Tag Archive | "dick"

When A Hard Core Leftist Agrees With Dick Cheney, What Does That Tell You About Obama’s Performance?

Dick Cheney on Benghazi
“”They ignored repeated warnings from the CIA about the threat. They ignored messages from their own people on the ground that they needed more security. They reduced what was already there. And the administration either had no forces ready to respond to an attack, which should have been anticipated on the anniversary of 9/11, or they refused to deploy them when our people asked for help.”
Maureen Dowd
New York Times
The administration’s behavior before and during the attack in Benghazi, in which four Americans died, was unworthy of the greatest power on earth.
President Obama knew he was sending diplomats and their protectors into a country that was no longer a country, a land rife with fighters affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Yet in this hottest of hot spots, the State Department’s minimum security requirements were not met, requests for more security were rejected, and contingency plans were not drawn up, despite the portentous date of 9/11 and cascading warnings from the C.I.A
The defense secretary at the time, Leon Panetta, insisted, “We quickly responded.” But they responded that they would not respond.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/12/opinio…
Cheney and Dowd AGREE !
Let that sink in !

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Period Or Pregnant??

about a month ago (maybe a little less) me and my boyfriend were messing around and he stuck his dick in just a little. my hymen didnt pop and he swears he didnt ***. I was supposed to get my period 5 days ago but it never came. However i’m having a lot of symptoms that i normally get before i get my period such as discharge, tender boobs, and and being cranky. I am also getting symptoms that can be affiliated with early pregnancy such as frequent urintaion and being tired and fatigued. I am only 15 and i have been told it’s normal for periods to be irregular but i might be pregnant. Is my period just late or am i pregnant?

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Is It Right For A Administrator To Ban Someone From Their Forum Because Of What They Said On Another Forum?

OK on one forum the admin is banning people permanently for saying he is a dick… while people on his forum are getting banned for a week for promoting dog fighting more than once…. this doesn’t seem right to me.
BTW I am in no way affiliated with dog fighting.

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