Tag Archive | "Freemasons"

Why Do Most People Affiliate Freemasons With Devil Worship?

Also what are freemasons because i really don’t understand. All i know is that they are very secretive and that they help eachother when in need of help.

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Freemasons And Illuminati, Are They Related To Each Other?

Hi, I’ve been reading books like Bloodlines by James Rollins and freemasons are included there, the templars and the staff of Jesus Christ, anyway I’m just curious because I’ve played this game before, the title is “Assassin’s Creed” and I know it is somehow related with freemasonry and with the illuminati because I’ve read an article about these two organizations and it’s said that the templars changed their identity and still exists today, they are the freemasons. In the game Assassin’s Creed, the templars are included there and they’re hunted by these so called “Assassins” and I think these Assassins are the illuminati? I think? I’m not sure. My point is, is this true? If it is, what do they want? What’s their goal in life? What is that SECRET they’ve been hiding from us? Why is it so important to them? From the book “Bloodlines” by James Rollins, it is said that a templar knight was able to uncover a holy treasure, a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that will forever change humanity If unleashed. I know I have so many questions, that’s just because I’m curious about these things and it fascinates me! I hope you could help me guys. Thanks =)

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Tell Me About Freemasonry?

I keep seeing a number, the number 33 the highest rank of a freemason.
What is the purpose of freemason’s to raise money for charity? pfft if that was so why believe in a higher being?
How do I join the freemasons and if I join and leave with thier secrets will they track me down.
I know the secrets of this world, I know the devil’s devices. (only people with wisdom will understand this)
– The computer
– The television
– The electric guitar (rock&roll)
– Motocross and all forms of motorsport.
– 33 god and my right, the roman catholic eagle, satan’s seat.
– modern marketing
– gaming
– Aeroplanes corrupting israel
– the illuminati false media that tricks fools without the wisdom that says men do this and not the spiritual forces of the bible!
Why am I on yahoo answers asking this. all I will find is a misguided jehovah’s witness or mormon to answer me. I really shouldn’t be on here asking this I should just work this out myself and stop dumping nonsense into the great ball of sin called the internet.
If anyone here understands me. tell me about the masons.

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