Tag Archive | "Being"

Is Being Gay Going To Stop Me From Becoming A Christian?

Some of my friends are studying the bible with me & I haven’t told them I’m gay yet. They’re expecting me to get commit soon, & I really don’t want to commit to a religion that doesn’t except homosexuality. I’ve had mental issues in the past from denying my homosexuality & I’m not willing to deny it again. I honestly think its not worth it.
Should I just give up on trying to become a disciple of Christ?

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Being Rated As An 8 What’s That Considered?

8 is above average right? So what exactly is a 9 or 10? I’m 5’6” 135 pounds curvy and fit.As for my looks I don’t think I look exotic but I would consider myself attractive.To some people I might be considered the average black woman? Yet I’ve been told that I’m a very beautiful black woman.

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What Is The Liklihood Of Being Able To Pin Point The Very Top Of A Momentum In A Financial Instrument?

Out of about 5 tries, what is the liklihood of being able to pin point the very top of a momentum in a financial trade? 😉
Please, be free with your answers, as I am sure you’ll see it’s a financial play on the words there… Free with your answers… Get it?! LOL!!!!!! < 3 bunny rabbits and 6 exclamation marks are for the Masonic Group Interpreters for King David and even the 36 Mafia, staying fly. So we had 4 to the number because of the new 3 and 6 coined, we have a lower edge to the new understanding until we can reach 5 or 7, and have the J code to plus 1 and we get our numeral that we need for the 31st day on the 1001st degree and the 1006th degree and the 1007th degree and we arrive at 451.J on that day by a passing of the secret algorithm. The point J can then be adapted to the position in the sun of the sky which will help attain legible accounting of the Emperor's clothes, 6 club and 9 club.

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How To Pretend You’re Being Choked (for A Play)?

I am in a play and my character dies. The way it happens is she is in a room and the lights go out. She screams and then makes choking noises and falls to the ground with a large boom. I am having trouble making choking sounds without it being cheesy or unrealistic. Plus, I am doing a run-thru in front of everyone affiliated with the play and the lights aren’t going to be turned off for this time. I feel it will be a little embarrassing if I can’t do it effectively. Any suggestions?

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Why Isn’t The U.s. Government Being Overhauled?

If the U.S. govt. was a private business all the upper management (president, congress, senate and supreme court) would have been fired years ago. Washington is a disgrace with all the corruption that is going on with these special interest groups, but nothing is being done about it!
What is it going to take to make our government reliable?
A good example is the congress and senate. Any senator or congress person that has any ties to special interest groups and is getting money from them should be put in jail, but it never seems to happen. Boehner and Reid should be made examples and put into jail for the illegal money they have taken from special interest groups.
Boehner has gotten rich off this student loan scam. Reid has a scam going on with his son-in-law that is at the tune of 5 billion dollars.
These crooks need to go to jail!!!

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How Spam Is Being Sent From My Email?

This morning someone has been in my yahoo account and has sent an email to everyone that I have sent an email to over the years. Im not sure how I can now warn everyone not to open the email. Its not only my contacts but everyone that I have emailed. What do I do???

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