Tag Archive | "Core”"

When A Hard Core Leftist Agrees With Dick Cheney, What Does That Tell You About Obama’s Performance?

Dick Cheney on Benghazi
“”They ignored repeated warnings from the CIA about the threat. They ignored messages from their own people on the ground that they needed more security. They reduced what was already there. And the administration either had no forces ready to respond to an attack, which should have been anticipated on the anniversary of 9/11, or they refused to deploy them when our people asked for help.”
Maureen Dowd
New York Times
The administration’s behavior before and during the attack in Benghazi, in which four Americans died, was unworthy of the greatest power on earth.
President Obama knew he was sending diplomats and their protectors into a country that was no longer a country, a land rife with fighters affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Yet in this hottest of hot spots, the State Department’s minimum security requirements were not met, requests for more security were rejected, and contingency plans were not drawn up, despite the portentous date of 9/11 and cascading warnings from the C.I.A
The defense secretary at the time, Leon Panetta, insisted, “We quickly responded.” But they responded that they would not respond.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/12/opinio…
Cheney and Dowd AGREE !
Let that sink in !

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Help Choosing A Gaming Laptop?

So, I want to buy another gaming laptop. I’m coming off of an Asus G53SW, which was brilliant except for the power pin which kept breaking. Eventually, it got way too frustrating to RMA my laptop so much so I decided to get another one.
My minimum specifications are as follows :
Core i7
nVidia 660 or higher
500 GB HDD (I don’t mind not having an SSD)
The laptop must be well built and mustn’t break as easily as the Asus did
It should also not be too heavy because I tend to change workplaces. It doesn’t need to be ultraportable. Just enough to carry it to another building without tiring me out. 14-15 inch laptops are usually fine.
My current choices with all the associated thought processes are as follows :
1. Alienware M14x – It’s small, pretty powerful for its size, is known for really good build quality (and also has a power connector that’d be very hard to break through daily use lol) and, let’s admit, looks really pretty. The problem is that the screen isn’t 1080p, it has a slightly weaker GPU than usual and is kind of pricey.
2. Sager NP9130 – I hadn’t heard of these guys for a long time, and I know they serve a very niche market, which is why I’m slightly unsure about buying from them because I don’t know much about the overall build quality of these laptops. However, they pack a brilliant punch in their laptops.
3. MSi GE60 – This one seems like a really good option too. It’s the cheapest of the lot, and still packs a massive punch in a pretty good package. However, people have raised issues about it’s build quality. It also happens to use the same power connector as the Asus I’m leaving.
Any help and suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance!

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Favorite Native Tongues Albums?

From the core groups (ATCQ, JB, & De La) and any other affiliates.
BQ: Are there any newer rappers that you could see being in the Native Tongues if they came to the game earlier?

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Advent Modena M100 Blue “dual Core” Lie?

My boyfriend recently bought me one of these laptops, on the box and the little sticky label that is on the corner of the laptop is states it is a dual core. Plus, it says it is a dual core on the websites for this model.
It is not! My Computer-Smart bro has looked at its “underwear” (the secret bits I wouldn’t know how to find) and it clearly says it is a single core.
Why is this? How can Advent get away with lying and misleading like this? If it were not for my brother, I would not even have known this. Yet my laptop is increasingly slow, and annoying!
Is there a possibility that the “second” core is hidden/deactivated somehow? And if so, how can it be accessed. And even more, how can they market a product as dual core, when it is only working off ONE core, when the vast majority of computer users would not even notice, let alone be able to activate the second one (if that is even possible)
Any help or insight would be muchly appreciated 🙂

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