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Do You Think Leo Women Like Control Too Much?

My leo boss and I were talking and she said the only thing she needs to work on in her relationship (with her gemini male)…Is that she needs to work on being less controlling and bossy…Then she said the other boss at our affiliated store is also a leo woman who loves to be in control LOL(which is why she said she doesn’t get along with her!)…That other boss told me she is married to an aquarius male (feb 7th lol)…I told her that is awesome because I get along best with early feb aquas (even though I like all aquas and pisces LOL…just being honest)…anyways I went on to say “well I’m not that controlling/bossy.”….
Then all of a sudden my aqua boss laughs out loud and looks back at me….I go “REALLY!?!”…and he then gave me this adorable face like he had been caught…and he went “Don’t hurt me!”…I was just like are you serious right now LOL…
So what do you feel about leo women in general?…Do you like how they take charge or do you hate that they can be dominating sometimes???

No Responses to “Do You Think Leo Women Like Control Too Much?”

  1. joe is happy says:

    100% right im married to one and i am a Cancer just imagine my life…….help!

  2. suzie says:

    i had one leo bestfriend b4..she usually wanted to be the centre of attention and wanted to lead the conversations i think..she dosnt like being in a group where she feels she dosnt belong..however she was very bold,very straight,pretty expressive,social most of the times..and she had lot of breakups in her relationships..she got bored overtime..also she used to self-harm,like cut herself and stuff cuz once the guy she liked dint liked her back!!..she liked doing things her own way and no1 cud stop her..and she loved partying and having crazy fun lol..also she was good in dancing,running and basketball.
    i guess i pretty much described her..but she wasnt too contolling..she’d give space to friends..just a bit stubborn đŸ™‚
    answer mine too…

  3. Misplaced Midwesterner says:

    I’m only controlling over the things in my personal environment/space. I do control who comes into my home, who I choose to be friends with far as relationships go, I can be bossy. I’m not even going to try to lie. I’m not a total b***h or anything but I have kind of a “Snap to it or get out of my way so I can do it myself” attitude. My husband is a Capricorn and he’s super laid back so nothing really gets to him although he is the one person in my life who can dominate me and make me listen but it’s not through violence, threats or anything like that. He’s just really smart and I respect him enough to slow down and consider what he’s saying. Respect is everything with me; whether it’s a friendship or a relationship. I need to be able to respect my friends/lover because if I don’t, it’s not going to last long so I need people around me who are strong enough to let me lead but yet confident enough in themselves to stand up to me when needed because I do tend to dive off the deep end without looking at times..if that makes any kind of sense.
    Interestingly, my Leo sun is the only Leo in my chart; it’s intercepted and contained all in one house (the 7th) so the influence is minimal. My chart is, by far, Air (mostly Libra) dominated and a lot of Cardinals so Air is my dominant element. I think this is what lets me be more logical and gives me the ability to think things through.

  4. Kayla says:

    Really, it depends on the person. Specifically their mars or how they take action. Leos are pretty stubborn though. ;]

  5. Lan says:

    Joe is NOT happy. Lol

  6. Beauty says:

    Yes, they are very controlling and if they can’t control any situation or someone that lazy lion will run like he/she never ran before. Control freaks.


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