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Biology Help 10 Points!!! Dont Get It?

1 Answer:
Populations of rabbits usually are counted by marking with
a. paint.
b. transmitters.
c. ear tags.
d. leg bands.
2 Answer:
A prey population usually decreases as a predator population
a. increases.
b. decreases.
c. emigrates.
d. stays the same.
3 Answer:
Food chains connected together are called
a. competitors.
b. a food web.
c. populations.
d. communities.
4 Answer:
A population might be increasing because the
a. birth rate is decreasing.
b. death rate is decreasing.
c. birth rate is increasing.
d. both b and c.
5 Answer:
Which of the following is not a limiting factor?
a. nutrients
b. emigration
c. water
d. space
6 Answer:
Predator-prey relationships
a. are limiting factors.
b. affect both plants and animals.
c. affect only prey populations.
d. affect only predator populations.
7 Answer:
The second link in a food chain could be a
a. dog.
b. cow.
c. tree.
d. owl.
8 Answer:
Food is made in a community by
a. all consumers.
b. decomposers.
c. both a and b.
d. producers.
9 Answer:
The job of an organism in a community is called
a. limiting factors.
b. a habitat.
c. a niche.
d. competition.
10 Answer:
Which of the following causes an increase in population size?
a. limiting factor
b. emigration
c. immigration
d. competition
11 Answer:
Limiting factors keep populations from
a. starving.
b. emigrating.
c. increasing.
d. decreasing.

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What Qualifies As An “extracurricular Activity”?

I ask because, although I do a lot of “activities” outside of school, they are not necessarily school-affiliated activities, or with clubs. Like, I like to play the bass guitar & sing, and paint & draw, and study a lot of subjects on my own time. And writing is absolutely my passion. BUT these aren’t school- or club-affiliated activities.
So, in order to list this stuff on a college application, do they have to be sponsored by the school in order to be extracurriculars?
Although I am in a few clubs at my school, I would like to express to colleges how I spend my time in activities that aren’t school-related.
So, what qualifies an extracurricular activity? Is it truly just extracurricular, in that, it’s something you do that is EXTRA, or does it have to be like a sport, or with a club, or with the school?

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Please Help Decorate My Bedroom?

I am moving into a college affiliated apartment, cant paint the walls so I have to deal with white walls which I feel makes decorating harder.
There is a dresser, nightstand, bed, (all three are light brown wood) and a small black couch. Which obviously means I need to incorporate black into my room which I have no problem with!
I am looking to avoid the typical tacky dorm room ‘bright’ colors (orange and pick mainly) unless they are used as accents
Please include what color you think my curtains should be! Thank you for your help

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