Tag Archive | "movie"

Am I Studying The Right Things In College?

I am majoring in Film, Video & Media Studies, and minoring in Advertising & Promotion and Global & International Studies.
I want to make movie trailers more than anything. That or working in the music industry somehow, preferably as a sound mixer or an A&R rep. I’m not exactly sure what to study for the latter so I figured Advertising would be good for making trailers and for being an A&R rep. And considering I’m from Michigan (A.K.A. the state that God created as a cruel joke), I’m going to have to move out of state at some point if I ever want a good job. My back-up plan is to work for the US Department of State in one of the US embassies around the world if I can’t get into the film or music industries, since they are so competitive, and all the people lucky enough to be from California or New York or other places like that will have had more exposure to opportunities to gain experience.
My question is is there something else you think I should be studying? I have an internship with the local CBS affiliate coming up, so hopefully that will help, but I don’t have a lot of faith. I just don’t want to be a failure.

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Suddenly Into “furries”?

I’ve never considered myself to be a very sexually open person but lately I’ve been having odd fantasies that fall into – what I’ve learned to be – the “furry” niche. I don’t think there’s anything from my childhood or early adolescence that could have brought this on, and I bring this up because these types of issues always come from childhood, but it basically all started when I was having brunch with my friends and this guy in a gorilla costume walks into the place. I don’t really know who he was promoting for, I think it was like the Planet of the Apes movie or something but I started having really weird wet dreams about him. Like I all I could think about were the black-dyed gorilla gloves all over my body and how weird and kinda kinky and cool it’d be to be staring at a gorilla mask. I think that, also, the fact that I think gorillas have really large, scary genitalia is also a turn-on.
As a result I haven’t been able to really get along sexually with a lot of the guys I go out on dates with and I’m wondering if this is a short-term thing, or if I need to start looking for groups of similar people if I actually want to feel sexually satisfied?
Any suggestions that anybody who has been in a similar situation can give will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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Actors: I Emailed 2 Casting Directors To Audition For Films — And Neither Responded!!?

I’m 16 and attempting to start an acting career in Ohio (don’t tell me to move to LA – i’m with an agency and there is at least a small market in every city) – anyways, i’ve found a couple great auditions from actingmidwest.com, where directors post the specifics of their films or commercials they want to cast and leave an email to contact them through. (if you live in the midwest, check it out, it’s a great source!)
I found 2 great possibilities that would work for my age – one a low budget SAG! I emailed the email they gave with my headshots and resume and received no response.
One of these was posted about a week ago and said this:
“Casting session will be November 22, 2011, so respond promptly. Online casting will be available for those 50 miles outside of Cincinnati, Ohio”
I responded the day of, and still have not recieved a response for it. Today is November 21.
The other, the SAG, said that some of the actors would need training in combat. I can’t quite explain it, so this is what they said:
“Kino 13- One of 13 fighters that protect the treasure. We are looking for looks and fighting skills/athletic ability. 11 roles open. Your audition will consist of you in your unique wardrobe, in character, then performing martial arts, gymnastics, athletic moves. NO DIALOGUE, JUST CHARACTER expressions and movement. By the way: If you do not understand the difference between on screen and real combat, DO NOT SUBMIT! We have no time for seeing who is the “best fighter ion the world” on our set! This is a MOVIE not a tournament! Here is the film description of the Kino 13, think of them as X-Men type characters, but not with super powers, other than those described.
Description: The Red Rock Project. A secret operation using the paranormal abilities of the worlds thirteen deadliest psychic, psychotic killers. Named The Kino Thirteen, they are Individuals with super senses, advanced fighting skills and sociopaths tendencies. Psychic vampires, steroid infused combat troops.
Jakob Flint’s kids-(1) Male, teen age ***(1)Female-teen age***. The unlucky children of the film’s star, Jakob Flint. They are held hostage by Vanzetti and his men and meet a quick demise, Mafia style. Ages: 13-17, Caucasian. No dialog. For these auditions, the teen agers in question need to do a monologue of their choice from any movie featuring an emotional range for a teen ager. This monologue must run no longer than 3 minutes. There are no lines in the film, but ACTING talent through emoting is ESSENTIAL!”
Because of the way they spaced it on the page, I can’t tell if they meant that even Jakob Flint’s daughter needs combat training, so I emailed to clarify and also sent my other information. Did I ruin it by doing this?
Sorry if that was confusing, and if you skipped to here, basically I sent in a request to audition for 2 films that I would reallllly like to do, but recieved no response. I don’t want to be annoying and submit again (I wouldn’t do that) but I don’t know how to not let this opportunity slip from my fingers!! Help!

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Why Am I So Upset About This?

i feel like crying during movies. any movie. any movie because there’s always a couple, or someone who finds love. but movie’s aren’t the main problem, i guess.
i cry because i’m lonely.
i don’t care if i’m fifteen and i have ‘my entire life’ to find someone, i’m not even looking for a soul-mate. i’m looking for someone to make me happy. even if it’s just for a little while. even if i have to deal with feelings afterwards.
some will say, ‘get a hobby’. i guess once upon a time i had a niche. i was an artist, and i was damn good too. but i fell out of creativity, and every time i try to pick it up again it never sticks. now.. now i sit in my room watching the shopping network and cartoons, occupying my time. i feel like such a loser because i’m just wasting my time. i hate summer break, because at least school kept me busy.
i don’t even have a best friend. they don’t need me, my friends aren’t exactly pivotal to my life either. i could live without my casual friends. i just.. all i want is to be happy.

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Question About Global Warming & ‘an Inconvenient Truth’?

Please help me answer these questions. These questions had to be answered after watching the movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. I have done a lot of research but I could not find the answers to these questions. Please do try to answer all the questions (even if you’re not sure) but if even if you can answer a few, it would be greatly appreciated.
1. Who was the first person to propose measuring CO2 levels in the atmosphere?
2. Why do CO2 levels in the atmosphere have such drastic fluctuations within a year?
3. What trends can be seen in CO2 levels from 1958 – 2005?
4. How are scientist able to determine temperature and CO2 levels from specific years so long ago?
5. How recently did the 10 hottest years ever recorded occur?
6. Why did Katrina change from a category 1 hurricane before reaching New Orleans?
7. The ocean currents are interconnected via a conveyor type system. What would happen to this system if Greenland had to melt and why?
8.Describe 3 ecological niches that are affected by global warming?
Thank you so much 🙂

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Question About Global Warming & ‘an Inconvenient Truth’?

Please help me answer these questions. These questions had to be answered after watching the movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. I have done a lot of research but I could not find the answers to these questions. Please do try to answer all the questions (even if you’re not sure) but if even if you can answer a few, it would be greatly appreciated.
1. Who was the first person to propose measuring CO2 levels in the atmosphere?
2. Why do CO2 levels in the atmosphere have such drastic fluctuations within a year?
3. What trends can be seen in CO2 levels from 1958 – 2005?
4. How are scientist able to determine temperature and CO2 levels from specific years so long ago?
5. How recently did the 10 hottest years ever recorded occur?
6. Why did Katrina change from a category 1 hurricane before reaching New Orleans?
7. The ocean currents are interconnected via a conveyor type system. What would happen to this system if Greenland had to melt and why?
8.Describe 3 ecological niches that are affected by global warming?
Thank you so much 🙂

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