Tag Archive | "Quotes"

What Do You Think Of These Republican Quotes On The House Floor Showing They Are Affiliated With The Kkk?


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Does Anyone Know How To Modify An Existing Export Specification In Microsoft Access 2010?

In older versions of Access (2003) there used to be an Advanced button presented during the export wizard that allowed you to select and edit an existing specification. I no longer see this feature in Access 2010. I need to modify the specification to eliminate quotes. The file is being exported as an Excel csv file.
Here is the code on a button:
Private Sub Command124_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, “DEPTSpecification”, “DEPT_Employees per Dept”, “C:\” & “DEPT-” & Format(Now, “YYYYMMDD”) & “.csv”, True
DoCmd.OpenTable “DEPT_Employees per Dept”
End Sub

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What Is The Thesis Of These Two Quotes? 10 Points Best Answer?

newcomers were encouraged not to regard themselves as immigrants seeking to fit but as explorers if not coguistadores whose quest was to carve out a congenial niche in canada for their own tribes languages and customs or religions
thesis for that one?
we have a distinct culture and language and like all other people we are convinced that it belongs to us and to us alone to defend our culture
and thesis for that one?
for some reason im terrible of knowing what the thesis is

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