Tag Archive | "one day at a time"

What Networks Would Theoretically Be Interested In These Two Tv Shows?

Okay, so I have two shows that I’m trying to develop. I’m unsure of how to develop them because I don’t know exactly what type of markets (channels) they’re fit for. Could you help me? I need to know what kind of channel it would be viable on so that I can plan episodes in the general and common amount.
One is an hour-long comedy-drama about the staff at a high school. They deal with the struggles of teaching students, relating to colleagues, dealing with school activities, communicating with parents, balancing work with their personal lives, mixing their personal lives and work lives together, secrets, and scandals. I should point out that there was a similar show to this called Boston Public which aired from 2000-2004. It’s no longer being rerun so I don’t know how to make it different from that show and to avoid accidentally plagiarizing it. It seems like because schools are not as popular in pop culture as cop, lawyer, and doctor shows, it’s more difficult to make them different, and easier to be accused of being unoriginal.
The other is about six quirky and eccentric black and Latino teenagers living on the South Side of Chicago dealing with not being accepted by their peers for being odd and dealing with the trials and tribulations of adolescence one day at a time.

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I Cheated On My Girlfriend For Years Now I’m Insecure. Why?

Im going to be honest I have not been the good guy but what i need is honest answers. Me and my girlfriend have been together almost 9 years and even though i love her i have cheated throughout these years a lot. We have a son together who is now two. Couple of months ago she admitted to having sex with someone else out of anger (after once again catching me affiliating with a girl I cheated on her with multiple times) . After realizing now after all this time that i don’t want to lose her and i want to settle down, move in together and raise our son I’ve become insecure. Im always thinking now why isn’t she texting me back, why hasn’t she called me in X amount of time, where is she? etc etc… It’s weird because when i was cheating i didn’t think of ANY of this. I didn’t care didn’t even want to be on the phone with her for more than 1 minute.This is due to me talking to various girls and not caring, but now that im focused just on her its hard. I think my problem is because I know ALL the stuff I’ve done behind her back(which is A LOT) and i’m afraid now im going to be played. She assures me that she loves me and wants to marry me too but i think its my own guilt that’s playing me right now. What do I do? just take it one day at a time? learn to trust? I’m really trying to get my act together PLEASE HELP

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