Tag Archive | "product category"

Any Good Dropshipping Services Within The Eu For Buying And Reselling?

Hey everyone.
What I am looking for is a dropshipping service located in the European Union because I’ll be targeting customers within the EU. Now I’m not looking for a huge company that has a state of the art website, a live chat help maybe and loads of employees because the seller (me) will be paying for all that through increased prices. What I’m looking for is maybe a few names of very basic dropship services that I can buy from because the most important thing to me is being able to buy the items cheap, of course reliability is a plus too but that’s why I’m looking for recommendations.
So if anyone can name or link me to any websites within the EU that they know of, it would be much appreciated, also I haven’t specified a product category because although I have my preferences and some past experience telling me what may be best, I am open to whatever (any niche) that can make a good profit.

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The Best Driving Techniques – Especially For Beginner Affiliate Marketers

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While selecting your affiliate product can be a pretty overwhelming process, driving traffic can bring to light a whole lot of new complications. When you’re just starting out in affiliate marketing you may find yourself constantly being bombarded with new information, a number of tips and techniques that are completely foreign to you…

However, I have found the best way to get results when you’re just starting out is to keep it simple, stick to the basic and proven techniques first and then work your way up to the more advanced stuff.

The top free traffic driving techniques that I have found to be virtually fail proof in driving highly targeted and profitable traffic are:

Article Marketing; and Blogs or review sites

The great thing about these two methods (apart from the fact that they’re free), is that they also work well together. By combining your article marketing with your blog or review site you will be able to send laser targeted traffic to your affiliate link, thus increasing the number of sales you make!

Article Marketing

This is easily the most effective traffic-getting method, and the best to start out with. The idea here is to write a series of articles based on the benefits and features of the product you’re promoting, supplying information on the niche or product category and highlighting the needs of customers in the particular niche and how your product can fulfill those needs.

You’re affiliate product may already come with a series of articles pre-written fro you, however, the majority of article sites will only accept original content. But this doesn’t mean you can’t use the information in these articles to re-write your own. The easiest way to start out writing your articles is to write down each feature and benefit of your chosen product and write one article around each.

This means if you identify 10 features and benefits, you will have 10 articles to submit to article directories. By increasing the number of articles you write, you will be increasing the likelihood of a potential customer coming across your link, clicking on it and purchasing from you.

Blogs or Review Sites

Creating a blog or review site can be a highly complementary form of traffic-generating with your article marketing plan. As a lot of article directory sites will not allow you submit your affiliate link directly into your article, you can refer them to your blog or product review site. This may seem like a longer process to make a sale, but it can actually be quite a powerful method in giving your potential customer more information (and thus more assurance) on your product and why they should purchase from you.

Again, you may have content you can derive from your products affiliate page to create your blog or review page on the product. This will make the process a lot less work for you, but again, I do encourage you use original content as it will increase search engine rating of your site (but that is a whole other topic again SEO or Search Engine Optimization).

Here you can either use your blog or review site to focus on the one product, or you can set it up as an information site in your particular niche and offer reviews of a number of related products. They each may offer the same kind of product or program or you could select a range of complimentary products.

If you’d like to take this approach, I’d recommend you focus on establishing yourself as an expert in your niche. This can be best done by creating a series of informative articles (that don’t blatantly sell) and direct people to your site where they will learn more on the products you recommend.

As you can see, promoting your product and driving traffic to your affiliate link doesn’t need to be an over complicated, tedious or arduous task… Incorporate a bit of creativity and you’ll find you actually enjoy creating articles and sites to promote your affiliate products!

If you’re just starting out in affiliate marketing, it’s important to ensure you don’t get caught up in complex traffic driving and promotional techniques. Like all things in life, aim to master the basics first and then you can really advance.

The Affiliate Marketing Institute is a specially designed course that will take you step by step through the basics and master the advanced techniques to help you establish yourself as a pro affiliate marketer http://onlineaffiliateinstitute.com

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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