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Why Are Most Conservatives So Racist?

Whenever you read online comments bashing minorities, ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME, they ALSO bash Liberals in the same post as well. So, you obviously get a good idea of what party most of the racism is coming from (don’t even try to deny it). This could not only be said for Yahoo Answers but also Youtube, virtually every newspaper site that allows comments, blogs and most forums that discuss politics/race.
If the Republican party wants to exist in the next few decades then they really need to mature because this country isn’t getting any less diverse and no person wants to affiliate themselves with a party that looks down upon them. I’m black and most of my beliefs lean right but I want nothing to do with the Republican party (and many other minorities can say the same).
Shape up or get out.

No Responses to “Why Are Most Conservatives So Racist?”

  1. John M says:

    Nothing quite like a bigot calling someone else a racist.
    You get out.

  2. Henery Hawk says:

    nice generalization

  3. Kentucky Woman says:


  4. Wise Latino Man 4 AMNESTY says:

    not true. i hate black conservatives and want clarance thomas (the fake blackie) hanged
    hes a TRAITOR

  5. Hypocrisy Has a Liberal Bias says:

    Liberals are more racist, more chauvinistic in the general sense than are conservatives.
    I treat everyone the same, rich poor black or white. I don’t favor fellow whites nor do I coddle minorities. This doesn’t make me a racist.
    Time to grow up and face facts.

  6. Shovel Ready says:

    The Republican Party appeals mostly to Americans. If you are looking for pandering, try the other guys.

  7. Justin Thyme says:

    Or else? Lol, nice rant.

  8. Dreaded Rear Admiral says:

    Thanks for your unsupported rant. I’ll reply with my own.
    Whenever race is mentioned in a question on Y!A, my money is on a liberal author.

  9. Bobology, The Study Of Bob says:

    liberals preach tolerance and diversity from within their gated commuities.

  10. RIGHT IS RIGHT says:

    Wow ! — I never knew that the New Black Panther Party + Louis Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam + Jeremiah Wright & his Black Liberation Theology Church + Eric Holder + Van Jones + Rahm Emanuel and the rest of Obama’s Buddies are all Republican Conservatives ?
    Thanks for the heads up !
    I knew there was a reason why all of Obama’s Buddies are racists !

  11. Elmer says:


  12. Sayagain says:

    Same reason all Democrats are racist.

  13. 63vette says:

    You seem to be to most racist of all.
    Do you seriously put any credence in most of the stuff on youtube?

  14. Peppers says:

    Google Mia Love and read comments about her from libbies and then tell me again who is racist You libbies are the most disgusting tyoes of racists (and sexists). You pretend to care about minorities and women only when you can use them as pawns, but when they wander from your plantation, you try to destroy them and use them as an example for other minorities and women who might dare decide to have an independent thought and exercise free will. you people are sick and evil…
    ADD: “wise latino” above illustrates my point for me beautifully.

  15. Gods Souljer says:

    anyone who votes for the Obamination is stupid.
    94% of blacks poled say they are voting for Obama.
    i think the statistics speak for themselves.

  16. Lady Snowblossom says:

    Why are most Liberals biased and liars and racists.
    I’m a conservative with many minority friends, who I treat with respect. I’ve been called a racist because and heres a shocker for you.
    I don’t like Obama’s policies.
    I live in West Virginia
    I’m a Christian.
    I believe that if you want to come to this country – do it LEGALLY!
    I believe that people should work for what they get.
    I believe that people shouldn’t be treated as if they are stupid and need a handout, because they are stupid, lazy . . . etc.
    I believe that if you want to get laid any ole time, then either use some of your beer money to buy BC or take the consequences of your actions.
    And all of the above are things most liberals can’t handle.

  17. James says:

    Are all democrats this ignorant? “The Klan quickly became a terrorist organization in service of the Democratic Party and white supremacy. Between 1869 and 1871 its goal was to destroy Congressional Reconstruction by murdering blacks — and some whites — who were either active in Republican politics or educating black children.” After [democrat] Wilson was elected in 1912 blacks were segregated or dismissed from federal positions. first film to be shown inside the White House was The Birth of a Nation, a racist epic that celebrates the Ku Klux Klan as America’s saviors. Pres. Wilson [democrat] screened it in 1915 in part to repay a political debt to southern supporters, and such choices have tainted his place in American history ever since.
    -6/11/12 “One hundred members of Congress from the South — 19 senators and 81 representatives (96 Democrats and four Republicans) — present a “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” that criticized the Supreme Court in its Brown v. Board of Education decision for desegregating schools and protested civil rights initiatives.”
    -“During this period, they [KKK] often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor’s offices, as with George Wallace [democrat] of Alabama who, on his inauguration as governor of Alabama on January 14, 1963, proclaimed “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” wikipedia
    -President Eisenhower (Republican, of course) sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas for the first time since Reconstruction to enforce federal court orders to desegregate public schools, and signed civil rights legislation in 1957 and in 1960 to protect the right to vote. He implemented desegregation of the armed forces.
    -Which party in the Senate supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Democrats 63%, Republicans 80%. In the House? Democrats 61%, Republicans 80%.
    -Which party opposed the 1965 Civil Rights Act in the Senate? Democrats 27%; Republicans 6%. In the House? Democrats 22%; Republicans 18%.
    -Dem. Senator Robert Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a ***** by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” He served in the Senate until 2010.
    -Byrd created a new chapter of the KKK and rose to prominence as the “Grand Dragon” of the entire Mid-Atlantic states. (6/19/05 Washington Post)
    -Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act which outlawed major forms of discrimination against African Americans and women.
    -Byrd used the “N” word: On CNN, 3/4/01, “West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd apologized Sunday for a slur he used during a discussion of race relations in a nationally broadcast interview.” (You can see him say it by google searching “Byrd says the N word”). He was the top democrat in the Senate at the time.
    -Byrd died in-office less than two years ago. He was the longest-serving senator in history, from 1959 to 2010. Democrats chose him as Senate Majority Leader many times. The Democrat Party loved him even though he was a racist: “Vice President Biden said today that with the passing of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) the Senate lost a legend and he lost a dear friend and mentor.” 6/28/10 ABC News.
    Google search: “CNN Explains: How the GOP began” to see the CNN video
    -8/27/12 the Over the weekend, CNN’s Tom Foreman delved into the GOP’s unique history, providing a brief recap of how it all took form:
    “In the tumultuous mid-1800s, right before the Civil War, some political activists were concerned about keeping slavery from spreading into new western territories, and they saw no way to stop it through existing political powers: the Democrats and the Whigs (the pro-Congress party of the mid 1800s that largely destroyed itself in the 1852 elections in a battle over slavery). So they formed a new party, taking the name “Republicans” in a salute to earlier American politicians. By 1861, they had their first president: Abraham Lincoln. Soon after, slavery fell. The Whig party disappeared. And the Republicans began a long steady rise in power. The modern Republican Party absolutely owes its origin to the fight over slavery,“ Foreman proclaims in a ”CNN Explains” video piece.
    And smarmy?

