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Biology Help 10 Points!!! Dont Get It?

1 Answer:
Populations of rabbits usually are counted by marking with
a. paint.
b. transmitters.
c. ear tags.
d. leg bands.
2 Answer:
A prey population usually decreases as a predator population
a. increases.
b. decreases.
c. emigrates.
d. stays the same.
3 Answer:
Food chains connected together are called
a. competitors.
b. a food web.
c. populations.
d. communities.
4 Answer:
A population might be increasing because the
a. birth rate is decreasing.
b. death rate is decreasing.
c. birth rate is increasing.
d. both b and c.
5 Answer:
Which of the following is not a limiting factor?
a. nutrients
b. emigration
c. water
d. space
6 Answer:
Predator-prey relationships
a. are limiting factors.
b. affect both plants and animals.
c. affect only prey populations.
d. affect only predator populations.
7 Answer:
The second link in a food chain could be a
a. dog.
b. cow.
c. tree.
d. owl.
8 Answer:
Food is made in a community by
a. all consumers.
b. decomposers.
c. both a and b.
d. producers.
9 Answer:
The job of an organism in a community is called
a. limiting factors.
b. a habitat.
c. a niche.
d. competition.
10 Answer:
Which of the following causes an increase in population size?
a. limiting factor
b. emigration
c. immigration
d. competition
11 Answer:
Limiting factors keep populations from
a. starving.
b. emigrating.
c. increasing.
d. decreasing.

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