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Why Do Most People Affiliate Freemasons With Devil Worship?

Also what are freemasons because i really don’t understand. All i know is that they are very secretive and that they help eachother when in need of help.

No Responses to “Why Do Most People Affiliate Freemasons With Devil Worship?”

  1. SoulViru says:

    Probably because of the myth about the Illuminati and stuff like the fact that the Catholic Church is so secretive/

  2. ? says:

    Free·ma·son [free-mey-suhn, free-mey-]
    a member of a widely distributed secret order (Free and Accepted Masons) having for its object mutual assistance and the promotion of brotherly love among its members.
    ( lowercase ) History/Historical .
    one of a class of skilled stoneworkers of the Middle Ages, possessing secret signs and passwords.
    a member of a society composed of such workers, which also included honorary members (accepted masons) not connected with the building trades.

  3. Elegua! says:

    Actually, “Most people” don’t do any such thing. Only a few absolutely lunatic conspiracy theorists, usually protestant but occasionally Catholic, would make such a claim.
    And Freemasons aren’t all THAT secretive, considering that you can find a Masonic lodge in just about every town in the English-speaking world.
    Heck, they even have their own, very detailed website.

  4. Charles Castlemore says:

    Search the history of Freemasonry…supposedly, they do things like piss on crosses, and the like…

  5. ? says:

    Most people don’t.
    They think it’s just another Lodge.

  6. MissPris says:

    Because most people can’t resist making up stories about clubs they don’t belong to. Just like in the middle ages, Christians believed that Jews sacrificed Christian babies and poisoned wells. Just like some people still believe that the Roman Catholic church is run by a secret society.
    Masons are not secretive. There are lodges in most communities and you are welcome to visit and apply to become a member.
    Freemasons have a set of basic principles that they all live by. Masonic lodge members promise never to bring anything offensive or defensive into the lodge with them — both weapons and words. The object of the lodge is to create a place where those divisions are left outside, so Masons can engage in activities that unite them instead of separating them:

    A moral code: Freemasons believe in honor and that a man has a responsibility to behave honorably in everything he does. Freemasonry teaches its members the principles of personal decency and personal responsibility. It hopes to inspire them to have charity and good will toward all mankind, and to translate principles and convictions into action.

    Charity: Freemasonry is devoted to the promotion of the welfare and happiness of all mankind. Freemasonry teaches its members that unselfishness is a duty and that it’s not only more blessed to give than to receive, but also more rewarding.

    Education: Freemasonry teaches a system of morality and brotherhood by the use of symbols and dramatic presentations. It encourages its members to expand their knowledge of the world around them.

    Religious, not a religion: Freemasons believe in the brotherhood of man, under the fatherhood of God. Freemasonry isn’t a religion, but it is religious because it requires its members to have faith in a Supreme Being, according to the individual Mason’s belief. It’s not a sectarian organization and does not promote one religion over another. Masonic ceremonies describe a moral code, using basic principles that are common to all religions.

    Social responsibility: Freemasonry stands for the reverence of God and the proper place of individual faith in society; for truth and justice; for fraternity and philanthropy; and for orderly civil, religious, and intellectual liberty. It charges each of its members to be true and loyal to the government of the country to which he owes allegiance and to be obedient to the law of any state in which he may reside.
    However, Masonry does philosophically oppose tyranny, dictatorship, and any destruction of human dignity, basic human rights, and the free exercise of religion.

    Nonpolitical, nonsectarian: One of the first rules of Freemasonry forbids the discussion in Masonic meetings of religious matters and politics — topics likely to cause personal arguments. It’s also against the fundamental principles of Freemasonry for Masonic organizations to take political action or attempt to influence elections or legislation.

    Equality among members: Freemasonry regards no man for his worldly wealth, social status, or outward appearance. Kings, princes, sultans, and potentates have been Masons. So have paperboys, garbage men, factory workers, and fast-food fry cooks

  7. jplatt39 says:

    The Freemasons are a society of intelligent peple who like to help each other and the community. They are a survival o the Enlightenment. As such traditional religion has always seen them as competition (an absurd idea) and the Catholic Church began the stories linking them with Satanism, though “officially” denying their input into them. Other Churches have fallen for it.

  8. Gray Wanderer says:

    Most people don’t, just some loudmouthed conspiracy theorists and those who listen to them.

  9. Nightwol says:

    Those that make that claim do it out of ignorance. The gullible believe whatever the uneducated, religious bigots tell them. And all of them are to lazy to do any research into the truth.


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