Tag Archive | "Situation"

Who Was Right Or Wrong In This Situation?

Who was right/wrong in this situation?
I have a very good friend name Armena that goes to my church and has all 25 years of her life. Her mother is American and her father I believe is from Turkey. Her parents dont attend the church, but her grandparents on her mothers side do and they have taken her to the church all 25 years of her life. Although her mother doesnt attend, her mother has since 1978, given money to support a missionary affiliated with the church who does work in India. The church treasurer, is very nosy and gossipy and rather than go to this girls grandparents that attend, the treasurer said to Armena, “Would your mom be interested in writing (Rebecca, the Missionary). Rebecca called me and feels that because of your fathers faith, that she cant contact your mom, since she has seen some men overseas you were abusive to their wifes”. This upset my friend Armena and the treasurer said “This is just between us” but what the treasurer meant was that she was to “keep it between us” but the treasurer could go around the church and blab about what this lady said to everyone else. My friend told her grandparents how hurt she was, so at a ladies prayer meeting, the grandmother said please pray for my granddaughter she has been hurt very badly by someone at the church. The ministers wife who isnt discreet and talks a lot (knew who her grandmother meant) even though no names were mentioned and went and told the church treasurer that. Armena stayed away from this woman who she was friendly with before, until she said that to her.
The church treasurer was angry when the pastors wife told her that and also going around telling everyone that Armena has been ignoring her, and they (the treasurer and Armena) were on friendly terms before that, so the treasurer wrote a nasty email to Armena and said:
“I was wanting to take up this issue with you and your grandparents, but since you were the one I orignally talked to, I thought I would email you. I am not sure what you told your grandmother but I happened to find out by accident that your grandma went to someone else in church and was complaining about me upsetting her granddaughter. I am very disappointed that I wanted to relay something good and exciting since this missionary wanted to tell your mom all she was able to do with the money your mom gave her, and you chose to turn it into something ugly. I am sorry my friendship with you meant so little that you would choose to not even come around me”.
A few months went by, and the treasurer angrily came to her grandmother and said “I have been told twice by two other parishioners that I was not to come to you about this, but I am angry and I will” and she told the grandmother, your granddaughter owes me an apology, she avoided me after I talked to her” The granddaughter talked to her nicely and said she never mentioned names she mentioned in a ladies prayer meeting that her granddaughter had been hurt and to pray for her so she wouldnt leave the church.
Well after all this, my friend Armena has left the church. My question is:
1) Obviously this wasnt handled well. But who is wrong in this case, the church treasurer or Armena? Naturally I dont think its Armena’s fault
2) What could have been done more properly in this situation so Armena wouldnt have left?

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How Messed Up Is This Situation And How Wrong Am I?

Ok, so this is going to be a long story so if you don’t like to read just move along and let someone else answer. Here’s the situation. My girlfriend and I have been living together for about 2 years. When we first got together, she was unemployed and doing college courses online. Meanwhile I’m working at a job I really don’t like but it pays the bills and I know I can always find something better later. Along with the her and I thing, her son (who is 29) was going to college for criminal justice with the dream of becoming a cop. He decides after graduating that he is no longer interested in law enforcement and decides to try to start a fudge company. I know what your thinking and yes that is a weird transition. Anyway, around the time my gf was close to finishing her college courses and getting her bachelors in business something or other, she decides to partner with her son and formed a corporation in the name of the fudge company, with the whole thing being funded from withdrawals from her 401k at extremely high penalties. A couple of months after forming the corporation and way before they had sales or revenue, they both approached me and asked me to come to work for them. I stalled as long as I could and in February I put my notice in with my employer and stared working for them at a substantial pay decrease. I believed in them and their dream enough to take that hit thinking that as things took off I could eventually recover some of the income loss. So, within a week or so of going to work for them, I realized they were not as organized and on top of things as it appeared from the outside. They argued constantly to the point where I was really rethinking my decision to work for them. I had been in contact with my former co-workers and found out that the one of the guys had crashed the truck I had been driving thus eliminating my escape back to that job. I continued to work for my gf and her son, doing whatever I could to improve things and increase sales. In the background I was working on my resume and watching for job openings because I was almost certain this venture was going to blow up in our faces. My gf knew the password to my pc because we really didn’t keep secrets from each other. She found out I was looking. I explained that I was nervous and sales were too low to keep us all going and felt I needed to explore other options. She agreed and asked if I would still help out when I had time. Of course I would. A couple of days after this conversation, she came into my office and with tears in her eyes, told me that with the low sales, she could no longer afford to keep me employed. I figured as much so I just continued my job search. Then the day after I was let go, she went on a major buying spree. She was spending a couple thousand here and a thousand there and on and on buying items that were not really needed until they actually had sales coming in. It was like she was rubbing my face in it. My house was full of stuff for her company. It almost looked like the hoarder stories you see on TLC. No room to walk and it was embarrassing to have company stop by and see stuff piled everywhere. I was annoyed and made no secret about that but then, I found out that the reason she let me go was not because her 401k dried up and there was no more money but because she was angry because I was looking for a different job. I slipped into a depressive state for a couple weeks because of the week job market. We became distant and cold towards each other. After a month with no income, my old boss had a new opening and agreed to take me back. Everything finally came to a head last weekend and I broke up with her and asked her to find a different place to live. No rush but I could not continue to be in a relationship with these hurt feelings and everything else. So, on to my question/s. How messed up is this situation? How wrong am I for feeling hurt and betrayed and breaking up with her?

