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Question About Global Warming & ‘an Inconvenient Truth’?

Please help me answer these questions. These questions had to be answered after watching the movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. I have done a lot of research but I could not find the answers to these questions. Please do try to answer all the questions (even if you’re not sure) but if even if you can answer a few, it would be greatly appreciated.
1. Who was the first person to propose measuring CO2 levels in the atmosphere?
2. Why do CO2 levels in the atmosphere have such drastic fluctuations within a year?
3. What trends can be seen in CO2 levels from 1958 – 2005?
4. How are scientist able to determine temperature and CO2 levels from specific years so long ago?
5. How recently did the 10 hottest years ever recorded occur?
6. Why did Katrina change from a category 1 hurricane before reaching New Orleans?
7. The ocean currents are interconnected via a conveyor type system. What would happen to this system if Greenland had to melt and why?
8.Describe 3 ecological niches that are affected by global warming?
Thank you so much 🙂

No Responses to “Question About Global Warming & ‘an Inconvenient Truth’?”

  1. Jeff M says:

    1. John Tyndall discovered the greenhouse effect in 1861 and Svante Arrhenius did some more tests to improve our understanding of CO2’s role in it in 1896.
    Tyndall –…
    Arrhenius –…
    2. I believe this is based on the seasons and oceanic and plant based uptake of CO2
    3. Trends have been positive
    Scripps CO2 Program –
    4. Atmospheric CO2 has been measured since 1958 and there are various techniques for CO2 measurements of the past including air bubbles in ice cores.
    Scripps Mauna Loa Data –…
    Ice cores –…
    5. The 10 warmest years recorded since measurements began have all occurred within the past 12 or 13 years.
    GISTemp Data –…
    HadCRUT Data –…
    6. Hurricanes or Cyclones gain strength from sea surface temperatures. The warmer SSTs are the more powerful a hurricane will be. However there are other variables that can affect hurricanes frequency as well.…
    7. The system would shut down due to decreased salinity
    “Given the role that salinity plays in maintaining the oceanic conveyor belt, a decrease in salinity due to the addition of fresh water (which is less dense) threatens to slow or shut down the Oceanic Conveyor Belt. If the conveyor shuts down, it will no longer bring warm ocean waters from the south to areas of Northern Europe. Since the ocean plays an important role in the local climate balance, this could lead to a dramatic drop in local temperatures for Northern Europe.”…
    8. You can find your answers here…
    Make sure to read each article linked above in depth for a better understanding.

  2. Tim Osman says:

    Look. I’m sorry. I hate when people respond, but don’t answer the question. But I think you should look a little more deeper into the claims that movie makes. Global warming has already been exposed as a fraud when the UN scientists got caught lying about it among other things.

  3. Jessie Geronimo says:

    CO2 levels are not really important.


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