn’t even consider people at all, now I do I just don’t like them or like to be around them or anyone affiliated with them at all. for myself though my views are harsher on me if i could ever shift my views more like this dating world I would only be able to have sex with two people but for the rest of my life I would regret doing that, I want to wait till marriage and it’s hard to be with someone who didn’t because most likely they won’t want to. but even in a situation like that things would be hard for me I always just figured my future wife would have the same views as me and the more I got to understand others I saw the possibility of that dropping to zero and I’m not just talking about waiting till marriage. but maybe I have too high of expectations, I probably do but we’re all different. when I was young I was told that some day you will meet your wife and your wife is suppose to be the person your suppose to be with forever. This how I think now i’m sure I would think differently if for example I had sex with someone who wasn’t going to be my potential wife because we broke up then I would think a lot differently and I really don’t want something like that to happen. but I just wanted to know what other people think about a subject like this how do you think about all of this, there’s no such thing as a whore? sex is a natural thing? it doesn’t matter? I’d really just like to know with reasons.

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Why Is It That I Am A Liberal Only To Oppose Conservatives? Yet I Am Secretly A Conservative Myself?

Its like I need something to oppose, it feeds me. If I live in a world where everyone is equal, I would be one like everyone else. Everything would be too simple that I would just rebel out. I believe that everyone has the same rights. But I also believe in social classes, heck maybe even in a monarchy. But if that were the real case, I would only wish for it to crumble. What is wrong with me? Its like I am not affiliated with any political philosophy, just the least popular one so I can rebel against the top one. Its like my blood rages for revolution!

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Will Sj Earthquakes Give My Friend A Trial?

Well i have a friend 19 yr old GK bout 6’1 or 6’2, hes really good i am sure he can beat most of the MLS goalies. He has great handling, amazing reflexes, and unlike most goalies he knows what to do when theyr trying to juke him. The reason this is important for him is because he has worked in the fields for his entire life, he had to work because his family couldn’t afford to live. But man when he gets on the field and goes on goalie, you’ll think hes a top class goalie. Now i do encourage him to go to L.A., or San Jose to go try out but the issue is he doesn’t know if any of these teams will give him a chance. I can assure anybody that he is one of the best goalie in the streets of the central coast of California, heck maybe the best. So does anyone know anyone who can give him a shot at going pro’? Oh and he is still working so college is not an option. If anyone is affiliated with a pro team that can give him a chance close to California please answer this and i will tell him about the opportunity.

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I Want To Start A Blog, I Love To Write. And I Have Nothing To Say. What Do I Do?

I am average at everything with no particular interest. How the heck do I find a “niche” to write about.
I’ve seriously planned and SEOed the crap out of articles in well researched micro-niches, but they all failed because I was only moderately interested in the topic. I also hate the process of keeping a balance between keyword bull-crap and actual human writing. I want to write, not market. *barfs*
For example. today my interests are government conspiracies… but tomorrow it could be baking pies, and the next day it could be cats. MY interests go in long cycles. I can never be consistent.
Can I break all rules and just write? Will I have a chance of making any passive income from ads this way?

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