Tag Archive | "boss"

Do You Think Leo Women Like Control Too Much?

My leo boss and I were talking and she said the only thing she needs to work on in her relationship (with her gemini male)…Is that she needs to work on being less controlling and bossy…Then she said the other boss at our affiliated store is also a leo woman who loves to be in control LOL(which is why she said she doesn’t get along with her!)…That other boss told me she is married to an aquarius male (feb 7th lol)…I told her that is awesome because I get along best with early feb aquas (even though I like all aquas and pisces LOL…just being honest)…anyways I went on to say “well I’m not that controlling/bossy.”….
Then all of a sudden my aqua boss laughs out loud and looks back at me….I go “REALLY!?!”…and he then gave me this adorable face like he had been caught…and he went “Don’t hurt me!”…I was just like are you serious right now LOL…
So what do you feel about leo women in general?…Do you like how they take charge or do you hate that they can be dominating sometimes???

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Bank Of America Privacy Neglect?

Ok, so my personal banker showed all of my files and private information including address’s, fictitious business name & number, and statements all to my former boss. All this was requested by my former boss. At the time i left the company to work independently, when 2 co-workers told me they saw my banker reviewing my files with my ex-boss. The company is not an affiliate of BOA. What can I do? i want it to stop ! thank you for all your opinions.

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How To Apply For Nrotc College Program At San Marcos?

I didn’t get into the Naval Academy this year (Did get a nomination though; like a boss) so I’m going to my back up San Marcos. I got kinda focused on the academy and didn’t apply for NROTC like I should have so I’m just going to enter the program without a scholarship. BTW I checked and you can still do the college program (Or whatever it’s called) at San Marcos even if it’s a cross-town affiliate. I just don’t have a darn clue how to apply. Do I do it at Freshman Orientation or do I need to call and ask someone at San Diego State. The people I’ve emailed there have been useless so far and just keep telling me to apply for the scholarship next year. Seriously any help would be amazing.

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I Started A New Job A Month Ago And Some Of My New Coworkers Have Been Getting On My Nerves…?

At first I said nothing because I was still in training even though I have had 4 years experience in the line of work, now the women are starting to knit pick on alot of stuff and even 1 gentleman has started to do the same. I have been polite and bit my tongue alot. My boss did make a comment that he knows the females there can be a little bossy at times and that I just need to find my niche`. Today one other female called me over the phone to let me know that there was someone sitting in an unauthorized area. (I work Security). I did see the person but they had been in no danger or threat but I asked him to move anyway.Then I get done hanging up the phone and she calls back to remind me to return keys before I left. ( I was filling in for someone else at their locked office) I told her I would not forget and she asked me what exit I was using and I told her and she said I was not permitted to use it because it was under construction, I told her the boss had left me in the same door so I was leaving out of it. She said to watch that no other employees saw me. I told I was not dingy and I would keep an eye out. She made sure I knew she didn’t want to be accused of calling me dingy. I left for my other location a few minutes early because I swore I was going to lose my temper! I mentioned my situation to another coworker who actually trained me and he said those people need to mind their own work and not go after me. He told me to report it to the boss. I figure I should just put up with it a few more weeks and establish myself and if they don’t get the hint then…go to the boss and then complain. Any ideas of how I should go about establishing myself and what to say to these people so they will leave me alone so I can do my work?

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What Jobs Can I Get With An American Studies Major?

So I got a degree in American Studies because that’s what I liked to do.
I did like it.
But now, I don’t know what to do!!
I was all over USAJOBS.com, but no luck.
Overall, I was hoping to land a job in Government, or working for some secret shadow agency full of good people.
But now, I wonder if it was all a waste. I mean, I know it wasn’t a waste, because I use the skills just in my basic , every day living. I don’t want to say it makes life easier, but I definitely make better decisions, which seem to make life better.
So all in all, if I had nothing, I do have that degree and knowledge packed in my brain.
Other than that, I don’t know what I”m doing anymore, after 2 years of job searching and resume writing and career counselor advising!!!
I talked with other people who have other degrees, and it’s all the same!!!
The people who seem to do well are females who majored in marketing or nursing or something.
My buddy has an accounting degree, and isn’t even using it! He does a job that I think doesn’t even require a degree.
My other buddy has a Masters in Business. And he’s doing what I did during school and still do to make ends meet when I can. Home Improvements! LIke fixing up old or busted houses and making them sell for high.
Thing is, he’s doing the labor part. He works for a company, but I think his friend owns it, so it’s all good I guess.
His friend also has a degree, I’m not sure in what though, probably business. But he’s just older, and has better connections. That’s why he with his bachelor’s, is my friends boss, who has the masters!
Why, because his friend’s dad owns a business or something. And may not even have a degree, just a real estate license.
But I digress….

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Should I Talk To My Boss About My Strengths And My Weaknesses?

I am a graduate assistant for the promotions director for the television station that is affiliated with the university I attend. Recently I’ve been unconfident in my ability to perform for my boss. It’s not like my work ethic is poor, but I feel as if I make more mistakes then I should.
I want to improve as quickly as I can in an attempt to have a job request close to when I’m finishing my thesis. Also because her future recommendation is crucial to my resume.
I want to talk to my boss privately and ask what my strengths and weaknesses are and how I may improve, but I’m not sure if that’s proper boss-to-worker etiquette. It seems that asking for help would be proper, but I still see the situation being awkward for some reason.
So my question is do you think it would be proper etiquette to approach my boss about how I may improve?
And if so, how I do I not make it sound like a desperate attempt to gain approval?
Please, I only want answers if you can also recommend as to how to go about the situation, or reasons for why I should not proceed.
Thank you in advance.

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