Tag Archive | "momentum"

What Is The Liklihood Of Being Able To Pin Point The Very Top Of A Momentum In A Financial Instrument?

Out of about 5 tries, what is the liklihood of being able to pin point the very top of a momentum in a financial trade? 😉
Please, be free with your answers, as I am sure you’ll see it’s a financial play on the words there… Free with your answers… Get it?! LOL!!!!!! < 3 bunny rabbits and 6 exclamation marks are for the Masonic Group Interpreters for King David and even the 36 Mafia, staying fly. So we had 4 to the number because of the new 3 and 6 coined, we have a lower edge to the new understanding until we can reach 5 or 7, and have the J code to plus 1 and we get our numeral that we need for the 31st day on the 1001st degree and the 1006th degree and the 1007th degree and we arrive at 451.J on that day by a passing of the secret algorithm. The point J can then be adapted to the position in the sun of the sky which will help attain legible accounting of the Emperor's clothes, 6 club and 9 club.

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Why Would Newt Gingrich Slam Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan, When All It Does Is Hurt Newt Politically?

He worked hard to get the momentum needed to run for President. He’s wanted it for years. I don’t see why he would go against him, politically.
He wasn’t ever going to get the left’s approval. Because of various conservative stands he’s taken in the past, he wasn’t going to fill the media-approved RINO niche that’s reserved for Jon Huntswoman. Democrats are never going to vote for him, so why would he alienate the people who would vote for him?
He’s obviously very smart, but that was not a smart move to do.

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Why Would Newt Gingrich Slam Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan, When All It Does Is Hurt Newt Politically?

He worked hard to get the momentum needed to run for President. He’s wanted it for years. I don’t see why he would go against him, politically.
He wasn’t ever going to get the left’s approval. Because of various conservative stands he’s taken in the past, he wasn’t going to fill the media-approved RINO niche that’s reserved for Jon Huntswoman. Democrats are never going to vote for him, so why would he alienate the people who would vote for him?
He’s obviously very smart, but that was not a smart move to do.

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