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When A Hard Core Leftist Agrees With Dick Cheney, What Does That Tell You About Obama’s Performance?

Dick Cheney on Benghazi
“”They ignored repeated warnings from the CIA about the threat. They ignored messages from their own people on the ground that they needed more security. They reduced what was already there. And the administration either had no forces ready to respond to an attack, which should have been anticipated on the anniversary of 9/11, or they refused to deploy them when our people asked for help.”
Maureen Dowd
New York Times
The administration’s behavior before and during the attack in Benghazi, in which four Americans died, was unworthy of the greatest power on earth.
President Obama knew he was sending diplomats and their protectors into a country that was no longer a country, a land rife with fighters affiliated with Al Qaeda.
Yet in this hottest of hot spots, the State Department’s minimum security requirements were not met, requests for more security were rejected, and contingency plans were not drawn up, despite the portentous date of 9/11 and cascading warnings from the C.I.A
The defense secretary at the time, Leon Panetta, insisted, “We quickly responded.” But they responded that they would not respond.…
Cheney and Dowd AGREE !
Let that sink in !

No Responses to “When A Hard Core Leftist Agrees With Dick Cheney, What Does That Tell You About Obama’s Performance?”

  1. HIV LAB MADE says:

    Dowd hasnt been screwed in a long time, she is losing it

  2. Beaver.T says:

    It tells me that YOU pick and chose facts and opinions that suit your cause. Big Whoop, you are excused now….

  3. Hall of Flav says:

    funny how the other 99% of the time, you probably dismiss her as a crazy leftist loon. if you agree with her take here, you should be agreeing with some of her other takes you’ve dismissed before.

  4. Carlos M says:

    Obama failed the Ambassador and he has failed the people of the USA, it is time for him to go.

  5. Scott C says:

    What it really means is that, now that some of the lame stream media have “reexamined” their position, it gives others the “permission” to question the leftist leadership. That, and the AP dust up, may mean the lame stream media will finally wipe the stardust from their eyes and actually DO THEIR JOB!
    Edit: the non media leftists are still free to hate on Maureen for breaking a cardinal rule of the left .
    “No enemies to the left”. What will the deeply indoctrinated do if Matthews and Maddow break ranks?

  6. OWSPFC says:

    Someone just mentioned something about picking and choosing facts to suit ones agenda. That’s rich coming from one who clearly gets all off his input from a proven dishonest media that does the very thing he speaks of. And I don’t think he should be excused for it.
    But to answer your question, it just tells me that even though the media has done its very best to hold the tide of truths about their guy for as long as they could, even they can’t hold back the enormous mountain of lies and corruption that is the essence of Obama and his administration. And now intellectually dishonest partisan lemmings like beaver boy have nothing to contribute to the discussion but dismissal and sarcasm.
    @ Hall of Flav – Actually Flav, I believe the questioner is just pointing out a very obvious point (at least it should be to anyone intellectually honest) that the scandals surrounding the Obama administration are so numerous, big, and in your face that even the liberal media is left with no choice but to admit to the facts. Otherwise they leave no question to the American people that they are in fact completely untrustworthy, even though just a little insight would tell you they already are.

  7. the night of the zombie g says:

    they agreed on three or so points… did they agree on any others? I bet not…

  8. Armchair Goddess #1 says:

    I believe Maureen Dowd is also the same reporter who said that President Obama should be more like Michael Douglas in the movie, “The American President,” which was an imaginary character who was scripted on what he said.
    I also know that Ms. Dowd does not have a high-level security clearance for the CIA (Benghazi involved a covert CIA outpost) and she was unaware that the rightwing Republicans in Congress had actually had all of the White House e-mails for more than two months, but had chosen to deliberately misrepresent those e-mails to the media outlets until the Republicans involved were strongly chastized for having done so by a former Fox newsman, now with CBS, for deliberately lying about the content of the e-mails they “leaked” as though these were the “only” e-mails released by the White House.
    There is no “there” there. The GOP hasn’t questioned themselves on why they opted to cut a whopping $459 MILLION from the State Department’s request for diplomatic sites’ security, nor do they discuss the simple fact that, as a CIA outpost (covert), the Benghazi consulate’s security would have been the primary responsibility of then-CIA Director (and Republican) General David Petraeus, who was distracted by his illicit extramarital affair (dipping his “pen” in ego-stroking biographer Broadwell’s “ink”) and the resulting scandal when his power-groupie decided to e-mail threats to Jill Kelley in Florida–another power-groupie and rival.
    Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens WANTED to get to work building good relations with the Libyan people, so the CIA outpost was recruited as a temporary Consulate. The Libyan people even tried to help on the night of the attack, and they are the ones who found an unconscious, but still alive Ambassador Stevens and carried him to the local hospital, where he died from the cyanide-laden fumes of the gasoline fire. There were at least 35 Americans saved that night, by the way, and the Libyan people came to line the streets with hand-made signs attesting their love of the U.S. and of Ambassador Stevens plus messages of apology and pleas for us to know that “This is not what Islam is about”—a success, diplomatically speaking.
    Cheney is evil. I doubt that Maureen Dowd even likes him.

  9. The Wee Baby Seamus says:

    After Dick Cheney’s record, he needs to stay out of this. He and Bush ignored warnings too if you remember. At least liberals are honest on their feelings as to whats going on. To Cheney and his conservative ilk. Benghazi is just a means to an end. Everyday, they climb out of their coffins, and try to think of new ways to hurt the president, and how to keep this country stuck in the mud that they put us in. Benghazi is just convenient to them. On Cheney’s watch, 54 embassies came under siege, resulting in 13 deaths. Only 3 congressional hearings were held, and none of them were nearly as politicized as this one. Not to mention that Cheney orchestrated a lie to get us into an unnecessary war that cost 4,486 American lives. If 4 offends you so much, how about 1,121 times that number? So screw that draft dodger, turned war profiteer. Obama should turn him over to The Hague.

  10. Mark F says:

    How many times are you going to troll with this?

  11. Brandt says:

    Isn’t old crow Cheney one of the most vile and despicable excuses for a human being ever to set foot in the White House? He’s a vulture and a war-profiteer whose effigy should be lit afire in the streets every day he still walks around a free man. See some art and words defining his role in architecting a Society of Fear at…


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