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Freemasons And Illuminati, Are They Related To Each Other?

Hi, I’ve been reading books like Bloodlines by James Rollins and freemasons are included there, the templars and the staff of Jesus Christ, anyway I’m just curious because I’ve played this game before, the title is “Assassin’s Creed” and I know it is somehow related with freemasonry and with the illuminati because I’ve read an article about these two organizations and it’s said that the templars changed their identity and still exists today, they are the freemasons. In the game Assassin’s Creed, the templars are included there and they’re hunted by these so called “Assassins” and I think these Assassins are the illuminati? I think? I’m not sure. My point is, is this true? If it is, what do they want? What’s their goal in life? What is that SECRET they’ve been hiding from us? Why is it so important to them? From the book “Bloodlines” by James Rollins, it is said that a templar knight was able to uncover a holy treasure, a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power that will forever change humanity If unleashed. I know I have so many questions, that’s just because I’m curious about these things and it fascinates me! I hope you could help me guys. Thanks =)

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  1. Dubbs says:

    From my own personal research, I can’t say you’re spot on, but you are on the right track. Assassins Creed is not a true story, but merely uses historical data to improve upon the story lines.
    The truth about Freemasonry is that most (If not all) Freemasons are unaware of how this secret society came to be. However the most informative book I’ve come across of Freemasonry’s origins is “Born in Blood” by John Robinson. They do appear to be heavily linked to the Knights Templar, however it is slightly incorrect to say Freemasons and the Knights Templar are the same. During the suppression of the Knights Templar by the Catholic Church, which was back in the early 1300’s the escaped Templars formed multiple secret societies. The Freemasons weren’t “officially” recognized until 1717; so in existing underground for so many centuries, many things changed. They drifted from sworn warrior monks to enlightened intellectuals. They stayed underground for so long out of fear for the Catholic Church’s infamous inquisition. When the days of torture and suppression had ended the secret society became official.
    This Holy Treasure the Templars were believed to have been hiding was the Ark of the Covenant, as in “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.” In reality there is no such record that the Templars found this when excavating the old site of King Solomon’s Temple. I would highly recommend the book “The Sign and the Seal”, by Graham Hancock for more information on this. The Ark’s resting place is not among Freemasons, but in Ethiopia.
    The Illuminati, on the other hand, was founded in Bavaria (Modern day Germany) in 1776. This was a secret society built around conspiracy. Most secret societies at that time, like Freemasonry, was more like a social club. The Illuminati, however, had intentions to overthrow the church and monarchy. When this conspiracy was uncovered in 1785, the Bavarian government arrested its leader and suppressed the order. Many people believe the Illuminati died then and there, but there is evidence to suggest the Illuminati has lived on as a secret faction inside Freemasonry. The Congress of Wilhelmsbad, held in 1782, was a meeting among the Illuminati, Freemasons and Martinists secret societies. Due to the oaths of secrecy, it’s up to suggestion what the alliance consisted of. But these societies did alternate lodges and initiates. Prior to their suppression the Illuminati had established lodges in other European countries (Outside of the Bavarian providence). Within a year of the order’s suppression the Illuminati lodges in Europe were converted into Freemason lodges. At the Grand Constitutions of 1786, Freemasonry upped its degrees of initiation. Originally Freemasonry only had 25 rites, but after May 1, 1786 it had 33. Out of the 8 additional degrees, 4 were adopted off of the Illuminati. Through a shroud of secrecy the Illuminati became a hidden faction within Freemasonry. This faction was so secretive, that most Freemasons are unaware of its existence. Only those of a grade 33 have become privy to the Illuminati.
    The Illuminati have used the guise of Freemasonry to maintain it’s existence and were responsible for the French Revolution. They still exist today, it’s members have accumulated so much wealth by taking over the financial institutions. Where most people think the Federal Reserve is ran by the government, it is actually owned by private shareholders through the stock market. The Illuminati have bought control of the banks and manipulated the monetary system through fluctuating inflation and interest rates, so they can drown the economy and government into an endless pool of debt. There are 13 families or Bloodlines that have taken over as heads of the Illuminati consisting of the Rothschild Dynasty, who operate the banks of Europe and the Rockefeller family in the US. There are 13 bloodlines, but I wouldn’t have the room to cover them in full.
    This great secret that they’re hiding is the agenda, it’s what they plan to do and what they have been doing. Because of their vast wealth they have bought all media companies, be it in radio, television or newspapers and inserted their own editors that way, if they control what information goes out to the people, they can weigh propaganda to get people to believe their version of truth. With this much control they can stimulate people’s beliefs that war is required to find peace, or that basic citizens are not fit to carry guns. They want to trick people into giving up their liberties.

  2. The Bricklayer says:

    I am a Freemason,along with 6 million or so other men around the world.
    We are not connected with the illuminati(who no longer exist)
    We are not involved in conspiracies,murders,plots,treason,organ… crime or any of the other stupid claims made against us.
    Freemasonry is not a religious or political organisation
    All we Freemasons are interested in,is making society and the world a better place for all of us.
    We raise many millions of pounds and dollars every year,which is passed on to many deserving charities.
    You cannot compare a computer game to a society that has existed for centuries

  3. Igbo Naija Kwenu! says:

    Yep like the guy above me said..and there all devil worshipers who basically control the world. They also will or do have close ties/ links with the Antichrist. I think you know who that is. There also planning on taking over the world.

  4. Oceanus says:

    My dad’s a freemason & it’s just a fraternity for middle aged guys with nothing better to do.


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