Tag Archive | "Weird"

Why Do I Have This Weird Fascination With The Mafia?

I’m not a violent or angry person *in the slightest*, I cry when I see homeless people or stray /abused animals, I’ve never hurt anyone in my life, I have a huge capacity for love, I’m really smart, and I pride myself on making good decisions and resisting peer pressure. I’ve never been bullied or molested, I’m not lonely at all, I have a good relationship with my parents, etc…. but, for some reason, I have this really weird fascination with the Mafia. I think all the old time gangsters (young John Dillinger, Vincent Drucci, Frankie Yale, Paul Ricca, Jack McGurn, Irving Shapira, etc) even cinematic portrayals of mob members (Al Pacino’s Michael Corleone in Godfather) are super-duper attractive. I can spend hours researching their crimes, how long they were in prison, what gang they were affiliated with, etc, when I could be doing my calculus homework or hanging out with friends. Why the heck do I have this unhealthy obsession? Why am I SO fascinated with something thats pretty much repellent to a lot of people?

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Can U Also Remember 60’s Icecreamvan Exhaust Fumes Having A Weird Vanilla Scent? I’ve Always Wondered:?

if it was a secret marketing strategy, or if it was just some freak mixture that somehow accidentaly got spilt on the exhaust / engine.
any ex-icecream van drivers [Rossi’s in yorkshire] care to comment?

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Why Do My Parents Act Weird When I Ask Which Political Party They Are Affiliated With?

I asked my parents which political party they were affiliated with and they just looked at me and said they were independant but they acted kind of weird and nervous. Then my other family asked if they were Democrats and everyone went silent. Why are they acting so weird? I am also from Montana and Montana has mainly been Republican but when I asked if they were Republican they just acted weird?

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She Has A Weird Tattoo. What Should I Do?

A girlfriend of mine told me she was going to get a tattoo a few weeks ago and today I go out to see her for a visit and she shows me the tattoo. Nice big black swastika tattoo right inside her bottom lip. Now I’ve known this girl for a long time and she’s useful to have around and I genuinely like her but this? I don’t know what to do about this or what to say. She told me not to worry about it but she got it for reasons such as representing the Aryan Brotherhood or something like that, one of those white supremacist gangs. Now she won’t directly tell me if she’s affiliated with them or not. She was always a wild girl but this is now making me question things and I am super confused as to what to do here. I don’t want to get mixed up in anything if she really is in something. That’s someone you just don’t break away from though. What should I consider doing here is the question? I didn’t really show her how much this bothered me, not as much as it truly does bother me. I need to know the best thing to do, some great advice. I don’t just want just witty and lazy answers that don’t answer this question. Had to re-ask this just because I got pointless answers.

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Had 3 Weird Dreams, So Awful?

6/22/12 – 6/23/12
First dream was with Hex and Bajo, (if you don’t know them, they are TV hosts of a show called good game) they were playing Alex Kidd and near the beginning of the stage they found a secret level by glitching the game, after that they started playing champions online for some reason.
2nd dream, for some reason Sylvester Stallone was chasing me, i ran into my house and Arnaldo Schwarzenegger was my dad and he was just sitting on the sofa reading the paper
then Stallone came to my house in a helicopter, i grabbed a gun that shoots out rockets and eventually bought down the heli, Stallone walked in my house, i cannot remember what happened next.
This dream was a bit strange and awful
i met this little 8-11 year old girl i think she liked me, asked to me to help with get school project, something about a mosaic. i never showed up, until later because i was fighting Stallone, she forgave me but she got angry with me a lot screwing up a few time on her project, just then bullies came and started picking on her, of course i stepped in, i don’t know i felt like i needed to protect her, like a father figure, then they started picking on me, they stole stuff and started playing keep away, i cannot remember much after that point but i had a dream, yes a dream in a dream..it can happen.. i was grown up…well grown up more and the little girl was not a girl anymore she was like 20 something and i think we dated.. i cannot remember what happened next. just then the dream within the dream ended and we were back to our ages, and i was back with the little girl at the table with her project, just then the bullies came back, but it seemed this scene was the same as last time, so i knew exactly what they where going to do, with the keep away i grabbed the item straight away, they kept trying to steam from us but i wouldn’t let them and they were angry and surprised. after that school bell rang and everybody was going home, i walked to the bus stop but the bullies kept following me, when i got on the bus the girl was there to, she told me why she was angry and she liked me…….. i cannot remember what happened next (honest)
Just then i was in the dream within a dream again, this time it was at a market place. but this time i wasn’t my older version me, instead i was my self, and i can see the older version me walk by, (think of back to the future 2) then i heard one of the bully from before called out to the older me, he was an adult too, but my older me didn’t listen and walked away.
after that i confronted me, and told me i look familiar, he also told me the little girl i was with years ago, well he knocked her up and told me the baby next to him was his, the baby was around 3 weeks old, the baby looked kind of weird, like not a real baby in real life, but a baby is still a baby. this part i hated and wish i never dreamed it
i grabbed the baby and started punching it and punching it, it was bleeding everywhere, the bully didn’t seem to do anything he was like paused
i then realized what Ive done and i picked up the baby which was crying and i cuddled it and i was so sorry, i gave the baby to the bully, and i walked away and looked through the stalls.
i went to one stall, which had professional looking drawing pencils, i was interested in it, and i asked how much it was, the stall owner told me it was $399
after that i woke up
What does all this mean?

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I Feel Like God Is Calling Me To Be A Minister. Which Is Pretty Weird, Because I’m Not Affiliated With Anyone.?

I don’t know what to do! For these past few months at night, while I’m listening to the BBC, as I will do at home, because I like schedules, and suddenly the urge to convert to christianity will overcome me.
As far as I’m able to deduce, it is possible that as opposed to pressing a Carrier in law, I am to forgo law school and attend seminary instead.
I love history and I am a political science major. I know next to nothing about religion.
When I was a little younger, like 17, I wanted to be a minister. My nickname was the most high reverend and I would do funny things like bless people at debate tournaments. Now 7 years later I find myself wanting to embrace god again. The only reason I don’t do that is because I wouldn’t be sure what to do the next day. As in ‘what are the rules I would follow?” Type thing. I also have no social support, at all, because I’ve lost all of my friends since I was 17. I live with my parents and am a 2.5 gpa student, not spectacular. Also, I’m very shy and I”m not so sure what kind of a minister I would make because I’m not good in group settings Although I am a master orator. So, in conclusion, I don’t know is this the normal process by which god calls one to the ministry? What do I do next? Why would god call me?

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