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Is Being Gay Going To Stop Me From Becoming A Christian?

Some of my friends are studying the bible with me & I haven’t told them I’m gay yet. They’re expecting me to get commit soon, & I really don’t want to commit to a religion that doesn’t except homosexuality. I’ve had mental issues in the past from denying my homosexuality & I’m not willing to deny it again. I honestly think its not worth it.
Should I just give up on trying to become a disciple of Christ?

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  1. Dianna says:

    Please disregard the answers you have gotten thus far. You are not doomed to hell because you’re gay. I am Christian and I personally believe that everyone who believes in God and does their best to live a righteous life is a Christian in my book. It’s true that the bible frowns upon homosexuality, but the bible also has contradictions. God loves all of us not matter who we are or what we believe. If you want to have a relationship with God then you can. You don’t have to go to church or affiliate yourself with a religion but you can pray and read the scriptures. Please don’t give up on God, he will never give up on you.

  2. Max says:

    Some sects of Christianity accept homosexuality. And I know a few homosexual people who are accepted by their community, irregardless of if they have a long term partner/act on their fantasies.
    I suggest you start by doing some research on Churches within the Christian faith that accept homosexuality, and also some research on why they condemn homosexuality. For the latter look into the Bible Leviticus 18:22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” This law is preceded by quite a few laws forbidding incest, but most of Leviticus regards other crimes and punishments that arena longer applicable in todays day and age.
    But the most important thing to remember is to tell your ‘friends’, should they reject you, that it is not their place to judge you. Since your actions hurt no one and are not illegal, they should accept you and forgive as Jesus taught them to, and should it come to it you will be judged when your time comes by someone who does have the power to do so.
    Christianity has gone through many things that has shaped and changed it, do not let human misconceptions lead you to an unhappy life. Since you wish to follow the Christian faith, let only Christ’s words guide you.
    And lastly being a disciple of Christ has nothing to do with the Church’s permission to let you do so. Christ never meant to create an entire church or let it become so powerful, so don’t confuse the church with Christianity. Have faith, and let God guide you.

  3. James says:

    I’m a Christian with same-sex attractions like you. Being a Christian has nothing to do with being gay or not, it’s only a sin if you have gay sex. If they are a proper church, they’ll accept your orientation. If not, they’ll judge you. Just tell them what you are and if they say you’re going to Hell, leave. If they ask if they can help you (note: not say that will help regardless of what you want) then stay.

  4. Scott Evil says:

    Being a gay christian is being the ultimate hypocrite. the bible already states that god is against homosexuality, and that gays are going to hell, so why would you want to waste your time serving a god that is going to send you to hell anyways?

  5. ωнαттυρ says:

    There isn’t much meaning in becoming a Christian if you’re not willing to stay abstinent from fulfilling homosexual desires, likewise, there isn’t much meaning in becoming a Christian if you’re a straight person not willing to stay abstinent outside of marriage.

  6. sanjay d says:

    i believe you will find answers here ,its from a page on FB ,a future teller call ofer cohen..i always read his stuff..hope u like it
    Your beliefs are always connected to your tradition, beliefs create security, the mind must feel belong to something – its is a part of your I AM ..your ID card , it is a well develop medicine which goes with your community for century’s , it is all started to keep you feeling is usually come under the TITEL : my family beliefs , my religion beliefs ,perceptions about marriage , skin color ,location ,money..ezt..Although we all came from the same source still each community created their own beliefs to help the ego feel unique, to make you feel secure, to create secret guilt in you which will lead you to obey the system.
    You must observe yourself and ask I have Freedom to choose my destiny ? , am I able to express my creativity ? no one teaches you how to love yourself ! it is always written who you must love.., no one teach you how to live spontaneously ! ..even if you can’t afford living your own life just keep in mind that being creative and free is your true nature. You must teach your kids TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN DESTINY ,it is important that they will know that many time everyone is wrong and you are right !! ,this is because no one is like you ,no one know what good for you, this is the right way of creating your own freedom, your own destiny ! . You must know the price you pay for following the herd, suppressing the need to discover your life purpose is what make you and others unhappy.
    You can be part of the herd if you don’t have a choice but always start with thinking like a SHEPHERD.

  7. Usagi393 says:

    No, because if you follow Christ (Christ, not the Old Testament), Christ never condemns homosexuality.
    That being said, most Christians don’t follow Christ, so be prepared for shunning if you go through with it.

  8. techigod says:

    There a some denominations of Christianity that allow Homosexuality. Sorry, it’s Wiki……

  9. TheSameG says:

    There is no such thing as a gay Christian.
    A Christian is someone who tries to or does follow God’s orders.
    There can be Christians from any physical form, but not from belief. The truth is forever the truth.

  10. megan says:

    God isn’t real

  11. Methane Mama says:

    Try telling them that you’re gay and just see what happens. It will make it very clear to you that Christianity is not for you.
    Christian teachings are anathema to homosexuals and you will soon discover why.


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