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What Do You Think Of The Situation In Madison, Wi? Should Governor Walker Care About Cutting His Budget?

Those 14 Wisconsin state senators will have to return from Illinois eventually and when they do the collective bargaining bill will pass in that states house. I believe those public sector teachers that have called off work for the past 3 days should be summarily fired. Their in a precedence for this. In 1981 President Reagan gave the striking air traffic controllers one day to report to work, when they failed to report he fired 11,000 of them and replaced them with National Guardsman. Governor Walker should fire every absent teacher on Monday morning and replace them with some of the thousands of fresh graduates across the country that would love to have the job. Those teachers make $20,000 more on average then the average Wisconsin; if you add in the benefits that they receive and don’t pay for the disparity goes up to $50,000 more per year. Who is really hurting here, the teachers or the kids that are at home all week with parents that can’t go to work because they can’t leave the child alone?
Governor’s across the country need to balance their state budgets, even if the federal government decided to put it off for another year. Today we are faced with budget deficits that present a real danger to the dollars place as the world reserve currency, the IMF, several EU nations and China have expressed interest in the past 60 days in using another currency as the world reserve currency; if that happens life as we know it in America while cease to exist.
We can no longer afford to have tax payers pay for public sector employees pension and salaries. We can no longer afford to pay hundreds of billions of dollars per year for welfare and social security. Tax payers certainly can not afford to for every Americans health care. People have to take cuts and pay more for benefits or we are all going to suffer through hyperinflation.
It’s no secret that the private sector creates wealth, things of value, small businesses and jobs. The public sector creates nothing of value for our economy. Why should private sector tax payers be forced to pay for the pensions and salaries of public sector employees that don’t create wealth for our economy? It’s just common sense. The public sector doesn’t pay nearly as much for benefits and they make much more then those that are paying for them to live and retire worry free lives. for the past two decades unions have been losing ground in business and gaining membership among federal employees. Why do federal employees need the AFL-CIO? I believe it should be illegal for federal emloyees to unionize; federal employees work for us, it’s not the other way around.
Unions are being exposed for the archaic, anti-free market organizations that they have degenerated into. The mid-term election of this past November not only lead to a histroic republican pick up in congress but it also wiped out the ‘farm team’ of state democrat law makers for a decade. American’s a tired of unions, social spending programs, government waste and the assualt on productive members of society. It’s time to take the kid gloves off and get serious about cutting the federal budget.

No Responses to “What Do You Think Of The Situation In Madison, Wi? Should Governor Walker Care About Cutting His Budget?”

  1. Ken says:

    I am a Pennsylvania State employee. Three years ago we started paying onto our medical benefits for the first time ever. We pay 5.5% into our retirement package. Guess what??? We still have it much better than most in the private sector. Wisconsin govt. employees need to grow the hell up and quit being so damned selfish. Their union leaderes are looking out for themselves, not the workers. If there are no concessions made, there will be lay-offs or furlough, or both. Workers will be out of jobs, but the union thugs will still have theirs…….. Why can’t people understand this?? Are the unions willing to lower the percentage of pay they withhold from their member’s paychecks for dues?????? I highly doubt that….

  2. Taylor Hurley says:


  3. Angi says:

    For those of you who seem to not understand…the teachers don’t care if they have to pay into their own health and pension the problem they have is them taking away the collective bargaining. It would end most collective bargaining for state, county and local workers, except for police, firefighters and the state patrol. I think the teachers should have to put in for their health insurance and pensions I also think all legislators should have to do the same….but you won’t hear them ever say that.

  4. The Freak Show says:

    The whole problem with our country is that nobody wants THEIR slice of the government pie to go away. Until everybody in the United States takes responsibility for this mess, we will constantly be looking at the other side as an enemy.
    The real enemy isn’t your public employees. Without the jobs performed to run our country, private industry can’t operate. Without taxes, things we all use and take for granted won’t get paid for.
    The real enemy is huge industry, huge banks, huge retail giants, and other companies that ship our jobs overseas to increase the corporate bottom line. They’re the ones who are selling this country down the river. There was a time we paid our own workers decent wages to make the things we use every day. Now we pay people in 3rd world countries to make them. Then we wonder why we have such a huge unemployment rate?
    Wake up.
    You are being manipulated to hate your neighbors who teach your kids, plow your streets, and fight crime as a diversion to what’s really going on.

  5. D.E.M. says:

    I agree with you on the Teachers and Unions, as well as the welfare. I disagree with you on Social Security and here is why.
    When an individual starts to work he starts paying into Social Security, His employer matches the amount (or since president Obama the employer now pays more than the employee. I guess this is to help stimulate job growth! Ha Ha) Check your pay stub. The average person lives to about 80, so they will be payed for 15 years figuring retirement at 65. They have payed for 45+ years in. This is not a give me, it has been payed for. I know that the Social Security program was in excellent shape during the Reagan years but the Clinton administration used our retirement money to lower the deficit and busted the Social Security Program, that would of had plenty of money to handle the present influx of baby boomers. I know other presidents had done this before but never on the scale of the Clinton Administration. They said with the money saved on interest they would put it back. Guess what never happened. Still it is payed for and those that put the money in should get their retirement.

  6. Ac says:

    Look, people has to become responsible and quit wanting everything handed to them. Why should a taxpayer pay for someone else’s retirement and health care when they are struggling to take care of themselves. Walker isnt asking for an arm and a leg here. Paying 100% of state workers just isnt possible any more———never was , but the liberals promised all these benefits to get the union vote. IT IS NO LONGER FEASIBLE

  7. sci says:

    Wow what a novel!
    Your openning question:
    Yes the Governor has to care. He has a State Contitutional requirement to balance the budget. So there is no choice. 300.000 gov employees vs 5.5 million tax payers who are sick of providing things they cannot have. I see a very clear out come no matter what the Unions or Obama say.
    Old Guy

  8. timetrav says:

    In a public sector job, if you do not show up for work without a medical excuse or a sick child or something like that, you get fired. So, I agree with you. Cuts need to be made in both the state budget and the federal budget, big cuts. If libs can’t see that, then they are just totally blind. They would rather raise taxes then to make any cuts. Just like in California, after many years of dems in control, Wisconsin and California are pretty much bankrupt. Conservatives can fix this by making extreme cuts, but libs just want to keep spending. I would hate to see a liberal’s home budget. Oh, I forget, they are the ones that owe $10,000 or more on a credit card with nothing in savings.


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