Tag Archive | "species benefits"

Help With Science Please?

Can someone please help me with these two science questions?
The relationship in which one species benefits and the other is unharmed is known as what?
-a niche
Population size is limited by all of the following except what?
-biotic factors
-abiotic factors
-none of the above
Thank you!!!!!!

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6 8th Grade Science Questions??? Multiple Choice And 2 Short Written Answer?

1. What is the function of a producer in a food chain?
.to consume energy from various plants and animals in the food chain
.to break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil
.to create energy-rich molecules, such as glucose
.to create symbiosis in an ecosystem
2. The role a species plays within a community is its
3. The relationship in which one species benefits and the other is unharmed is known as
.a niche.
4. Population size is limited by all of the following except
.biotic factors.
.abiotic factors.
.All of these can limit population size.
5. The _________________ is the part of Earth’s crust, water, and sky that supports living organisms. (1 point)
6. Using all the terms provided here, construct a food chain of your own. Make sure to show the flow of energy in your food chain. Terms to use include producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and decomposer. (1 point)

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Some Biology Questions.?

(1) ____ is an overbundance of nutrients that leads to excessive plant growth and reduction of oxygen in an ecosystem?
(2)which of these biomes recives the greatest amount of yearly rainfall?
-boreal forest
-temperate forests
-tropical forests
(3) An organism’s position within a food web is know as its?
-tropic level
(4) Hydrothermal vent communities lack photosynthetic organisms at the base of the food web?
(5) the rigid, outer layer of earth is referred to as the asthenosphere?
(6) in commensalism, one species benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed?

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What Are The Answers To These Questions?

My professor assigned 100 questions for us to answer and study off of and I have had trouble with these following questions. I would greatly appreciate any imput.
An ecosystem
A. includes only the plants within a particular area.
B. includes all the living organisms within a specific area, but not the abiotic factors.
C. includes both living and abiotic factors within a particular region.
D. always includes equal numbers of plant and animal species.
E. only refers to biotic factors in a region.
The physical space that an organism occupies in its environment is its ______________.
A. habitat
B. niche
C. biotic factor
D. role
E. abiotic factor
A keystone species is
A. the largest species in a community.
B. the most numerous species in a community.
C. the least numerous species in a community.
D. a species on which many other species depend.
E. the species that occupies most of the niches within a particular environment.
Which of the following is an incorrect association regarding interactions within communities?
A. habitat–area of community where a particular species lives
B. parasitism–one species obtains nutrients from another
C. mutualism–relationship benefits both species
D. commensalism–one species benefits and one species is harmed by the
E. predation–one species feeds on another
An exotic species is defined as a species that is
A. illegal to sell.
B. a poor competitor for nutrients.
C. a hybrid.
D. indigenous to an area.
E. non-native to a particular community.
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
A. Plants are Decomposers that live on dead organic matter.
B. Autotrophs are called producers because they produce food.
C. Herbivores eat algae or plant material.
D. Detritus includes both living and non-living material.
E. Chemoautotrophs obtain energy from inorganic compounds.
Which of the following is an incorrect association?
A. trophic level–level of nourishment within a food chain
B. sedimentary cycle–chemical absorbed from soil and eventually returned to soil
C. food chain–a diagram showing a single path of energy flow in an ecosystem
D. ecological pyramid–energy gain between trophic levels
E. grazing food web–begins with plants
Which of the following biomes has the higher primary productivity?
A. temperate grassland
B. desert
C. temperate deciduous forest
D. coral reef
E. sandy beach
When too many nutrients are added to of a body of water, this is known as __________.
A. A biogeochemical cycle
B. reservoirs
C. eutrophication
D. global warming
E. nitrogen fixing
Which of the following is an example of a sedimentary cycle?
A. the phosphorus cycle
B. the nitrogen cycle
C. the carbon cycle
D. the atmospheric cycle
E. eutrophic cycle
Biomes are defined by
A. types of plants.
B. types of animals.
C. communities.
D. temperature and rainfall.
E. both plants, animals, and inorganic matter.

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