Tag Archive | "decades"

Why Are Most Conservatives So Racist?

Whenever you read online comments bashing minorities, ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME, they ALSO bash Liberals in the same post as well. So, you obviously get a good idea of what party most of the racism is coming from (don’t even try to deny it). This could not only be said for Yahoo Answers but also Youtube, virtually every newspaper site that allows comments, blogs and most forums that discuss politics/race.
If the Republican party wants to exist in the next few decades then they really need to mature because this country isn’t getting any less diverse and no person wants to affiliate themselves with a party that looks down upon them. I’m black and most of my beliefs lean right but I want nothing to do with the Republican party (and many other minorities can say the same).
Shape up or get out.

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Poll: If You Could Change One Thing In Your Life, What Would It Be?

– I feel such a loser and a failure in life, because, in our swimming class, I’m the only one who couldn’t dive, I was afraid since our coach said that there’s a possibility that your face will hit the floor if you didn’t dive correctly and when I try, it ends up as water enters my nose, I’m afraid to drown or to bleed in the pool, and I also couldn’t play basketball, or drive a car, or ride a bike, people might make fun of me I mean even small children and women can do these things and also I feel like a Jack of all trades but master of none, I can do a lot of things, but I don’t think I’m good at any of them, I’m having problems about choosing a career in college since I don’t know what I really like and what I’m good at.
– I have stories which might never get published and be out in the market since I get shy, that people might laugh at my work, my stories even if they are good might be a family secret, I just fear criticism since it would hurt my feelings, there’s nothing to be excited about if works don’t get published since I wouldn’t know if they are admired or not, I just fear my stories to be ridiculed and despised by others.
– I think no one would care for me in the future since I have no siblings to be with, I’m getting tired of my parents and I wonder if other teenagers feel the same way towards their parents. I feel like being independent from them and I’m sick and tired of them because they’ve been with me for many years and it’s the same people again I’ll live with for more decades. I want other people to live with and if possible, I would want my neighbors, classmates, teachers, or relatives to be my new family so I’d feel what it’s like to be with them every day since I’ve had enough of my parents being the same people I live with for so many years. Siblings might do better since a sibling is almost as old as you and you both have the same interests with that person and you’re of the same level since parents generally are higher than their kids
– I wouldn’t get married since I stated that I get tired of people who’s always with me every day for so many years and I’m sure I’ll get tired of my wife and kids if I get married and nurture my family after about 10 years. It’s the same since people usually both go on trips, eat dinner, celebrate new year, with their parents, wife and kids and sometimes I wish I would get to do those things with other people like my cousins, or friends If it’s possible to live with them like family. No one would take care of me when I get old and worse, nobody might bury me or cry at me when I die and since I didn’t want to marry, I’ll be alone for many decades with no one to talk to and spend special occasions with.
– I’m not very rich, which is why I feel insecure being with relatives or classmates richer than me, I’ve never been to other countries, not even distant places in my country, only to places we can drive at. We can’t even afford it but other people can, which is why I feel like being the least among my family and friends. I feel like I’m out of place if I’m the only one who can’t afford something expensive but others can. Many people go to starbucks every weekends, go to world class resorts and have many expensive watches, shirts, shoes, or pants but I’m not that rich to be able to do all those things
– I don’t have any best friends, I have friends but I’m not close to them. I’m not a fan of very intimate relationships like girlfriends or best friends. I normally leave people alone if there’s nothing to do with them or any topic to discuss about. I don’t spend like every second of a day with a friend as in you’re staying with them even if you don’t do anything together. I usually leave them after a few minutes and go to other friends after there’s nothing to do with them.I just don’t spend the whole time with just one person who is very close to me, I spend a few times with lots of people and would be alone after there’s nothing to do with them.
– I usually complain about my life it’s been years since I wanted to find a way not to study and never to work. If I don’t study or work, I’ll be poor and couldn’t support myself when I grow up. I have an inconsistent behavior in life when I complain about life’s challenges and feel like quitting or failing and to persevere in order to overcome life’s obstacles. There are times when I seem to focus on the flaws of life on what makes it awful and when I focus on the beauty of life and what makes it a treasure. I guess I’m just naturally lazy and I just can’t imagine spending like 40 years at work. 10 years at school is mundane enough for me, how about 40 years at work where there are more responsibilitities and duties and where things become harder. I just sometimes think I can’

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What Am I Supposed To Do With Myself And My Life After College? Adult Life Seems So Lonely…?

I’m a college student, and though I won’t graduate for another 3 semesters, the thought of life after college seems… lonely and unstructured. In some ways, it seems like life ends when you’re an adult–in the sense that, for the rest of your life, you’re going to work and not do much else. Of course, that’s not exactly true, but a LOT of working adults have this lifestyle. Their life centers around work, and that’s something you’re going to be doing for decades…so it seems like there’s no more “stages” of life to look forward too.
I kind of like the structured lifestyle that comes with being in education. I feel like I can’t handle all of the freedom that comes with adult/after college life. You’re truly on your own…. and even though I have friends, I feel like everyone just is doing their own thing, and has their own life so it’s difficult to form that stable support group. So many people who have graduated or who are graduating (either seemingly or actually) feel pretty confident with how there life is and the direction it’s going in. It’s like they’ve found their niche in life, have the support they need, and what not. But I feel lost and rather directionless…
For some reason, I feel like my life is going to feel pretty pathetic as an adul in the workforce. Following graduateion, I’ll hopefully soon attain a career in less than 6 months, but I don’t know what else I’m going to do with myself… I assume I will be single, or at least not being even close to getting married. This could definitely not be the case, don’t get me wrong, but I assume I’ll be single, getting settled in my career and living with god knows who..hopefully some friends? A serious relationship would provide that stability at least…so I kinda hope I’m not single by that point. It would be nice to have a stable unit (in this case, a husband) to come home to…I feel like I’m going to be lacking stable emotional/social support in adult/workforce life

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Hindus Get Patent On Anti-cancer Drug Extracted From Distilled Cow Urine?

The Hindu Medicine Veda, known as Ayurveda says Cow Urine can cure cancer, and now after 5000 years, the Ayurveda is proved right with scientific research.
An anti-cancer drug extracted from cow urine and developed by an affiliate of the RSS has got a third US patent and Chinese patent for its anti-genotoxicity properties. http://www.indianexpress.com/story-print…
What implications such scientific proofs of Hindu Scriptures would bring in our society in the decades to come?

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Publishing Through Publisher Or Self Publishing My Dad’s Short Stories…?

My dad has a decent collection of short stories he has written over several decades that I want to combine in kind of an anthology of his work. I was planning on going on like Blurb.com or Lulu to self publish it, and maybe even have it listed on Amazon for fun. On Lulu they sell ISBN. Or I thought about actually sending it to a publisher to get published. But since his stories are very niche, I don’t know if there’s publishers that will pick up his stories.
Anyway, my question is… Years ago he may have had some of these stories published in magazines. He never got paid, but it was like Deer hunter magazines that he sent to. They liked his story so they published it. No money was exchanged. I’m wondering if the magazine would have the rights to these stories or can he still do what he wants with his stuff?
All of his work is printed off from the printer or in the forms of old emails. It be fun to see it edited, formatted, and all together in a collection so that’s what I’m doing for him right now. I’m just wondering how far I can attempt to go with his stories.
And yes he knows I’m doing this. I got a stack of papers I have to retype because the digital copy of many of these stories are lost and only thing that’s left is what he copies with copy machine.

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