  18. renclrk says:

    Nice choice of screenname
    very safe
    I have an issue with the question
    Minority bashing – when a select small group request more than the majority – they lose, too few in number
    Racism – If statistics that are proven and quoted disfavour a demographical group so what? it’s a fact

  19. halfston says:

    Mr. “Neutral” – your question is drawing a false conclusion. I watched the youtube video you posted and it is indeed shameful. However, I’m sure you know that the Mayor of New York is an Independent, and that the police in New York are not really members of any political party.
    As to the comments – there were two. I know that if I were to cite two examples of African Americans committing crimes, then came to the conclusion that “Most African Americans are Criminals” you’d really go off on me, and with good reason. If I backed that up by saying, “I could come up with billions of examples”, you’d mark me as a racist and probably block me.
    So why are your conclusions about conservatives any different? Here you have police acting in a way that is presented in a way to show the profiling – and while I tend to agree that it seems pretty damning, some of the video is pretty slanted. For example, when the cop stops the first driver, he says,
    “Why are you stopping me, I didn’t do anything wrong?”, the cop says, “Why am I stopping you?”
    And then the announcer breaks in – – “And that’s not even the worst of it!”
    Huh? That’s usually the exchange whenever I get pulled over … how do we know what the cops answer was? What if she said, “There was a robbery here, and we were given a description of a car that matches yours”.
    We can certainly go at it one to one, with you citing examples of so-called conservatives spouting hatred and racism, and me citing examples of liberals spouting the same hatred based on religion (“magic underwear” for example), but I think that we can probably agree that neither is really “policy”, and all the hatred just comes from ignorant people.
    Frankly, your own hatred of conservatives is just as unfounded and bigoted – it’s just that conservatives are not a “protected class”.

  20. Tim says:

    I would completely disagree with you that most conservatives are racist. If you would like to identify racists, you shoud look at the democratic party. Here is their record:
    Supported slavery in 6 platforms from 1840-1860.
    Opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution that successively wiped out slavery and gave both legal rights and voting rights to black Americans.
    Supported segregation actively or by silence in 20 platforms from 1868-1948.
    Opposed anti-lynching laws, specifically supported by the GOP in four platforms between 1912 and 1928.
    Opposed the GOP-sponsored Civil Rights Acts of 1866, which focused on legal equality for blacks.
    Opposed the GOP on giving voting rights to blacks in the District of Columbia in 1867. The legislation was passed over the Democrats’ objection..
    Nominated an 1868 presidential ticket of New York Governor Horatio Seymour and ex-Missouri Congressman Francis Blair. The Democrats pledged they would declare the Civil Rights laws passed by the GOP “null and void” and would refuse to enforce them. They lost to Ulysses Grant.
    Opposed the Enforcement Acts, three laws passed by the GOP between 1870 and 1871 targeting the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and making it a federal crime to block the right of blacks to vote, hold office, serve on juries and have equal protection of the laws with whites.
    Opposed the GOP Civil Rights Act of 1875, which prohibited discrimination of blacks in public accommodations.
    Used the Ku Klux Klan as what Columbia University historian Eric Foner calls “a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.” Nor is there reference to University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description of the Klan as the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.” Nor is there mention of the infamous 1924 Democratic Convention — the “Klanbake” as it is known to history because hundreds of the delegates were Klan members. The Klan-written platform mixed the traditional Democratic message of progressivism and racism in the Klan-written platform.
    Repealed the Civil Rights laws enacted by GOP Congresses and presidents, already damaged by the Supreme Court. When Democrats gained control of both Congress and the White House in 1892, the Democrats’ President Grover Cleveland signed the repeal on February 8, 1894.
    Congressional records show that the party opposed both the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Act of 1960
    Let’s not forget the democratic opposition of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Acts and the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act. Again, check the congressional records if you have difficulty believing that.
    I am sure you can find racists in every group, but don’t you DARE smear an entire set of people based on the actions of a few.

  21. MR. COMMON SENSE says:

    I AGREE 100%
    1.Republicans compared Obama to Monkey and Apes
    2.Republicans called Obama a Kenyan born Muslim
    3.Republicans call black people welfare plantation slaves
    4.Republicans worship and praise white supremacists like Rush Limbaugh


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