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Does This Sound Like A Good Living Situation To You? For College?

My living situation sucks. i live across the hall from my ex boyfriend and no one lives in this building?
Im a college freshman. I go to school in chicago. I live 20 minutes from the main campus by subway in this university affiliated housing that no one lives in. There are about 2000 students who live in this 18 story building, but it consists of like 4 colleges, and no students interact with people from other colleges because you dont know who is from what college. Its very very antisocial here. No interaction at all really. There are only like 30 kids from my entire college in this building. Its weird. On my floor there is a wing for kids from my college, and there are about 17 of us. They are all video gaming guys. I am one of the only girls, besides my suitemates (one is a big partier and tried to have sex with my ex boyfriend, so clearly i dont interact with her. Shes mean too, and really annoying, and she never talks to me. Then there is my other suitemate who is nice but i dont hang out with her because she is gone a lot from her dorm and always busy)
So really, im the only girl who is ever there in the dorms. I dont mind being the only girl, its just that all the guys are all like one big clique. My ex boyfriend lives right across the hall from me and is like the most popular guy in this wing now. None of the people here talk to me, because of what happened between me and Mike. Once Mike and I broke up, they stopped talking to me. Its really awkward leaving my dorm room and seeing one of them in the hallway because they just see me as his ex girlfriend….and its really awkward because Mike snickers to his friends when he sees me.
I have two months of school left. I dont think im coming back to this college next year. I think im going back home to the east coast next year. But how can i survive the rest of this year? Its so lonely and isolating here. I dont have a roommate anymore. In general, this building is just really anti-social. We arent even allowed to keep our doors open ever. We have to keep them shut at all times.

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What Does “hacking Niche” Means? In Which Situation Is Used To Use “niche” ?

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The Legality Of This Situation?

So last week, a friend of mine was caught with alcohol at one of our High School football games (stupid I know), and we’re both 18. I wasn’t drinking, and didn’t get in trouble, but my friend was found out because the Principal said “Hey, give me that bottle” (we’re not supposed to have bottles from outside while in the stadium. The stadium is non school-affiliated, either.), my friend handed it over, and things went on from there.
So… did my friend have to give him the bottle? Because we’re off school grounds, does he have any right to demand that he see it?
And also, if I were to bring in a bottle during the next game with say, urine, in it, is it:
1. Legal to have a bottle of urine in public, and
2. Legal for him to demand to see my bottle?
Thanks! 🙂

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What Do You Think Of The Situation In Madison, Wi? Should Governor Walker Care About Cutting His Budget?

Those 14 Wisconsin state senators will have to return from Illinois eventually and when they do the collective bargaining bill will pass in that states house. I believe those public sector teachers that have called off work for the past 3 days should be summarily fired. Their in a precedence for this. In 1981 President Reagan gave the striking air traffic controllers one day to report to work, when they failed to report he fired 11,000 of them and replaced them with National Guardsman. Governor Walker should fire every absent teacher on Monday morning and replace them with some of the thousands of fresh graduates across the country that would love to have the job. Those teachers make $20,000 more on average then the average Wisconsin; if you add in the benefits that they receive and don’t pay for the disparity goes up to $50,000 more per year. Who is really hurting here, the teachers or the kids that are at home all week with parents that can’t go to work because they can’t leave the child alone?
Governor’s across the country need to balance their state budgets, even if the federal government decided to put it off for another year. Today we are faced with budget deficits that present a real danger to the dollars place as the world reserve currency, the IMF, several EU nations and China have expressed interest in the past 60 days in using another currency as the world reserve currency; if that happens life as we know it in America while cease to exist.
We can no longer afford to have tax payers pay for public sector employees pension and salaries. We can no longer afford to pay hundreds of billions of dollars per year for welfare and social security. Tax payers certainly can not afford to for every Americans health care. People have to take cuts and pay more for benefits or we are all going to suffer through hyperinflation.
It’s no secret that the private sector creates wealth, things of value, small businesses and jobs. The public sector creates nothing of value for our economy. Why should private sector tax payers be forced to pay for the pensions and salaries of public sector employees that don’t create wealth for our economy? It’s just common sense. The public sector doesn’t pay nearly as much for benefits and they make much more then those that are paying for them to live and retire worry free lives. for the past two decades unions have been losing ground in business and gaining membership among federal employees. Why do federal employees need the AFL-CIO? I believe it should be illegal for federal emloyees to unionize; federal employees work for us, it’s not the other way around.
Unions are being exposed for the archaic, anti-free market organizations that they have degenerated into. The mid-term election of this past November not only lead to a histroic republican pick up in congress but it also wiped out the ‘farm team’ of state democrat law makers for a decade. American’s a tired of unions, social spending programs, government waste and the assualt on productive members of society. It’s time to take the kid gloves off and get serious about cutting the federal budget.

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