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If The Illuminati Is So Secret & Powerful…?

How is it that they allow so much DETAILED (and I do mean detailed) information about them float around? If they control everything, shouldn’t they be able to erase it all and make people forget they ever saw it? I mean if they can kill high profile people like JFK, Whitney, and Michael and keep it all “secret” why wouldn’t they just knock off all the internet bloggers who try to expose them? That should be small potatoes for them. And if they’re so rich and powerful, what’s the point of messing with everybody else when they have the $$$, power, and influence to do whatever the heck they want already? I mean, what seriously is the point??! Now I don’t doubt that there is some Big Brother types of stuff going on, but I think that’s more for money-making purposes. And I do believe it’s highly possible that alot of today’s artists are into some weird stuff. But the whole Illuminati conspiracy… I’ve tried so hard to open my mind and try to understand it, but I just can’t… Lol The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me.

No Responses to “If The Illuminati Is So Secret & Powerful…?”

  1. Dubbs says:

    Whether it’s called the “Illuminati” or not, there IS a secret shadow government that runs the show from behind the scenes and they’re too smart to make a mistake like that. Not everyone that uses the internet investigates the Illuminati; what’s important is that all this information doesn’t reach the mainstream news. About two decades ago a very controversial documentary was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, but two hours before it was pulled from TV. This documentary was called “Conspiracy of Silence”, you should be able to find it on youtube.
    Why isn’t it banned from the internet? The government doesn’t have ownership over most web pages; the public generally post their own information on the web. Where there is so much of this going around they simply don’t have the manpower to go through the entire world-wide web and delete every little story, even if they did that someone else would just come along and repost it. With the blink of an eye the president has the power to lock all internet access. This would be too drastic of a maneuver. It would piss a lot of people off.
    There are several instances where they do this; not the Illuminati, per say, but those who censor stories. On websites the media controls, stories will be pulled, it’s actually quite common. Censoring news on TV is the first line of revoking information; they can control the media and 95% of the population has access to media whether it be television or good old newspaper. But there are those who rightfully carry the name journalist within these big corporations that actually want to publish the stories of the CIA being caught importing illegal drugs or the announcement that the Federal Reserve can’t account for 9 trillion dollars. These stories will briefly be published on official websites, several hours later it won’t be there anymore.
    Since they can’t control the internet and don’t want to do anything drastic that will alarm the people they simple play the game “Don’t pay attention to these conspiracy theorists, we are your loving government and would never do anything to hurt you.”
    People have been so conditioned to oppose conspiracy theorists, it’s done instantaneous anytime someone steps out of the realm of controlled thought. I just want to say there’s nothing remotely odd about a conspiracy. A conspiracy is a group of two or more people with secret intentions, that’s it. Might I speculate as to what you consider when something is classified from public knowledge? I believe it’s stupid to believe all conspiracy theories, but I feel it’s equally as stupid to believe no conspiracy theories. I say we should at least hear what they have to say, listen to what evidence is proposed, look it up ourselves and establishing our own beliefs. When it comes to Hollywood, there’s no telling what goes on behind closed doors; but sometimes coincidences are too strong to be just that:
    In the case of Whitney, I believe it was natural, after all the drugs that woman has done in her lifetime I don’t doubt it would’ve caught up to her.
    Michael Jackson: 50/50, due to the testimony of his sister and friend, Dick Gregory, as well as the fact that he bought 50% of Sony stock; considering the international bankers make so much money off of the stock market, for Michael Jackson to beat them in their own game gives great motive, as does the conceivable notion that he may have been planning to convert to Islam.
    Kennedy: I have very little doubt that there was a conspiracy in his death. Presidential Executive Order 11110 and his infamous secret society speech makes quite a statement as well as the bogus magic bullet theory.
    I don’t think these super rich individuals follow the same thought process as common man. I do see your point, thought; they do have so much money they could wipe their *** with $1000 bill and it wouldn’t make a dent. The Rothschild dynasty has enough money to feed, shelter and clothe every person on the planet and still have enough left for the space program! But as the old adage says “How much money does a rich man need to be happy? Just a little more.” I guess maybe sine the idea of world conquest has never been achieved, they want to be the first. Where I’ve done the research, so often it does come down to money: Pharmaceutical companies treat symptoms but never the illness because they’d lose money by handing out cures. We’re in 2012 and still running off of fossil fuels; even the sun runs off of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe! Surely we can bread down hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a glass of water; engines have been made off of that but suppressed because the same family that owns the Federal Reserve (Rockefellers) also own Standard Oil (which owns Mobil, Shell, BP, Texico, Chevron, etc.)

  2. Obi Wan Knievel says:

    Now you’re starting to get why the illuminati couldn’t possibly exist in reality.
    It’s just a fun conspiracy theory, in fact it’s probably the best one ever. Forget the Matrix, forget the secret deals between the CIA and the Taliban, and so what about JFK getting shot. That guy had mortal enemies everywhere, including in his own party for pete’s sake.
    Anyway, that stuff is all peanuts and chump change. The illuminati is so big, so rich and so powerful they control everything. Major religions? Yep, they control those too. Nobody is safe anywhere, except for one place. There is only one thing that scares the illuminati, just one weakness: The internet!
    That’s right, they’re deathly afraid of the internet. They won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole… and yes they are responsible for keeping the metric system out of the USA. They can control entire governments and economies, start and end wars on a whim and do whatever they want with totall impunity, but their greatest fear is a 50 year old fat virgin who lives in his mom’s basement wearing a tinfoil hat and blogging about them.
    You know what I think? I think that, deep down, they secretly want the attention. Power-hungry egomaniacs are actually just looking for attention, and even though they’re not supposed to have it they just can’t resist! Why else would they do everything in the most convoluted, overly elaborate way you could ever think of?

  3. Is it really there? says:

    Because people want something to blame and what better than a secret organization trying to rule the world yeah as you can tell it’s just a bunch of air
    -It’s not a secret
    -If they were real the majority would revolt against them
    It makes no sense at all someone should make a book about a kid trying to take down the non existent organization and his older brother along with some high school friends pretend to be villainous leaders just to play around with him.
    I think I’ll write that down.

  4. Jack says:

    Lol, the Illuminati don’t exist, but i get what you are saying. The whole folklore behind it is very illogical, and hilarious.

  5. Daniel M. says:

    It’s because the modern Illuminati does not exist.
    But the government really is controlled by wealthy businesspeople, bankers, and corporations.

  6. BytemyAs says:

    loosen up your tin foil hat


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