Tag Archive | "Fishing"

Does The Bass Fishing Secret Weapon Work?

I am wondering if the bass fishing secret weapon really works URL for reference: http://www.bassfishingweapon.com/secret/2/ (Only Answer if you have tried this exact one!!1)

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Catfish Fishing Secret?

I found a website about a Catfish Fishing Secret. This guy claims he could make any buyers profit from sales. This is his site: http://www.catfishfishingweapon.com/fishing-affiliate-program2.htm
Will I really make profits or should I ignore it?

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How To Ask Local Business To Write A Check For Donation To An Individual?

A group of parents from my son’s school is trying to initiate a campaign to raise fund for people in need in Japan after the devastating Earthquake and the Tsunami on March 11. We decided to collect money and send it to a small fishing town that we have a personal connection with. We are not affiliated with the school, in fact, the school PTA could not help us collect the money since the money collected by PTA has to be used for the school. We don’t have any entity or non-profit status. We are just moms. We are not planning to donate the money to an organization at this time.
Can anyone help us the best way to collect money from individual and local businesses? Would they write a check to an individual?

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Does ebay not offer a commisio…‡

For example if I sold a fishing rid for £100 through my affiliiate link would I get say 5% of the price (£5) or would I only get 10p because they bidded?

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Should I Make Multiple Accounts For Multiple Blogs?

Current I have one blog with blogger. I eventually want to establish 4 blogs of different niches. Fishing, Nutrition/fitness, Comedy, and Product Comparisons. Should I create a new blogger account for each blog? Should I create a new twitter and social bookmarking accounts for each blog?

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