Tag Archive | "SEO"

How Do You Get Visitors To Your Homepage?

I would like to know what other people are using to get more visitors to their website i tryed learning some SEO and readin guides but i couldnt really get it to work.
I start my pages to make money from them but i also have some in niches im interested in and thoose becomes a hobby.
On the money making sites i want as much traffic as possible as fast as possible so i buy it www.MyTrafficPenguin.com it saves me so much time that i can spend on what ever i want. I also dont have to bother about getting ripped of since they have 100% Customer satisfaction GUARANTEE or your money back.
Whats your tactics and how do you get people to your website / business

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Seo Question Re: My Youtube Channel Helpful Videos Have Been Uploaded To Many Websites?

My very good youtube helpful videos have been uploaded to many websites. I am an affiliate for a product and offer some review and some education but I hope to get the affiliate sale.
I see that these other websites insert a clickable link at the end of my video essay description.I see that these other websites put clickable links into my essay that connect to their advertisers.
My question: Is this beneficial for me to have allow my youtube videos out there. (Since they may have a higher ranking site than my own website)
Thank you for your help.

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Seo Competition Strategy Advice ……….?

To be honest, when I read the title of this blog post at SEO.com in my reader, I was expecting more. However, it raises a great point we don’t often hear about.
The idea of using averages to measure out the competition level of a niche/vertical/industry.
Anyone doing it this way?
Or are you mostly relying on data provided from SEO Elite, Market Samurai, TT, and manual indicators right now?
SEO.com hasn’t been known as the best SEO resource site on the web, but they revamped a few months ago and have been doing a much better job from what I have seen.

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What Would Be Best For Seo?

Making a website and need the best name/niche. Possible domain as well.
Free CokeRewards Codes
Free Coke Rewards Codes
Free Coke Codes
Free MyCokeRewards Codes
Free My Coke Rewards Codes

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

Seo / Domain Question?

I want to engage several affiliate programs online at the rate of one per week and I was thinking which of these would be “cheaper and effective with regards to Organic Search engine optimization ONLY”
www.xxxxx.com for each affiliate program (seperate domain for each affiliate program)
www.xxxxx.com/affiliate1 (and so on for affiliate 2…)
www.affiliate1.xxxxx.com (one domain for all affiliate but they will sit on different subdomains)
Thanks a lot.

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Seo / Domain Question?

I want to engage several affiliate programs online at the rate of one per week and I was thinking which of these would be “cheaper and effective with regards to Organic Search engine optimization ONLY”
www.xxxxx.com for each affiliate program (seperate domain for each affiliate program)
www.xxxxx.com/affiliate1 (and so on for affiliate 2…)
www.affiliate1.xxxxx.com (one domain for all affiliate but they will sit on different subdomains)
Thanks a lot.

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