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Biology Questions Help?

1. why do clams releases so much eggs and sperm when really only a few of them actually develop?
2. what role does a clam play in its niche

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Can You Plzz Help Me With These Biology Questions?

1. Species which travel distances between important areas for their survival, such as breeding and feeding areas may be particularly vulnerable to habitat destruction. How might the creation of multiple national parks or nature reserves help such species?
2. How could separation of breeding periods in frogs result in niche differentiation in the tadpoles?
plz help fast thx

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Biology Questions Please?

(1) deserts are defined as areas with which of the following characteristics?
-arid conditions
-high temperature
-lack of vegetation
-all of the above
(2) The ___ is the population size that can be maintained given a certain number of limiting factors?
-carrying capacity
-limit level
-population density
(3) which of the following describes organisms in a pelagic zone?
-plankton floating near the ocean surface
-botton-dwellers on the ocean floor
-barnacles glued to stone in an intertidal zone
-frogs in a pond close to the ponds edge
(4) which of the following is not an example of secondary sucession?
-farmland is abandoned
-a forest is clear cut
-a lava flow covers the landscape
-a wildfire burns away the vegetation on a hillside
(5) in a lake, the epilimnion is the?
-environment found close to shore in a lake
-environment found at the lake bed
-lower, colder layer
-upper surface layer
(6) groundwater located in permeable layers of rock is a/an?
(7) greenhouse gases include which of these?
-carbon dioxide
-nitrous oxide
-all of these
(8) if nothing is done to control the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, global temperature is expected to?
-even off
-fluctuate randonly
(9) oxygen and nitrogen gases comprise ___% of the atmosphere by volume
(10) ___ is a scientific discipline that devolops practical approaches to preven extinction of species and destruction of ecosystems?
-conservation biology
(11) increases in greenhouse gases cause increases in global temperature because these gases are able to trap heat rerafiated from earth’s surface?

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Some Biology Questions.?

(1) ____ is an overbundance of nutrients that leads to excessive plant growth and reduction of oxygen in an ecosystem?
(2)which of these biomes recives the greatest amount of yearly rainfall?
-boreal forest
-temperate forests
-tropical forests
(3) An organism’s position within a food web is know as its?
-tropic level
(4) Hydrothermal vent communities lack photosynthetic organisms at the base of the food web?
(5) the rigid, outer layer of earth is referred to as the asthenosphere?
(6) in commensalism, one species benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed?

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Some Biology Questions?

1.Evolution occurs:
A) by altering physical traits but not behavioral traits.
B) only when the environment is changing.
C) only via natural selection, genetic drift, migration, or mutation
2.Thomas Malthus’s 1798 work, Essay on the Principle of Population, greatly influenced Darwin. Which of the following statements best summarizes Malthus’s idea?
A) Animals are able to pass to their offspring characteristics that were acquired in their lifetimes.
B) Individuals with better competitive abilities are more likely to survive and pass their genes to the next generation.
C) Isolated populations of organisms tend to differentiate into new species to fill different niches.
D) People reproduce much more quickly than their resources do. This results in competition for food and space, and in suffering and death.
3.Which of the following groups would be placed nearest the fungi in a phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences?
A) gymnosperms
B) cyanobacteria
C) animals
4.To which one of the following is the bat’s wing NOT homologous?
A) the lion’s foreleg
B) the dragonfly’s wing
C) the human’s arm
D) the bird’s wing
5.The classic experiments performed in the 1950s by Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, were the first to show that:
A) simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.
B) water (H2O) could be separated into atmospheric oxygen and H2 gas.
C) naturally occurring antibiotics, such as penicillin, could be used to treat bacterial diseases.
6.Which of the following molecules was NOT present in the pre-biotic environment?
A) ammonia (NH3)
B) methane (CH4)
C) molecular oxygen (O2)
D) water (H2O)
7.Much of what is known about the history of the origin of life came from:
A) written history.
B) word of mouth.
C) educated guesses.
D) the study of fossils.
8.The biological species concept is primarily based on:
A) reproductive isolation.
B) phylogenetic history.
C) ecological niche.
9.The biological species concept:
A) is infrequently used because it is inapplicable to many organisms.
B) states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species.
C) defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring

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Two Biology Questions!! Please Help :'(?

22. Describe the body of a leech. In what way do the leech’s adaptations make it suited for its niche?
25. What three methods do echinoderms use to get food?

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