Tag Archive | "Plant"

How To Describe The Ecological Niche Of A Plant?

This is as opposed to describing an animal’s niche.
Is there much difference?
What key things would need to be described?

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How Does Animal Start Off As A Herbivore Than Over Time Evolves Into A Pure Carnviore?

I understand that bears and pigs did that to survive but they changed from a herbivorous diet to a omnivorous diet. But how does a animal go from a plant eater to a pure carnviore. The animal I’m talking about is the marsupial lion. I was watching a documentary on it. And they said the marsupial lion ancestor was a plant eating wombat or kola, to fill the ecological predator niche. First off why did it evolve to be a predator when there where plenty of predators on Austurlia! A terror bird, terrestrial crocodile, giant snake, megalaina and thaylcines. Second why in the word is it name the marsipual lion and it dosent look like a lion! A lion has a man. While this animal has bolt cutter teeth. I don’t understand….. If I had saw the fossil remains of a marsipual lion I wouldn’t think it was a lion, . I probably think it was some mutated animal or alien, the last thing on my mind would be that it is a lion, who discovered this animal obvliousily never seen a real lion before . http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/4134171 does that look like a lion?

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Accounting Balance Sheet?

Identify where each balance sheet item belongs:
A. Current assets H. Non current liabilities
B. Investments I. Capital stock
C .Property Plant, Equipment J. Add’l paid in capital
D. Other revenues K. Cost of goods sold
E. Intangible assets L. Retained earnings
F. Current liabilities M. Revenues
G. Other assets
Indicate where the following items would be classified on the balance sheet.
1. Common stock 11. Stock owned in affiliated co.
2. Sinking fund to retire debt 12. Land held for future plant site.
3. Accounts receivable 13. Premium on common stock
4. Inventory 14. Copyrights
5. Prepaid insurance 15. Unearned revenues
6. Accumulated depreciation 16. Accrued interest on note receivable.
7. Bond payable 17. Cash
8. Wages payable 18. Trade accounts payable
9. Machinery no longer in use 19. Current portion of long term debt
10. Allowance for doubtful accounts 20. Goodwill

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Help With A Paragraph!?

I have to right this paragraph in biology about how if an endangered species became extinct, then how would it affect the rest of the organisms. I also need to use the words niche, population, and community in the paragraph. My endangered animal is a plant, so wouldn’t everything decline? I still don’t know how I’m going to fit niche in there. Any help will be appreciated considering that this due tomorrow, thanks.

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Can Someone Help Me With My Analogy?

carrying capacity : populations size :: predator : prey ::
a) niche : habitat a) competition : species
b) amount of water : Plant growth b) grazing : herbivores
c) death rate : birth rate c) ants : acacia trees
d) severe weather : density- dependent deaths d) parasite : host
species : population :: limiting resource : carrying capacity ::
a) heart : body a) turtle : pond
b) plants : animals b) sunlight : plant growth
c) cows : herd c) territory : density-independent deaths
d) sunlight : trees d) population growth : parasitism
density : area :: relationship : symbiosis ::
a) dispersion : niche a) evolution : population
b) leaves : forest b) business : partnership
c) growth rate : time c) mutualism : competition
d) habitat : niche d) health : illness
births : positive growth rate :: long generation time : short generation time ::
a) reproduction : extinction a) dogs : cats
b) deaths : negative growth rate b) ants : dog
c) limited resource : exponential growth c) elephants : bacteria
d) niche : habitat d) daisies : trees

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Please Explain This Sentence To Me!?

I cannot seem to understand the meaning of the sentence on my school note about food spoilage and micro organisms.. can someone please explain it to me… thank you
heres the sentence,
“Micro organisms inhibit nearly every niche on earth and food supply, which are of plant or animal origin is of no exception”

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